Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulations for W and M.


Weā€™re in the USC rejection group too. No more decisions here. But weā€™ve already committed and USC wasnā€™t going to change that anyway. I grew up hating USC and that can now continue unabated.

And thankfully, right now, Gonzaga is handing their derriĆØres to them.

Looking forward to watching everyone else post.


Aw, thatā€™s too bad that Tufts was one he really wanted. My S is delayed at his meet so I have at least another hour to wait for their rejection. :upside_down_face: We got into UMass Amherst too but itā€™s not a favorite right nowā€¦beautiful area to visit though.


Thanks for the laughs. We have a similar situation at home. DH is so well meaning, but the only thing he remembers from the campus visits (done before Covid) is usually the food. He knows Iā€™m top of everything, and he is generally neutral about the hype around college rankings and brands.


We the USC rejection people can have Netflix Party watching Varsity Blue scandal today.


Still have the audacity to think about it.

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Thanks. Will see what next week brings as he has ivies, Stanford and Duke. Seriously considering Cal and Northwestern before he got USC and Rice, He already ruled out other UCā€™s, Michigan, GT, UW. He is looking to double major math and CS and is a bit ahead on both those for college prep. Since we are in state and close to Cal, it will boil down to what the extra $$$ buy us.


I saw some folks wondering about Umass Amherst and WPI. Here in the Boston area they are considered very respectable for CS. The kids usually get good job opportunities.


I grew up hating USC too. My boys did not apply. Did your DD commit to Cal Poly? Mine are about to do it.


Wow those are 2 great admission. Congratulations to your son

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So sorry to interject but I love this thread. You all are handling a lousy time with humor and grace.


We got our first WL!! :partying_face: :sparkler:


Admitted at Rice today, that was a school we really liked for a variety of reasons (size, culture, cost, academics).

Accepted: Rice, CMU, Berkley, UCLA, Michigan
Rejected: Cal Tech, MIT
WL: Chicago
Pending: Duke, Penn, Harvard

Would take Rice over anything but Duke and Harvard (or Chicago). Seeing some light at the end of this tunnel.


Nice school acceptances!!!

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Awesome news on the tuition! S21 pretty excited about G Town. Which college did your D apply to?

Is the campus gated and locked, or can the public access? We are hoping for a spring visitā€” even if it to just walk around the campus.

I grew up hating USC with a passion. And over the years, Iā€™ve had the opportunity to work with a few USC grads. :face_vomiting:

I canā€™t stand Tommy Trojan and I canā€™t stand ā€œFight on.ā€ Iā€™d be willing to hold my nose for 4 years, if either D was admitted and wanted to go. Neither was admitted and so I thank the ā€œGreat Powers That Beā€ that I donā€™t have to write a check to that university. :grinning:

Yes, D committed to SLO a week or two ago.


D21 admitted to USC Viterbi today. So sorry to all the kids with denials. This has been a tough year, for sure. I think this helped take the sting out of my Dā€™s GTech waitlist decision. Now she needs to decide.


She applied 35 (seriously!) colleges, a huge list and ended up with a lot of waitlists. Acceptances so far are UMich, UVA, UT Austin, Georgetown and other smaller schools.