Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@anaray, wow!! Congratulations! :confetti_ball: I recall that @SammoJ s21 was also accepted EA to Georgetown, but I don’t know whether he will be committing.

Vassar is tomorrow “at the end of the business day” whatever that means.


We have a spreadsheet with all the links and user names etc., but I never look at the decisions. Which crap reminds me he has tennis next week when Ivy Day is. I just realized that! I need to find out when he will be there. Hoping after decisions but what a crappy night that may be.

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I don’t have any portal logins, plus I feel like my S should be the one seeing his decision first.


Yes on GT. We are flying there next week - no tours, but at least he can see it.

Does anyone know anyone at Georgetown? S21 was accepted EA, is beyond excited, but has never visited, and his exposure is based on brochures and virtual events. He has contacted the student ambassador program and is hoping for an unofficial tour. He would also love to meet any prof there, just to get a feel for things. He is planning to major in economics/political science, but he does understand there is a substantial LA core and would be willing to have coffee with literally anyone.

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I live in SC and have always associated GT with Georgia Tech. And now that S21 is looking at Georgetown, I keep saying GT for Georgetown, which is probably confusing.

The they have an admitted student parents FB group?

I just joined one for a school my son is admitted to and they will put you in contact with students and faculty through the group.

My kids would murder me if I looked at decisions before they did!


:joy: I do enjoy the, “Dad, where’s mom?” S21 tells me his news every time so that makes me feel good. I mean, I’m not flexing or anything but DH was overheard asking a coworker if his daughter still goes to UC Monterey. ■■■. He’s from CA while I’m from WA. There doesn’t exist a UC Monterey. And then he tells his coworker that S21 was denied at UCLA. I mean, I know he wasn’t accepted, but I had to text Dh from my office to tell him waitlist is NOT a rejection. So, yeah, maybe I don’t need the portal access because I do enjoy S21 tell me first. Kinda like when he was an infant, he only wanted me to tuck him into bed. :joy:


USC with the rolling admission decisions. Can I say I absolutely hate these types of notifications?!


S just got a deny from Rice after being deferred ED. This one hurts, but it’s actually his first rejection (and, amazingly, no WL). Alas, more to come, I’m afraid – he has 3 more decisions next week. Some big reaches he added over the holiday break, I think b/c he was trapped at home!

Phew, I’ll be glad when this is over.


My daughter is rejected from USC and waitlisted at Rice.


Thank you! Good that you noticed and told me.

S21 accepted to USC and Rice!!!


Kids I was helping accepted to Rice!

Sorry about the rejections and WL today and congratulations to all those with acceptances.


S21 rejected from USC, was not expecting a favorable decision anyways… Congratulations to those who got acceptance !!!


Absolutely. Another bizarre thing that happened with this D is that a great school near the top of her list completely dropped off and she ended up not applying … not because she did not want to write another essay but because she did not like their specific prompt. At all. She was actually annoyed by it so kept putting it off, doing more research about the school which only moved it down her list til it was gone !


Omg me 2. I not only simply would never do it but don’t even have their credentials to login.

I am enjoying all the good humor here about what has been a very difficult admissions season. But I have a question. If my kid declines her WL spots, am I no longer entitled to cocktails or will the bartender pour me a double?