Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Signs of Armageddon and the end of the world as we know it. I actually signed up for a vaccination appt today for next week. :crossed_fingers:


Getting the vaccine upstate and getting it in NYC are not equivalent experiences. It is still a logistical nightmare for many here, regardless of SES. There are different appointment websites for sites run by the state and those run by the city. We aren’t eligible to make appointments are many of the sites because appointments are rightfully reserved for those who live in higher-risk zip codes or boroughs that have the highest risk populations. For a few weeks, the only site that regularly had open appointments was in Potsdam in the Adirondacks. NYC pharmacies still aren’t vaccinating people under 60. I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but not only are scenarios different in every state, they are often different w/in the same state. I think it’s been similarly frustrating in NJ, MA, and PA.


Texas’ 7-day average of Covid cases bottomed out on March 23 at 3504 and has risen to 4088 as of March 29. Far lower than a month or two ago but I was at a game watching party tonight in Grapevine (north TX) and the restaurant was packed with no masks except by staff.

Good luck with final visits to lock down decisions.

Have you tried the Javits center? They open up tons of appointments every day. They are vaccinating about 10k people a day. I had to book at a state run facility for my immunosuppressed minor, even though I live in a high risk zip code (but all our sites are city run). Anyway, it was very easy to book the appointment. And though there were tons of people there it was run very efficiently.

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With schools like UCs receiving over 100,000 applications there is no way they have the time or staff to verify ECs in my opinion. All they can do is trust the honor system and judge risk. What admissions person is doing a patent search to verify names on patents, or patents in progress? Which admissions officer has time to verify that a particular phone app was actually developed by a student and not a parent/friend/consultant? Student is a professional translator? Student is a professional chef? Ran 200 miles to support girls in STEM? How can this be verified? Some stuff is easy to verify such as class president, national contest winner, but people usually learn of the deceit much later in life.

Auditing is a good solution but they need resources to be thorough, and it seems that admissions has to prepare for the next admissions cycle before you know it.


I know, very similar here. People are driving 3 hours downstate to get the vaccine in more rural/conservative areas where supply>demand.

Where my daughter is, there is still lots of demand, she was just fortunate she was able to get it and a lot of universities are going out of their way to get their students to the front of the line. Where my other daughter is there is lots of vaccine hesitancy especially by medical personnel sadly, but hopefully people will start to come around as they’re going to need to if they want to start doing things like they used to.

@Snowynyc You hit it. If people want it, they will find a way to get it, just like the people who are traveling 3 hours to get it. Or even in NY, driving 3 hours to a different county. But I myself forgot that there are places like Javits for people to get it and the tons of appts that @gotham_mom should be able to find one. Or travel as many others are doing if can’t find one, or just keep waiting for the supply that there will be an abundance of. Isn’t Javits also doing some overnight for the JNJ vaccine. I know some places throughout the state are doing that.

ETA: you can also join one of the vaccine finder fb groups for your area and there are tons of tips and tricks for finding a vaccine and people who will help if you don’t have the resources to find one

@anaray amazing!! Pack for GT already!! :slight_smile:


Great choices for your D! Congrats!

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Thank you. This all makes sense and she is ready to let them all go. I was just wondering if there was a reason not to. (I get nervous to not have a back up
JUST in case someting goes awry :woman_shrugging: )

Getting my first shot this morning. Since I had Covid in recent months, my doc says the first shot could be a doozy (as opposed to the second).


Also, speaking of waitlist Hell, we were in Philly for volleyball this weekend and my daughter said ‘we should go check out Penn. You know, in case they decide to waitlist me!’


Yes. My SIL just told me she was sick for 48 hours after first shot. She has Covid in Jan. She felt like it was deja vu. Fever, chills , headache, super tired but only lasted those two days. Good luck!


I was able to take my D for her first vaccination yesterday (three hours each way) thanks to a link @3SailAway shared on another thread about a mass site open to vaccinating 18+ in bordering states (our area is still 60+). When I registered her I still thought it could be a month or more (If we were lucky) to get an appointment, so when the text came barely a week later (last Friday) to pick a vaccination time for Monday I almost dropped the phone! I’m not a person who keeps my phone with me every minute (most days I leave it big chunks of time unattended) so the timing was pretty miraculous. Long, long day, as I hadn’t gotten enough sleep the night before, but absolutely worth it, and my D is ecstatic!


My sister had covid last November, other than loss of smell and taste she had no other symptoms. She took her first Moderna shot 10 days ago and had fever and body aches the day after the shot and were gone by second day. Good luck!

I assume you have been there
Up and down the mountain a few times a day. When I visited in the late 70’s I said no way and instead picked Lafayette and it nice basically flat campus

I went to Cornell and lived on West Campus, at the bottom of Libe Slope, for 3 years. Climbed the hill multiple times/day. We loved Lehigh when we visited with our D! Helps keep the freshmen 15 at bay ; )


Thank you!

Fantastic! Georgetown is a wonderful school in a great area. I feel like we need to do predictions here like for Homerdogs daughter.

Thank you! My daughter also likes the school for the location. She wants to minor in Policies and so she likes it a lot.

I am not understanding what do you mean by predictions?