Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Is there anyway for a college to know if someone violated the ED agreement? I know there are rumors that a school could notify another school, but for that to happen they would need to suspect it.

It sounds to me like if you can hoodwink the GC then you can cheat the system.

Congratulations to your D on CC!! My older S got in there, and I LOVED it. They had an amazing 2 day accepted student day (fingers crossed for something for accepted students!) and I wanted to go there! He ended up elsewhere, and I really wanted our D21 to apply, but the block plan sadly wasnā€™t for her. :frowning:

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Congratulations to your son!!

With common app I would think it should be easy at least for those schools, but Iā€™ve heard the Ivies and other schools talk and do find out and know. How true that is, who knows? I donā€™t have experience with that. But I have seen someone in two groups say they got into one SCEA and then applied in another ED. We called them out and suddenly in the second group theyā€™re not responding at all and in the SCEA one they claim they didnā€™t. It is smells like a rotten fish if you ask me!


My son had his micro eCon final today. We are on a 3x3 so we pick up AP Calc BC, World Geo (state required), and Macro ECon.


S21 gave in and checked. Deferred at Brown.

Whew! I finally found this thread. After all the changes, I lost all my bookmarked threads, couldnā€™t find this one and didnā€™t have the time to figure it out until now. I just skimmed some of the new posts ā€“ congrats to all who have gotten good news! My D21 is finished with her finals (yay!) and is now relaxing a little more for break and looking at some scholarship apps she needs to work on. She should be getting a decision for one of her safeties this week (?) and a couple more decisions will come in January. Best of luck to all who are still waiting!


Iā€™m sorry, and I get it. My S was deferred at his ED choice, Rice, last week. They are still in the game at least. Hang in there.


S21 deferred (Brown).

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The boys got this. We got each other at least :). Whoā€™s writing more essays this weekend? :joy:


@MommaLue and @123Mom123
Not the news you were hoping to hear. I am sorry. They positioned themselves in the best possible light for acceptance and the one thing that cannot be controlled is what the AOs are looking for as they shape the incoming class. Hoping they both get good news in the RD round. :heart:


TY Solstice.

Iā€™m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. Soā€¦he will grieve, (although he initially started cleaning his room and even vacuuming it), and then regroup and apply to some more RD schools. Thanks for your kindness!!


I am sorry @123Mom123, @MommaLue. My D ws deferred from Yale as well. Hopefully we will all hear good news in March 2021.


@123Mom123 and @MommaLue I am sorry to hear about the Brown deferrals. :frowning:

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same boat- son deferred at Brown! hang in there everyoneā€¦ remember there are way more apps than previous years, but there arenā€™t more top kidsā€¦ itā€™ll just take a bit longer for the shuffle to find the right school


Popping in from Class of ā€˜18. Just want to share that in my Dā€™s HS class more than half of the kids who got deferred from their ED schools ended up getting in RD. It seemed like, with very few exceptions, the ED kids all had a hook of some sort. So the deferred classmates looked good, very good, but the schools all wanted to lock in those hooked kids and didnā€™t have many slots left for the unhooked kids in the ED round. So donā€™t despair, but do protect yourself with other apps. Good Luck to you all!


I agree. If you look at the Brown thread I think first gen, URM, etc did better. Maybe they filled those buckets first. Deferred not deny!


Sorry about your S. Our D21 also deferred from Brown. I hadnā€™t really thought it was THE school for her, but now Iā€™m a bit sad. Itā€™s weird. But, theyā€™ll all be fine!


I just want to point out that kids with ā€œhooksā€ are getting deferred and rejected also. The only 2 kids that we know accepted to selective schools were through QuestBridge. Everyone else all accomplished URM, have been deferred or rejected from these top schools also.