Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Oh my goodness!!! Huge congrats!!! We still don’t know, we are cruising around Santa Cruz, we’ll check tonight when we are back at the hotel. Expecting rejections, lol. But this is awesome for your son!! PLME or regular?

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Congratulations! Will he be letting you give up your seat at the WL bar? :wink:

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Celebration in our house tonight as daughter was accepted to Brown (after being deferred ED). Waitlisted at Dartmouth. She was ready to commit to Lafayette College as they offered her a generous merit scholarship but I’m thinking she is now leaning towards Brown.

Final Results:

Accepts: Brown, Boston College, Colgate, Lafayette, Tufts, Richmond, Wake Forest
Waitlists: Dartmouth, Lehigh


@nichols51 LOL. Ironically, Brown Bruins a year but UCLA Bruins a waitlist. He dealt with three bear-related schools this year.

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On May 1 or thereabouts, NACAC publishes a list of schools that are still accepting applications. Some of them are quite good schools and some even still offer financial aid at this late date. Your son should have his application materials ready to go (many are just common app essay and done).

Arizona State is still accepting applications and has a great honors program and with his stats he would get a good merit award. University of Arizona is also accepting applications through May 3 - great new honors college and beautiful campus and he’s be eligible for merit. There are other options, I am sure.

We are also seeing top students at D’s school get denied and lesser students get WL or accepted. Who knows why? You didn’t do anything wrong. There are still opportunities available.


@MommaLue Congrats!! That was a great bet against yourself with the Irvine deposit.


Congrats on the great success!

For the WL bar buddies - am I the only one who counts the schools and starts thinking about these schools’ yield and waitlist movement?


I imagine there is going to be a ton of waitlist movement very, very soon. My daughter, for example, is going to sleep on it but plans to commit to Brown tomorrow. That will open up spots at the six other very wonderful colleges where she was accepted.


Yes, same here with Cal Poly CS.


Wow. Who does Cal Poly think they are this year? :laughing:


I agree with mamaedefamilia. You did nothing wrong. This is one of the wackiest application seasons and everything was unpredictable. Not much made sense. Hang in there. @mamaedefamilia made some great suggestions!


Actually, they WL-ed him, I forgot. Anyway, quite irrelevant at this point.

Congrats to all our kids with their choices! May the next year be better!

Rejected Brown but doesnt care—going to Duke!! In addition to Duke(reach), Accepted to all matches: Davidson Wake Boston College Wm&Mary , rejected 3 reaches (Pom, Vand, Brown), accepted to the safeties. No WL but I will hang w all of you at the WL bar and cheer you on. She had already declined everywhere but Davidson, and declined there tonight. Special place and would have been a great fit, but Duke is too!
This has been a brutal yr at her school—still waiting to see how it all shakes out, but definitely tougher than any other yrfor T30 Unis /T15 lacs.


@jntwinmama LOL. My long SoCal ride with the four boys last weekend and then the $270 (we even did the $20 housing)! Best waste of money ever? We are going to try to go before 5/3 before he decides.


Another thought—I see more than usual defer-accepts on the ivies and ivylikes! Aiming for yield I suppose? Clearly those kids are the super interested ones.


If you would not have made the trip and not paid the deposits, he would not have gotten in to Brown!

In addition to Az State, consider Iowa State. It is a top 125 school, gives amazing merit at least to bring tuition down to in state rates for most and you find out immediately! I have been super impressed with administration and though S21 is not going there, many of his peers do and are very very happy!

@jntwinmama it’s only weird if it doesn’t work! And he’s gotten in every time I’ve not been home.

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There are many schools still accepting applications, including the ones some posters have already suggested. I would add U Alabama, U Dayton, Rutgers, and Oregon State to the list, but there are more, and will be more the first week of May on the NACAC list.

If you are interested, there are many knowledgeable posters who could help brainstorm options. I suggest you start a new thread, and highlight your S’s stats, what type of school he is looking for, and budget. Of course CC and then transfer could work too, but that is not his only option.


Hoo boy, without D’s Cal Poly SLO acceptance in her desired program, this whole process would have been seen as less than desirable for us. Thankfully, Cal Poly SLO came through “for the win.”

Congrats to all the Ivy acceptances today. And to all the families dealing with rejections, hopefully everything will work out for the best.

A special shout-out :+1::muscle::soccer::soccer::soccer: for @pelomom and her D getting recruited to play soccer at Smith. I have a soft spot for recruited athletes. It’s tough road to hoe there.