Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I don’t have a Class of 2021 kid, but I’m a former Gaucho (class of '95!) and UCSB’s College of Creative Studies is pretty amazing. If one of my kids was picking between, let’s say, UCSB CCS, UCB, and UCLA, I would absolutely tell them to go with UCSB’s CCS over the other 2…especially if there’s any thought that your kid might want to go to grad school. When I was attending UCSB, CCS students got graduate student library book check-out privileges…among other perks. SO much more 1-on-1 time with top notch professors, whereas at UCB or UCLA, you will be battling it out in classes of 100’s of students.


My heart breaks for you and your son. The process is ridiculous and random. I’m sure some schools were protecting yield and thought he would turn them down.
Can his counselor help. Sometimes counselors have connections that they can use in these situations.
Definitely still apply, even before the May 1 announcements. I don’t know if ASU is still accepting students into the Barrett Honors College, but look into that soon because some kids will have withdrawn tonight after hearing from Ivies.
If nothing else if he does a gap year or CC for a year he will probably be a great candidate next year when things normalize a bit.
I am so sorry, this year has been crushing for so many. Keep us posted if anything good happens!


Shocked that tonight after a slew of waitlists D got a Penn acceptance (test optional) with an invitation for Ben Franklin Scholar.
Accepted: Penn, William and Mary, UVA oos (full ride from Jefferson scholarship), Oberlin, American U, UVM, URI, UNH.
Waitlisted: Harvard, Brown, Cornell, Columbia, Duke, Williams, Georgetown, U Chicago, Northeastern. Is there a record for WLs? Do I get my own bar?!
Rejected: Princeton, Yale (stung a bit bec. she sent a heartfelt LOCI and then an update after an eventful March - winning the state science fair and testifying for a bill she introduced last year), Tufts, MIT.
So grateful for some great choices and we are traveling to Penn and UVA this weekend so she can make a decision. This is the nicest group of parents with everyone rooting for each other’s kids. Let’s hope what they say is true that you end up where you’re supposed to end up!


So happy for your D! She’s got some great options! This is especially impressive in a year like this. :heart:

Laughing because I feel like our kids have circled some of the same places and I was always interested to see where yours ended up (we chatted a but about UVA.) She was accepted to Penn tonight as well!


@rarz69 No PLME but he won’t complain!! TY!


This is the final results for my daughter
Accepted: UF, UCF, FSU, UM(Miami), Lehigh, Bucknell, BC, Clemson, Colgate, UM(Michigan), WashU
Waitlisted: Barnard and UVA
Rejected: UNC Chapel Hill
Lots of decisions to make. We don’t qualify for FA and only a handful gave her some $. We are from Florida and with Bright Futures we only pay room and board. But, of course she wants to fly.
Best of luck to everyone. We learned so much here.


Congrats to all the acceptances!

Since we’re posting lists:

Accepted: UMASS Amherst ($16k merit), Mount Holyoke ($20k), UCF (full ride NMF), U South Florida (full ride NMF), UT Dallas (full tuition plus NMF), Trinity ($25k merit), Univ Houston (full tuition NMF), Arizona (full tuition plus NMF), U San Francisco ($25k)

Rejected: USC
CAP’d (Deferred admit): UT Austin (ouch)

Decision is still up in the air. Compass is pointing towards having a UCF Knight in the house though!


Congratulations!! Great schools with great merits!! Wow!! :clap::clap:

Sorry to intrude but my daughter was accepted to Michigan. We visited Ann Harbor and loved everything. The school, the town and the spirit. We are OOT so full tuition. She did apply to a scholarship but we haven’t heard anything yet. She was also accepted to WashU. Any feedbacks from Michigan would be wonderful. Thank you.


I was going to wait until all the decisions were out but since we are posting results, here is how it played out for my D. (Good luck to anyone waiting on Stanford tonight.)

Accepted: Washington & Lee (Johnson Scholar), Davidson (alternate for James B Duke full tuition), UVA, Vassar, Rhodes ($35k), Furman ($35k), Case Western ($27.5k), GaTech (in state full tuition + chem dept $2k merit), UGA Honors (in state full tuition + $2k merit)

Waitlisted: Vandy, UNC

Rejected: UChicago (after deferral), Northwestern, Duke

Decision: Washington & Lee! Committed yesterday. I really thought she’d wait until the end of April to see if she came off the alternate list at Davidson (her top choice from the beginning). However, after spending time with W&L current students and incoming freshman she made up her mind. She considered the pre-health advising, research and internship placement, alumni network, possible grade deflation, access to theatre/chorus for non-majors, social scene and campus vibe in her decision, as well as the benefits of the Johnson Scholarship. Go Gennies!


Posting my daughter’s college decisions since all of them are out finally. It has been a tough year and we are grateful for the acceptances that my daughter has.

Accepted: Dartmouth/Vanderbilt/Rice/Boston College (Gabelli scholar)/UNC (OOS)

Waitlisted: Harvard/Northwestern/UMich/NYU (Stern)

Rejected: Penn/Brown/Duke/Yale (after REA deferral)

Daughter is leaning (a lot) towards Boston College with the ~$300K Gabelli Presidential scholarship. I will be glad if she chooses BC since it will be close to home :slight_smile: The opportunities that she would get with this program are amazing. She is interested in doing Finance, Econ at their Carrol School of Management. Also, we would be full pay at the other schools.

Congratulations and Goodluck to all your kiddos!!


Thanks!! Sorry you did that as well it sucks!

@littlerobot is your daughter considering Penn? It would be hard to pass up the Jefferson Scholarship at UVA!




Here are my sons results

Accepted: TAMU 9k Merit, ASU Barrett Full tuition, UT Plan II, Bowdoin, Notre Dame

WL: Williams

Rejected: Princeton, Yale

Decision is coming down to UT vs Notre Dame.


Here’s my S21’s final list – he’s a future engineer. I’m listing these in order that decisions came in.

ACCEPTED: Pitt, Colorado Mines (merit), WPI (merit), NC State, UNC, Wisconsin, Virginia Tech (merit), Case Western (merit), Duke

DENIED: Rice (deferred ED then denied), Columbia, Penn

WAITLISTS: None – which feels strange in 2021!

Last two standing are Virginia Tech and Duke, but I expect he’ll choose Duke.


With those options I’d definitely go with Gabelli Presidential offer. It’s not even very close. Presidential offers are special and BC is great.


S21 selected: U Miami, Penn State, U Del, Scranton, St. Joseph’s U, Catholic, Loyola MD, Loyola Chicago.

S21 not selected: Boston College, Holy Cross, Lafayette

S21 placed on the extended torture list: Villanova, George Washington, Stony Brook

The current battle is between Penn State (with S19) and U Miami. Nova would be a game changer.

Congratulations and good luck to all with decisions and extended torture.


I graduated long ago, but have visited Ann Arbor with my children in recent years, and still love the city. In the business world (and I live on the West Coast), Michigan is highly respected. There are alumni in all major markets (here in Seattle, the community is pretty strong), and it is definitely a conversation started. I don’t know anything about WashU, but it is also well respected (although out here most people think you are talking about the University of Washington). All these years later, and I can still say that my experience at Michigan was transformative. So many opportunities, people from all over. #GoBlue

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