Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

She wants to go to med school later and wants to apply the knowledge of policies to medical related problems. So she definitely wants to do policy minor. She wrote about it in her essays. It was so focused on how policies are important for medical related things and how ethics and science have to be considered hand in hand for that.


I felt similarly for 3-4 days after both shots. But it’s possible I had COVID awhile back before tests were readily available. Totally worth it in my opinion!

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100%!! A pet peave as a Georgetown grad!

GT: Georgia Tech

GTown or Georgetown: the good guys!


I do agree that I have to be more careful about that!

Congrats on the great Georgetown package @anaray!!

I am in Florida and the vaccines are open to 40 and up as of yesterday then will open to 16 and up next Monday. I was able to get an appointment at a CVS for Pfizer about 15 minutes away by staying up until midnight over the weekend. Then I started thinking about how excited I was to go visit my mom for the first time in 15ish months and got the urge to keep searching for a J&J shot so I could get there sooner. Stayed up late three nights in a row with no luck. Yesterday I checked on our FL Vaccine Hunters FB page a bunch throughout the day and at one point someone posted a phone number to call to get J&J appointments at a one day event about 35 minutes away. I couldn’t believe I was able to get one so my plans today are to book my trip to Boston then go get my shot!

Last night I was also able to get appointments for D21 & D23 for April 6th, D19 gets her first shot at the Tulane Hospital this Thursday. So exciting to know that by the time D19 gets home from school we will all be done.


Thank you very much!

I found the campus pleasant but not everyone is the same! It is within the city but to me felt like it was tucked into its own quiet corner. I remember that it was not very well integrated into the rest of the city by metro but there are buses and Uber/Lyft as alternatives. The campus does have some leafy green areas. A nice walk through an upscale residential neighborhood will get students to an area with the usual coffee and tea shops, restaurants, bars, boutiques, etc. Architectural style on campus is mixed - yes there are some brutalist high rises. As @4kids4us remarks, the river is also nearby and offers some outdoor recreation opportunities.

Congratulations - so great that the financial aid exceeds your EFC! It would be a wonderful option for your D.


I get the appeal of Georgetown. It is its own campus and it’s in a very upscale part of town that’s lovely (and very expensive). We spent an entire day there lounging around the town and the river. I think our kids just don’t like schools in urban areas all that much!

Thank you! It does seem like a great option. Thank you for very detailed information.

Georgetown is great. I took classes there one summer and had many friends who went there. My wife loved it for our kids, but they’re both on the STEM track. Its located in a corner of DC so you have some perks of an urban school but with its own distinct, contained campus. Very diverse student body with plenty of an international flavor (in what’s a very cosmopolitan city). Getting around DC is a little tricky (bus stop right outside the school gates, metro across the bridge
it’s a hike, Uber/Lyft), though you have everything you need in the Georgetown area. For anything related to public policy and international relations, it’s top notch. Congrats.


My D and I were having an interesting discussion about all of the WLs. She has noticed, completely not scientific, that her friends who applied to a lot of schools are getting waitlisted more often and her friends who applied to a few are not getting WL.

Is there a way schools can get an idea of how many schools an applicant applied to?


This is pure speculation; but I would guess kids who applied to fewer schools were able to show more demonstrated interest and tailor their essays more specifically to the school in question. I did read somewhere that schools scrutinize essays carefully, and shotgunning makes such tailoring difficult.


No. But applying to 25 schools that have unique essay prompts will lead to a lot of crappy essays.


Have heard that too. Hang in there!

Yeah I think that could be part of it. There was one specific kid that applied to 3 and got in 3 who wrote all of her essays in an afternoon and has not visited any schools though.

Maybe the colleges found a hack in the code like all of the Ivy applicants are currently looking for

Thanks a lot! Very encouraging and nice reply.

Haha, my daughter has been lucky since she is living in a sorority near North Campus, and next year in Collegetown, but we’ve walked that hill a few times and other than her doing some sledding on it, I don’t think she has any clue how lucky she is to have avoided it. Probably a good thing as I think I have the only kids who actually lost weight freshman year, and unlike their mother, they can’t afford to lose it!

Lehigh to me way worse, lol. Of course my son and I had just each been recovering from back surgeries and it was hot as hell. Also, recently they had some huge greek life scandal, I think with sororities maybe. If you google online you can find it.

If your daughter wants something with policy and/or government then DC is the place to be. U-Wisconsin has a top political science program as well but not sure that’s on your list and it’s outrageous for out of state.

I just think kids who apply to a large number of top schools seem to think their grade and ECs are stellar and they don’t need to do the work to show fit and interest. D took all summer to wrIte her essays. They each took a LONG time. She went back and forth with edits from her AP Lang teacher for months. He didn’t change one word but would ask a lot of questions about each one, making sure each word was there for a reason. He would comment if something wasn’t clear or if she was rambling. She spent a lot of time researching before she wrote. I’m not sure she has any friends who spent that much time. I think a lot of her AOs felt ok admitting her because she’s a strong candidate but also because they think she will enroll.

She only had two waitlists out of 13 apps. One was the Denison one which gave her merit if she decides to take a WL spot so that was protecting yield and the other was Wake. No one from her school got into Wake. All WL and deny. They’ve accepted four to five each year but the last to go was there was three years ago and I think they’ve given up on us. I do wonder, if she took the WL spot, if she’d get in. My gut says yes.


My last post on this before I get banned. FWIW, “Javits” is trending on Twitter b/c people are having a hard time getting appointments again.