Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

U Wisconsin is not in her list. What about real high reaches like Yale or Princeton? Do they have good political science minors? I know it is hard to get in though! Just curious.

I think for policy and opportunities to intern in policy, you cannot beat Georgetown. A friends son graduated two yrs ago and he had such a great experience and is now working on the hill.


Thank you! This is a good info.

My S had a similar approach. And it’s making it hard to cut away the acceptances because he did put in the time to envision the fit for both himself and the school. His two no essay applications felt like after thoughts without further demonstrated interest (and deservedly were rejections.)


i think essays depend on the person in terms of how long it takes to create a quality essay; I know that some of my D’s friends started the essays the day of (I watched them create a new google doc :rofl:) and have had success at many schools. Me? I would’ve started in June but I guess it has worked for them so far!


Nope I haven’t been to Lehigh. Our best friend’s daughter went there and I never heard one complaint. I went to a school, where part of the campus was on a large hill. The SF Bay Area has enormous mountains/hills. It’s just exercise. :wink:

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In our case that would be highly unfortunate. We failed to submit a couple of optional things, but hard to get into those two anyway. Also skipped a lot of virtual stuff. But research, essays took a long time and toured and DI at two of his WL. It’s the year of the WL. He did get into Colgate, a last minute throw on.


@anaray for sure + brand equity. A lot of politicians have come from Princeton and Yale and the network is worth its weight in tuition if you can afford it. That said, Georgetown is in the hotbed of everything so if money was an issue, GTown would be the next best option

Thank you. And she is accepted for Global Health Major, which I am not sure how much biology she will learn or how much policies are there in it. She may have to take premed courses if they are not embedded in the global health major already.

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Just heard that Walgreens opened for anyone in NY. People are talking about it in different groups I’m in. So you should try that. CVS also there are lots of tricks to find the openings.

Like I said, join the vaccine finders fb groups for your area and you’ll find one much faster than you think. I joined and the same day found one for my husband.

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Agree with this.

@anaray She is right about brand and equity. My husband was a political science major at Cornell which had a good program back then, not sure about now as that was in the late 70’s and then went on to law school and worked for a summer in DC. He is a history nut loves all that political science stuff, so even if not going to school in DC, it is still possible to get jobs there later. But ultimately G-town is a great school and if money is not an issue, it seems like she can be right in the thick of things from day 1.

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There could be a whole thread on essays - maybe there is ! In any case, I watched our D spend an enormous amount of time on her essays beginning last summer. Interestingly, very late in the process when she thought she had them buttoned up, she ended up scrapping her “main” essay and completely re-writing it in a very short time. Looking at her application as a whole, she felt she could best use the space to highlight another, more important facet of her as a person that was not found elsewhere. It was a gutsy and introspective move. She was so committed and invested in her original topic that it was unthinkable to let go but once she did, it almost wrote itself and it captured her voice magnificently.


And I really see the importance of fit and description about the fit in the essay after Georgetown acceptance. Because all she wrote was about policies and healthcare and the major is very closely related to her essay. Next year students should remember it when they write their essays.

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Thanks for the tip. We’ll give it a whirl. It would be great if Walgreen’s opened up appointments when 18+ are eligible next week. They are everywhere. (Last time I checked CVS wasn’t vaccinating in NYC.)

Fit is always important but perhaps was even more so this year, when colleges do not have their usual tools to predict yield.


My friend just found CVS appt in Cortland but you could be right about NYC. The key is to not put where you are looking and just skip the section and click find by my location and places will open. That’s how I just got my son.


Fellow West campus Cornellian here as well!

Bold! Mine did some rework when he kept feeling it was falling short on projecting his voice and authenticity. But he did it within the original construct. He really wanted to nail the essay as he considers writing one of his strengths.

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I can’t help with the distance issue but I have a daughter at ASU. The airport is very easy to navigate and the school is 15 mins away which is great. School spirit is amazing there. Pac 12 games, professional sports, every store you can imagine, beautiful hiking and lots to do. My daughter in nursing, is thriving there. She choose ASU for direct entry into her program and hasn’t regretted for a moment. We are in N Cal so a quick flight but 12 hour drive. She goes to Dutch often.

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Interesting thing is I have seen my own children write the essays in very different fashion. My D21 was SLOW- spent summer writing, editing, working with her teachers to fine tune. Did not want to apply to a lot of schools because did not have the endurance to put everything she felt she needed to into extra essays. My S17 on the other hand literally wrote essays while eating lunch or waiting for football practice to start. Literally dashed them off and got mad when I suggested he ask for editing help. Got in everywhere he applied and one of his essays is now part of the ‘book’ they show prospective students at one of the schools of their favorite application essays. Go figure. My point is people have different processes and you definitely need to respect those differences. I wish D21 would have applied to a couple of schools but she asaid no way based on the number of essays they required.