Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Hugs to all who got the Brown deferral today.


There are lots of terrific applicants with a hook. It would be a shame if an applicant got overconfident with their app, thinking their hook will get them in. I think the only kids that can rely on that are the recruited athletes and maybe the kid whose parents donated a building. Legacy, URM, 1st Gen is a strong weight, but you don’t know how many other kids who have the same hook as you are applying and what their overall app looks like. I think the overall quality of the applications, as well as the number of strong applications, to the top schools keep going up for ALL the groups. So maybe 10 years ago if you were a 1st Gen with good stats you’d have a very good chance of getting in. But now there are lots more 1st Gens with good stats applying, so now your chances are a lot less than they would have been in the past.


She’s asleep! :laughing:

Deferred from Brown here also. DD3, sad because she’s tired of writing apps.

yes definitely about the apps- I of course was hoping my son would get into Brown mostly because I think it’s a great school and a great fit, but there was a part of me that “just wanted to be done!!!”

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That’s hilarious! Sleeping! Don’t you want to tickle her with a feather or something??

Two of my D’s friends got in Tulane with honors and some merit and another in at Brown. So excited for them but bittersweet after the disappointments in the friend group yesterday from Yale, UPenn & W&L.

 her friend who was rejected by UPenn yesterday got in at Tulane today! His first acceptance and she is so happy for him.


@havenoidea, @irishmam3 and @DavidRoman Sorry to hear the news, I hope your kids get great news soon.


My D21 was deferred as well from Yale yesterday and is very disappointed. That has been her dream school for a long time. I hope she gets her remaining applications done on time and moves on. Goodluck to your D for RD. I am sure it will work out for everyone in the end.

I am sorry for the deferrals and happy for the acceptances. Each kid will end up at the college that is right for him or her, I have no doubt. A year from now each of our kids will be happy and blooming where they were planted.

Just found out that D21 is accepted to University of Vermont with a $72,000 Presidential Scholarship! She is very excited. She likes UNH, but she likes UVM a little better.

There is a lottery school decision coming up in about two hours, so this UVM acceptance helps.


That’s one heck of a scholarship!


Thanks! Both UNH and UVM offered her their largest merit scholarships. :smiley: Very happy and proud of her. So no matter what happens with the lotto and reach schools, I think now she feels like all her hard work is paying off.


Congrats @JanieWalker - we adore UVM!!

D21 got deferred from Tulane. :frowning: She isn’t terribly disappointed especially after their note yesterday saying they deferred so many kids but it’s a bummer for sure. All of her stats were better than her sister (little bit higher GPA, better ECs, has a job) except test score. D19 had a 32 ACT, D21 did not submit. We went back and forth on that one, she had a 1360 but at Tulane went we attended they said they probably would only submit if it was over 1450.

She did get into Elon with a $4,500 scholarship though so that is great!

And update on her friend who was afraid she would get in nowhere - she also got in to Elon!! I am SO excited!


@JanieWalker Congrats, that’s a sweet deal and a nice confirmation of your daughter’s hard work. Fingers crossed for the lottery school!

@anaray @mommalue @123Mom123 @havenoidea, @irishmam3 and @DavidRoman @bkhstips Sorry for the deferrals from Brown and Yale but don’t give up hope just yet. These are very tough admits under normal conditions! Given the fact that apps are up at many competitive schools, they may be exercising caution because they don’t know how large the RD pool will be. Too bad that more essays are in your kids’ future!

@momtogkc Too bad about Tulane but there is still hope there as well! And great news on Elon, I hear it’s a nice school.


D21 was deferred from Tulane as well. She has good stats, but had a terrible interview. Its good experience and she will have to wait and see how RD shakes out. Best of luck to your D21, hope she is not too disappointed.


My daughter is only applying to mostly matches/safeties because she needs merit to go OOS. Thanks to covid, she’s only been to one, on a weekend visiting her sister (UD), so she’s not feeling the pressure some of her friends are, she doesn’t have a favorite. Since she received $18,000 a year from Temple and UMASS Amherst, she’s hoping for similar merit from the others. My son doesn’t have the stats for large OOS scholarship so he’s applying mostly instate. Congrats on all of the acceptances, and for those disappointed, a yea4 from now the majority will be thrilled where they landed.


Excited for my son who really does not want to stay in- state. Accepted into Honors College at UVM with 80K Presidential Scholarship. Many more decisions to come but glad he has an option to fly to a new place regardless!


What state is that? Seems like the added stress would negate any benefit of the exams.

Yes! Fabulous news! Congrats!

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@momsquared33 Congratulations!!

D21 is already feeling better after reading and hearing about all the kids who got deferred with amazing stats. So far she hasn’t heard fo one kid from her school who got in including her friend with a 1550 SAT and the valedictorian -all deferred. I thought our school had a pretty good relationship with Tulane so I feel like someone we just don’t know must have been admitted but who knows.


Just heard that a lot of kids from our high school were also deferred from Tulane. We had 5 accepted ED and some not with stellar stats. They definitely like their ED applicants for sure so if you want Tulane it appears that’s the way to go. Rough for all those kids and those of you too.

Also, sorry for those of you with the Brown deferrals but at least they have fighting chances still they are not out of the game.

Our school has not faired as well with the Ivy’s as in the past either but it’s hard to say if it’s because the candidates are weaker or if it’s because of the number of applicants. We did get 2 into Rice which is amazing so maybe they would’ve gotten into Ivy if they went that route instead. The Penn one was a legacy. Otherwise deferrals or rejections. Our turn coming up in an hour.