Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Great meme to share with my WL bar peeps


And for ivy day


Exactly! This year’s admission is mostly based on fit as the academic assessments are all over the place with it being TO and schools being virtual is not helping with GPA as well.

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I guess I was the only one who thought my kid would fit into G-Town
never been so wrong
then again, what do I know? :rofl:

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Thanks! I will share your insights! We are an ACC family and east coast, so clueless about Pac 12 :-). We’re in bed by the time your night games come on ;-).

We visited ASU a couple months ago, but was a very quick trip. She’s basing her spirit impression on how few people were wearing ASU gear the day we were there. Only saw a couple (and one guy wearing a UNC shirt, lol). At UNC most days there’s nowhere you can look walking through campus without seeing people wearing Carolina blue. After she pointed out the difference, I have watched some YouTube college campus type videos and I think it’s that UNC is more the outlier. Even the fire engines in Chapel Hill are painted Carolina blue.

From everything I have seen students seem to be having great experiences at ASU, so lucky her, it seems she can’t really make a wrong choice.

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Boy, the USC decision thread is busy today. I logged on with 500+ messages and then another 150 and now 385 :). I have a bittersweet relationship with USC. They were upfront in Feb about kids who were not invited to interview for the full tuition, half tuition scholarships, etc. We were invited, so we immediately crossed it off our consideration set. I’m not sure what’s been a cleaner break? Johns Hopkins and Vandy rejections or USC. I’m ranking break up’s at this point. Maybe the WL bar can also be a breakup bar.


You aren’t kidding! It’s been at the top of the latest threads all afternoon (well, EDT afternoon) and the post count seems to go up by 100 messages every 10 minutes or so. Good luck to all waiting for decisions!

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And USC doesn’t have a waitlist. Straight up rejection. I need to reserve my place at rejection bar and let go of waitlist bar today. Otherwise rejection bar will be full soon!


I think the rejection bar cocktails give less hangover than the waitlist bar’s. :crazy_face:


Wow, USC’s not concerned about yield management like so many others. Big game for USC tonight!

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When is USC’s decision tonight? I am sure about 30 kids applied from our school. My son thinks like 50 lol. He crossed it off based on their number of essays, I think he had major burnout by they and also after we saw ED numbers everywhere knew they would be so ridiculous that it wasn’t worth it. He didn’t love the school enough to deal with it and for whatever reason the kids they take from our school have something unique and are more diverse academically which I think is great. They also seem to be big on service and student council types of things which admittedly my son is not much so and focuses his time elsewhere. I am curious though to see if we get our usual 5 or so acceptances or if it’s like other schools have been and we get like 1, if even 1.

Good luck to all!

What other schools besides are still other there (aside from Duke and Ivies)? I think Rice RD is today too.

They think that it is at 3 PM Pacific Time.

USC doesn’t have a waitlist but they do offer spring admission to a number of students. If spots open in the fall, they will offer spring admits those spots.

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NYU and Tufts.

Glorified waitlists! Or may be longer waitlists where you have to be waiting till Spring. Then back to waitlist bar with twice as many shots for a longer wait.

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And Stanford as well. I wish April 9th gets here fast!

Fortunately the Ivy day is not on April 1. Then we will be April fools with waitlists after waitlists!

A couple of kids I was helping are waiting on Rice.

Same thing for my daughter. We visited USC and it was a top choice of hers until she came to their essay requirements and realized they were different from all the other schools and she said “I’m done with this”. As a UW grad I wasn’t pushing USC anyway so I was fine with her dropping USC from her list.

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My D19 goes to Emory in Atlanta, so after driving by & around Georgia Tech many times, I just automatically think of GT as Georgia Tech. (She is thinking if applying to the 3/2 engineering program between Emory and GT.)


@anaray Argh! S21 has swim practice til 5pm. I’m going to have to sit and wait to hear about a rejection.

Note to self: get portal passwords for D24 when it’s her turn