Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congrats! Cal Poly was the secret lotto school this year apparently and she hit it! :partying_face:

Ps. I knew you were going to comment. :rofl:


After our trip this weekend, she decided to commit to W&L. She spent a day with some current students and a couple of admitted students who had already committed and felt she would find her people and thrive. I was a bit surprised she made her decision so quickly but am so glad to be done!


Also, look into the University of New Mexico. They give excellent out of state financial aid. They are well know for anthropology and engineering (2 National Labs close by). Great skiing within a couple of hours (Taos, Santa Fe, Sandia Peak). Pretty area. Mountains!

April 15 deadline.


Congrats on all the ivy acceptances and waitlists! Hugs for anyone dealing with the disappointment of rejections from the crazy reach schools. Everything will work out.


I am just sharing my thanks for all I have learned and the companionship in this journey.

My son, who is an amazing kid but does not have the credentials of many of your kids, has not made up his mind but will likely decide between U MN - TC and U Miami. He is not a top 1-2% kid like many of yours - more like a top 6-7 % kid based on standardized testing through the years/GPA/class rank etc… He had some stellar state-champion-like ECs and a pushy mom so we tried for a lot of reaches, all to no avail. I am not disappointed in most of those rejections because we never really felt it was anything but a lottery ticket. He would have done fine at many of these T20 schools had he been lucky enough to get in, but he was also aware that his choices in rigor and GPA, as well as the limitations of his own intellectual curiosity and motivations, made him not really competitive or at least a long shot. But we were deeply hurt by rejection to U Wisconsin Madison. He was squarely in their 50-75 percentile for objective data, from a contiguous state with tuition reciprocity, and was very motivated to attend. Our Spring Break ended on a sad note by a surprise rejection Friday night. Anyway, lots of luck to all your kids! I’ll be back with my Type A, super high achieving daughter in 2 years - shooting for the stars again.

Accepted: Iowa State, AZ State, U of MN - TC, CU Boulder, UCSC, U Miami

Rejected (half after deferrals which feels manipulative now, the Top 20 schools all outright rejections): UNC, ND, Michigan, USC, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, Berkeley, Wash U, Emory, Case, NW, BC, Madison, Duke, Cornell, Brown


I’m nervous to be ringing a lot of bells tonight and my S is not anywhere near deciding. But, makes me think there is hope for those of us at the WL bar. Also Rick Clark said public school survey indicated that deposits are coming in more slowly than usual so far. Yep, I’m totally still stalking him on Twitter.


Yes! ASU and U of Arizona would be a great option. Check them out!!

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Cal Poly did us right as well. One of my twins was waitlisted at UCSC and UCSB (not CS) which most certainly would have been a safety and a match in previous years.


Thanks!! She was offered the spot to apply ED but wanted to hold out for Merit $ and to see where else she got in. Luckily the coach still wants her (We started the process when she was a sophomore)! It’s been a LONG road, she tore her ACL’s BTB Junior and just before Senior year.


Congrats! All Awesome schools!

Your dare to Ivy Leagues worked! I almost forgot about it.


Which is why you, her and your family deserve that “special recognition.” Both ACL’s and STILL made it to Smith’s soccer team. Wow!

As the old saying goes, “I’ve been there. I’ve done that. And I got a t-shirt.” :wink:


This board all needs a party. We are all surviving and/or thriving?!

Recap on our end:

S rejected by:
Vandy, Duke, Brown

S accepted to:
UF, FSU, Wake Forest, Davidson, and George Washington (GWU)

Surprisingly, no WL’s but thankful for that.

Headed to GWU with Presidential Scholarship.

(Interestingly, it was the only school we visited that he actually asked for us to take his picture at! He fell in love the day we toured and we are happy he is happy!)

We are done!!!


It is so nice that he has Presidential scholarship! Congrats!

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I thought I knew most of these, but CCS? What is that?

I’ve spent time there. Albuquerque would be a pretty interesting place to go to school.


I believe it’s College of Computer Science in Carnegie Mellon

So in the end we have: SCU, WPI, Colgate, UCSD, UCSC, Vermont Honors, CU Boulder, Seattle U, U Mass Amherst, and others.

WL: Notre Dame, Boston College, U Washington Seattle, UCLA, and UC Davis. Pretty good WL list, so he could roll with a summer shift.

Rejected: UCSB (figured), Tufts (ouch), Dartmouth dream school (:cry:), Cal Poly (what?), Williams, Middlebury.

Not sure what will happen from here. Oye! How long do we have to deposit? :grimacing:


Western Washington University in Bellingham is still taking applications. It is a WUE school so tuition discount if you are from another western state. They have a business school and computer science and it would be hard to find a prettier place to go to school, right on Puget Sound and halfway between Seattle and Vancouver BC. It was my daughter’s safety school if she didn’t get into UW. It is trending upwards as they get more and more spillover from UW in this fast-growing state.


My son’s friend is sad that he was rejected at the Ivies where he applied. Kid got Regents with CS major at UC Davis and UC Santa Barbara. (he was waitlisted at Berkeley.) My son is trying to convince him that these are great choices. What are the benefits of Regents at these schools besides the merit money? I am asking at son’s request.