Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Anyone have kids taking finals this week? Good luck to the kids on the admission and finals! They still need the mid year report :joy:


YES! It stinks for seniors taking finals and awaiting ED decisions! 4 Finals this week, son just finished! I guess this is one advantage of remote. Doesnā€™t have to be at school listening to all the chatter about ED. Just has to listen to it at home with the other 5 people here, lol.


Thank you!!! 92 minutes to go!!!


Happy news - D got into Colorado College EA!


@mamaedefamilia Congratulations to your D! If she chooses Colorado College, sheā€™ll have an interesting four years with the block plan.



Congrats to your D!! The name alone sounds gorgeous!!!

Our finals arenā€™t until Jan. 11. The state has mandated that kids take all state exams in person. We have been remote all year. Poor freshman will have to walk into a school they have never seen and try to find the right classroom! So stressful for them. Most seniors donā€™t have a state exam, so they basically get a week off :grinning:

Yes, mine just finished his yesterday.

Congrats @mamaedefamilia, @burghdad, @4kids4us and @srparent15! Gosh I know Iā€™m forgetting others!!

Good luck to everyone waiting for more news today! Fingers crossed!!


Thatā€™s horrible!!! Forced to take them in person?! Wow.


@mamaedefamilia woohoo! Congratulations! :tada::balloon::confetti_ball: So happy for her and for you!


Some non-college-acceptance good news here. That one college English class D21 kept getting high Bs in no matter what she didā€¦the one she ended up making an appointment with the professor over Zoom so she could understand why her grades were never making Asā€¦she got a 94 on her final research paper, which is worth a ton of points. If she gets an A or an A- on the final then she gets an A or an A- in the class. She already took the final and said she felt very good about it, so now sheā€™s just waiting and crossing her fingers.


Congratulations on all that good news!!! Crossing fingers for the decisions coming out today!!

Yesterday was tough for my Dā€¦ she did not have a decision released, but several of her closest friends were deferred or rejected. She has a wonderful group of friends and was hurting for them and getting more and more nervous about her upcoming EA decisions.


Our school district starts after Labor Day, so finals here are at the end of January.

@MommaLue we have finals today and tomorrow but s21 is exempt from his so heā€™s just chilling at home with me today while his S23 twin brothers are at school taking theirs lol

Our Fall semester ends tomorrow. Kids go back to school Jan 7 and start Spring semesterā€¦since weā€™re on a 4x4 accelerated block schedule system, that means 4 new classes! S21 will be in Dual Credit Gov, AP Micro Econ, AP Stats and of course Band.

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dramamama: exact same situation here- we are waiting on our first decision today, but most of my sonā€™s friend group has heard from at least one EA/ED, and all deferred or rejectedā€¦ so no good newsā€¦ he feels bad for them, I read the tealeaves that it isnā€™t going to go well for my sonā€¦


Weā€™re still sitting here waiting on a decision from Texas A&M (top choice). In the mean time, S21 went ahead and put down a housing app deposit for UTD and has a phone interview for the Davidson Management Honors Program at UTD next week. I am seriously shocked that heā€™s moved UTD up to his number 2 choice considering this time last year we couldnā€™t even mention UTD to him without getting an eye roll and sarcastic grunt lol. I guess staying in town (even though he will be living on campus) isnā€™t so bad after all.

I really thought heā€™d go to Texas Tech if TAMU doesnā€™t come throughā€¦maybe heā€™ll change his mind, thereā€™s still time lol


Yes, finals week here. One kid has 3 one kid has 4, both also had term papers due . It is a tough week for seniors: many have had to take an exam the morning after bad EA/ED news. Just rough. Others have had good newsā€”still distracting but not as hard obviously.
We are fully in person, so it means dealing with results in person the next day too.
Normally this is all finished the week before finalsā€”still hard but not as bad. So far, there seem to be many who applied in the early rounds.

@mamaedefamilia Congratulations on Colorado College!!

So far D21ā€™s friends have had mostly good news but all but one were places that were relatively safe. The friend who is #1 or 2 in the class just found out she got into Notre Dame, her first acceptance, so that was exciting. A bunch of reach schools come out in the next few days for that group of girls so everyone is nervous for themselves and for each other. I bought a bunch of ice cream on Monday when we thought the one ED might come out, it didnā€™t and I just noticed most of the ice cream is gone. :joy: Iā€™m heading out soon to get Christmas cards, have to run to get more ice cream while Iā€™m out!