Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Time for an update as we pretty much close the application season in our household.

International, Math Major

Accepted: Michigan, Toronto, UCLA, Berkley, Carnegie Mellon, Rice, Duke
Rejected: Cal Tech, MIT, Harvard
Waitlist: Chicago, Penn
Texas = fiasco

At this point he’s headed to Duke. It was in his top 5 schools at the beginning of the process (it was Mom’s number 1 school). If he gets off the Chicago waitlist, he would take that over Duke most likely. He’ll take Duke over Penn.

Even though there was a lot of anxiety throughout the process the results pretty much turned out as we had predicted when we made the list. We thought he’d have a decent chance at the top 6 schools, and that he would have very strong chance in the targets on his list even though there were no guarantees.


Reject bar for us! Rejected from Dartmouth and Brown. She is currently holding admits to Smith and BMC. Leaning toward Smith b/c she loves Northampton and feels they are more her people. More $at BMC but without being able to visit it’s tough. And she has an offer to play soccer at Smith as well.


Thank you and sorry for you as well.

S21 waitlisted at Cornell, which adds to the list of UCSD, UCLA, UIUC, CMU.
Rejected to MIT (doesn’t have a waitlist) and our miscalculated safety of CalPoly SLO for CS :slight_smile:
Accepted to Davis, UCSB CCS for computing and UT Turing CS program.
Waiting on Stanford just to finish this cycle.

No complaints with the final results. Would have liked to have UCLA as an option to compare, but CCS and Turing program were right up there with Stanford in our original ranking.

Any opinions on CCS and UT Turing welcome. Not going to be an easy choice.


Rejected, Columbia and Wharton (legacy). UChicago (#1 choice), here we come!
4 rejections (NU/G-Town/Columbia/Penn), WL at Rice
Accepted: Chicago/Duke/Boston College/UF Honors/SCU/CMU/Emory

It’s Chicago for us!

Congrats, everyone! :partying_face:

Wish your sons and daughters much success and a bright future!


You are so correct! She has Georgetowns, Echols at UVA, and Michigan. She also has Presidential Scholarship at NYU. She just found out that she is the Valedictorian today.


My boys got into Cal Poly SLO but NOT for computer science. We know many friends who did not get in or got waitlisted who thought it was a safety. It came up as a safety for my boys on some online calculators but I did not think that was the case. It was definitely a mistaken safety for many folks.


Where is she committing?!? :slight_smile:


On this note, I really wish there wasn’t such a bias against the Cal States. My fellow Californians are shooting themselves in the foot by not having their kids apply to the cal states with the same fervor they apply to the UC’s! My son applied to 6 Cal States and 1 UC (Davis) and was accepted to all of them. It has given him great choices and no disappointment there. The Cal States have some amazing programs and in my sons case, San Jose was his first choice, and he was accepted and he is over the top excited! Many of the programs there are very impacted and his program, Animation, the impaction score was a 4.0 to be accepted for next fall, so as you can imagine no so easy to get in! I’m sure some Cal States could be considered “safeties” but really it all depends on your major. If it’s Computer Science I don’t think any of our schools are safeties anymore, and there are many other impacted majors too.


Hope your son gets off the Chicago WL so we can meet ftf!

Good luck!


Reject bar for us too! S21 not upset since he has great options.


He’s beating himself up for not having switched to ED2 and ending up on the waitlist.

We (the parents) and the guidance counselor were against it. He had Chicago fourth on his list behind Harvard, MIT and Cal Tech (all incredibly difficult schools to get into). Our thinking was why trade three shots at the ring for a better shot at the fourth school on the list…he eventually agreed and did not go the ED2 route.

Three rejections later, he’s beating himself up over this. Chicago was a late addition to his list, but the more research he did on the school the more he became interested. He is a very bookish/intellectual type of kid; by all accounts I think he would fit in very well there…so we’ll see how it shakes out.


Congratulations to all that got in their desired schools, and I will congratulate those that didn’t too because your kid is going to do fabulous wherever he/she goes. It’s been the most unpredictable year in the history of admissions and these kids are going to be resilient because of this. It’s all about personal fit eventually, and not brand. Disclosure: We didnt apply to the Ivies, and are about to commit to Colby.


Completely agree. Here is what happened with my son who applied for CS:
Accepted: Stanford REA (Legacy), UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCSC, San Jose State, McGill (SW Engineering), St. Andrews
Waitlisted: UC Davis, UCLA
Rejected: Berkeley EECS, Brown, Cal Poly SLO

Will attend Stanford.


Ah congrats!!! Those are some amazing schools, and Stanford will be a fabulous choice I think! My son also applied to Stanford, regular decision, so we will find out tomorrow, but they don’t have a specific program for Animation, so he applied to Studio Art there. Congrats to your son!! :clap:

Thank you for the thoughts. My S is 0-17. Yes we applied to a ridiculous amount of 17 schools and didn’t get into any of them. He attends a good academic public HS. He spent his HS years saying no to friends that ask for him to attend social functions. He would come home from his sporting events (he played two sports in HS) and be up most of the night studying or getting projects completed. He did all of that to attend college. Not that there is anything wrong with community college but that is not where he wants to be. He is having an extremely difficult time with other students in his class that are behind him in rank and SAT being accepted. I am having a hard time explaining it as a parent. We (as his parents) did something wrong. We thought we had researched it. Oh well, you live and learn. He will recover and be fine. Life is full of lessons you just have to take the time to learn from them. Congratulations to all! This is an exciting time for everyone. A time that will be remembered forever!


I’m a little in shock right now sitting on a soccer bench watching D24’s first high school game and can’t concentrate. S21 got into Brown. Deferred but got in RD.


Great options! Congrats!

Nice! Congrats!

So sorry to hear that. I will keep my fingers crossed for your son! My son is like that, too. The intellectual type, history buff but very good at math also. He wants to do Econ/Stats, prob. minor in history, and Chicago has been #1 on his list for as long as I can remember. BUT because he thought he had a better shot applying ED to Wharton, he started to do more research on Penn and kind of started loving Penn, too. He got deferred ED and I think that was it for him. Never submitted the LOCI, never looked back. Started applying where he thought he had a chance and got the Chicago decision two days before his birthday (Pi day…lol). He’s been pretty happy ever since, so today was like a ‘whatever’ almost. IF he had gotten into Penn, I think he would want to visit and compare the two, but the decision had already been made.

Wish your son the best of luck with Chicago!