Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Bellying up to the reject bar today with a straight up no from Tufts. This one hurts a bit as it is big for his two areas of interest and they have plane tickets to Boston next week. Ouch.


@NateandAllisMom I’m sorry :(. What else are you guys looking at in Boston? I mean, should I be the perpetual optimist and ask you to take videos of Harvard for me? Just in case? JK.


My S21 declined his WL spot, but I figured that was just the ticket to get in.



He’s admitted WPI and Vermont Honors. Also Colgate and U Mass Amherst but we are leaning away from those. Waitlisted Boston College and waiting on Dartmouth, but not counting on that one.

Good news is his choices are now better closer to home. But he really wanted to go out there and look.



Same here. Now only results we await are from Ivy Leagues, Duke, Stanford and NYU.

Wow, congrats some nice variety of choices your son has!

We are in the USC #TeamRejection group. Now I can watch Op Varsity Blues and be even more anti USC. :joy:. But if given full ride and acceptance, I would’ve sent my kid there in a heartbeat :slight_smile:

Now we wait til 4/6. There are four rejection chances.


Same here!

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4/6 is Rejection night at the WL bar.

The more rejection tickets you have the cheaper the drinks. If you have 8 rejections tickets, you drink for free all night.


UC Monterey is the funniest thing I have heard so far. I am sure someone from UC Merced is mad reading this while I am having a laughing fit here!

Georgetown is a great choice it feels now for us. Please let us know how it goes!


Already have 3. Prequalified.

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You’re fortunate that her teacher was willing to invest time in his students. Ours have been very superficial in that respect.

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@anaray Well, I did hear him mention Merced but then the coworker prob told him that’s not the school their kid goes to so then DH said, “Oh, UC Monterey,” which made it worse and made me cringe.

S21 said announced the rejection walking in the door from practice. DH asked if he would’ve gone. Seriously, DH prob has no idea how much USC costs and prob thinks we would get in-state tuition. That’s my world, people. S21 said maybe if the FA was right since it’s about the grade inflation game. But then he had to explain to his dad grade inflation.


I feel like we should legit have a virtual happy hour for WL, Rejection, Acceptance Bar on 4/6 PM (are there anymore after 4/6?). Just celebrate the parents, I swear.


Joining you at that bar for the same rejection! D21 did get a William & Mary, oos admission tonight, however.


Sorry for the rejection but you seriously crack me up!


This is so funny! It must be hilarious to be at your place.

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How do you like W and M over UVA?