Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I think that’s the highest amount of merit at UVM! Glad he won’t be in TX and closer to big bro no matter what now. :wink:


We are all in this together. I’m truly happy for all the kids who got in to their ED/EA schools. I visited the other school forums because the kids who got in are so excited and they make me smile.

For the fact that our kids dared to dream big, it means they are good enough. They will end up where they’re meant to be.

Hugs to all my fellow parents!


S21 read the email and asked, “Does this mean I have to write more essays to Brown?!” :joy: These kids!


Tulane is notorious for deferring highly-qualified candidates. It appears to me to be for ranking/statistical purposes, like on US News.


Thank you and I hope your D21 gets in during RD as well!

Yep about Tulane, if you are a high stat applicant and apply ED you are in, if you apply EA, you will likely get deferred. They know they are a back-up for many applicants applying to Top 20 colleges and will defer most of those applicants.


Thank @homerdog . I am a Texan but have a fantasy about a ME or VT cabin🤣 . Perhaps i have subconsciously directed their decisions! This is a great choice for him, although he too likes the LAC’s…


D21 was deferred at Harvard. Poor kid seemed more disappointed than I thought she’d be. She applied because she knew she would always wonder “what if” if she didn’t (her father and I both went to grad school there, and she is in Cambridge two days a week so she knows the area and campus well). She prefers her ED2 choice (she will switch her app from RD to ED2 tomorrow). I told her repeatedly that she probably wouldn’t get in to Harvard, and that I would tell her that even if she had cured cancer AND invented a COVID vaccine all by herself, because the stats are against any one person getting in no matter who they are or what they have done. Still, she seems disappointed. I hope the UVM accepted students’ site cheers her a bit tonight. I have told her repeatedly that I am proud of her, and that I know they at least took her application seriously.

Now we wait until Feb for ED2 results, then March if she doesn’t get into her ED2 choice.

Good luck to everyone else out there! Everyone will be very happy this time next year no matter where they are!


Congrats to the ones who received good news and to the ones that were deferred or denied, I am sorry for the disappointing news.
What a brown out! :poop: This is pool lingo, but it seems applicable for our Class of 2021 parents and the most decisions from Brown today.
I don’t doubt that all your kids will be getting into a good college. Keep your spirits up!


My son had a good EA week and was admitted to Santa Clara U, WPI and Seattle University, all with pretty good merit aid - really big aid award at Seattle U. I don’t know if we are climbing the ladder or already at the top but happy things are going well so far. He’s pleased but preoccupied trying to finish up school. Then a few reach apps over the break and a couple more EA answers coming by January. Because of S’ hail Mary late testing, we took a more traditional, conservative path. Hopefully RD will go well but I’m happy he will have choices.

Sending positive vibes to those who had disappointing news from reach schools this week. :white_heart: We all move forward on the journey to where we are meant to be.


Realized I was revealing a bit too much in that post. I sometimes wonder if other parents from D21’s school look at this board.

@JanieWalker A deferral from Harvard is impressive! Good luck to your D in ED2.

Re EA Tulane; it’s the only EA my D submitted and it was chosen because it had a later due date. She really wants an LAC and I’m wishing now that we looked for more early non-binding options. Many of you are so much savvier than we have been.

Congrats on acceptances and hugs to those who are hurting.


Thanks, @GoldPenn.

Try not to second-guess your daughter’s strategy. Your daughter had her reasons, and they were legitimate. If there weren’t other schools with early non-binding options that appealed to your daughter, then it wouldn’t have made sense for her to apply to any other EA schools. So it was the right move, what she did and how this is playing out. Everything will work out.

It’s too easy to wish we had done something different when we don’t get what we think we want. It would be easy for D21 to now wish she had done a more realistic ED1 application, but she had her reasons for wanting to play the lotto, and I respect those reasons and that was the right decision for her. What will be will be, it’s all good.


I’m sure you know this but they often defer at Tulane and come back with would you like to apply ed2. It’s something to do with yield I’m told. But that’s when you should say yes if it’s number one.


Upthread we had a discussion about the numbers of applications to various colleges in Naviance suddenly decreasing significantly. Magically, the numbers are now being presented as they were before the decrease which is on average higher applications to top colleges compared to prior years. This seems to fit with what is being widely reported by these colleges.

No idea why Naviance was different for about 4 to 5 days.

I am sorry that she was deferred. She may get in during RD. This year since Princeton did not do EA, I think Yale and Harvard got more REA apps. Good luck with her EDII or RD Harvard application.


Thanks! The Crimson posted that applications were up over 57% and the REA acceptance rate went down to a record low of 7.4% this year. That’s half what it normally is. That info made D21 feel a lot better. Applying to Harvard this year was even more of a lotto ticket than it normally is. Like trying to climb Everest on roller skates and without oxygen. :slight_smile:


Wonderful news!

@NateandAllisMom Glad to hear you guys had such a good week!

@JanieWalker Sorry to hear about Harvard, I love your outlook though.


Hugs to those with deferrals and cheers to those with the acceptances!

D has finished the semester (exempt from tomorrow’s finals). School remained fully open and in person the entire semester with no closures.
The semester flew by. AP physics C: Mechanics made AP chemistry, look like a walk in the park. Incredible amount of studying each week while balancing a new job and new boyfriend. She is looking forward to sleeping late.
And on the Covid front, I got the Pfizer vaccine today!


Really?I did not know it is that bad. I feel for these kids and what they have to go through because of the pandemic. Everything changed, the whole landscape.