Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Correct…can’t apply EDI if you do Yale SCEA

Everyone can get in trouble, including the HS GC. Often, it’s the kids’ peers who turn them in, should it become known. Happened in D19’s class…a gal applied ED to NU, EA to Georgetown…rejected from both after classmates reported her.

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Right ok, so can a person apply to Yale and another Ivy ED in the same year?

It’s an International.

No. That is not allowed.

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They could apply Yale RD and another Ivy ED though. Rules are the same for domestic and internationals

I didn’t think so. That is so unfair to other candidates, especially internationals when there are so many applying for so few spots.


Person said he was accepted to Yale, so it was definitely not RD.

Got it, going to look on the Yale thread rn

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Wishing everyone good luck today and tomorrow as I know there are a large number of schools with EA and ED decisions coming through🍀


My alma mater! Huge consulting firm presence there as well. The Career Center does a wonderful job with placements.

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Oh, dear. This is going to result in them rescinding the offers or any offer from those two schools. They will find out, I’m sure.


I actually heard of someone who did this but with Georgetown…they got deferred from their ED school but then were waiting to hear on EA Georgetown. I don’t know them personally…and don’t know what their Georgetown result ended up being. But I was confused because we were told that REA means you CANNOT ED somewhere else. It’s annoying that others don’t follow the rules. How can a guidance counselor even allow that?


@4kids4us Congrats on Loyola!!

@srparent15 and @burghdad Congratulations on Miami!!

Nice to see good news when I logged on this morning. D21 has two coming today I think - Tulane for sure, Elon maybe.

Some kids have already heard from College of Charleston but when D checked her portal she realized it says they were missing her virtual school transcript. She took one online class but those grades go on her regular transcript so she had to email the AO and get it cleared up. She did not apply until 12/1 so I would be shocked if she heard anything from them soon.



@burghdad wow on Miami and that merit! Does it move to the top of the heap? Congrats!

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No bueno! Our GC had to sign off on D’s ED contract and then submitted LORs and transcript through Naviance to all of the schools to which she applied early. Even if a student claimed they didn’t understand what REA was, the GC should surely know?


@homerdog Thanks it is crazy to think about a full OOS tutiton scholarship. I think she likes feeling the love. She did say last night before it came the acceptance came out that she was less concerned about the idea that some of the school are out in the middle of no where. And Miami is certainly one of those. I also think she likes feeling the love.

But that scholarship would be hard to walk away from especially with her goal of either NP school or med school. She could come out of either of those mostly debt free.

Thanks @anaray and @momtogkc good luck with Tulane and Elon


@123Mom123 hoping for great news for your S21 today!


Congrats to your D! Is she getting close to making a choice?

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That is upsetting. One of the kids I am helping got deferred from Yale and it was such a bummer. Kid is top 5 in class of 840, lots of extracurriculars, Hispanic first generation student, good SAT scores.

Congrats on the Miami acceptance! Did your D18 finish all her law school applications yet? And where is she hoping to land? S18 applied to all his schools just before Thanksgiving and now we are just waiting. Very glad to have that first acceptance in hand so early though, since we were not sure how law schools view KJDs who do their undergrad in 3 yrs. Looking forward to hearing about your D18 acceptances as well as your D21.