Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

That is an awesome award acceptance!!! Congrats to your S!!!

Thank you. The essays and applications fees are the problem! My D21 got back on track and turned in Duke today.


Thank you!! He’s quite pleased to have the option!


It was a great week for my daughter - three acceptances and two of them are among her top three choices:

Tuesday she received her acceptance to UofSC with guaranteed in state tuition (we are OOS)

And then today she was admitted to Tulane with Honors and 22K/yr merit and Elon with a $6K/yr scholarship.

She’s really excited about UofSC and Elon but is waiting on Honors/Special Programs before she makes a decision between those two and Alabama. Tulane fell out of favor a few months ago, but the acceptance still made her feel great!


D got an admit at Tulane today! She was named an Honors Scholar and got a $26k/ yr scholarship. She did submit her 34 and has great other stats, demonstrated a lot of interest and is super excited. Her other admits so far are safety schools, so a ‘yes’ from Tulane has really boosted her confidence. She has a lot of other apps she’s waiting on.


Wow! Great news. Congrats!



Wow, so much to catch up on! Congratulations to all who have admissions, and all the big merit $$$ I see!
Hugs to the huge pile of deferrals , wow. This is shaping up to be a ridiculously hard year and I am thinking it may play out very long into spring for many of us. I just cannot fathom some of these schools that had such huge application numbers. A deferral is not a No! Fingers crossed for all.


Wow, I guess I have been congratulating too much and now I am not allowed.


@3kids2dogs and @Rue4 Congrats!! If you have any questions about Tulane let me know - I don’t know everything but I can ask D19!


Congratulations to all acceptances and deferrals. My son was admitted to Tulane honors college and received 21k/year in scholarship. He also applied for service scholarship, which I guess we hear about later. He also heard from SMU, with 25k in scholarship, but we hear from Cox business school ext week.



That happened to me, too. So silly.


I’m a bit wound up about CofC. My son submitted EA on Nov 25th and the Honors application on 11/30. Honors at CofC is one of his top choices. We are OOS. We know of a couple OOS kids who were admitted yesterday who did not apply to Honors. And then some honors applicants who were apparently invited to scholarship weekend. I can’t tell if CofC is rolling admissions for EA or how they send things out. The best news for my son this week was admission to Loyola Maryland with Presidential Scholarship so I suppose I should settle down and wait.


I just wanted to share my son’s good news. He is a good student, not great and not one of the tippy tops like I keep reading about. He is first gen, low income, Pell eligible, and I spent the better part of this year reading and researching the application process. He busted his butt doing applications and got them all submitted on October 30th. He got his first acceptance 4 days later from a fairly good private school in New York offering him merit aid of about 25000. He has applied to 11 schools and gotten acceptances so far from 9 of them, with every one offering merit money ranging from 18000 to 30000, including a three quarters scholarship covering tuition, room, board and books to one of the top SUNY schools. He is waiting on two more schools. So good luck to everyone because it has been a great six weeks here on Long Island for us.


So much to catch up on!! Congrats to everyone on the acceptances and big hugs to the ones with deferrals :heart:


@dannyalex123, congratulations on the great news. I was in a PG + not-great-stats situation with my son last year and we were pleasantly surprised that after a lot of research and work, several universities responded with great affordable offers.

I’m glad you took the initiative to start the process a year early. I think that early focused (and wide-ranging) research does pay dividends when you get to this stage. Once the universities add need-based aid to the merit money, I’m sure you’ll have at least a couple of affordable good options.

I hope your son ends up at his great place!


@dannyalex123 excited for you and your S!

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