Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulations, @dannyalex123!

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Fantastic week for your S!!! A hearty congrats to him. :raised_hands:

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In the past I think it was common for some schools to share names of accepted ED students.

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I thought I would personally feel so bummed that S21 didnā€™t get into ED round 1. Maybe itā€™s because of deferral and the admission war isnā€™t lost yet, but I have to say that seeing how happy the kids and my fellow parents are, itā€™s helped.

I honestly thought I would naturally feel resentful towards parents whose kids got into my kidā€™s ED wishlist (natural human reaction, right?!) but Iā€™m not.

Anyway, please share all the good news because itā€™s a long holiday break where we canā€™t go anywhere and itā€™s not like I can go shop for college gears for S21 and my parents. I had envisioned ā€œBrown Grandpaā€ sweatshirt for my dad. :joy:


Article makes it sound like few schools even check and itā€™s really on the honor system. Too bad some take advantage of this, I really donā€™t believe they mistakenly do it.


Congratulations to all those with acceptances and merit aid rolling in! So exciting to see.

Just stopped by to say that D was deferred from REA at Yale. She took it in stride.

On the flip side, she has been accepted to 4 out of 5 UK universities so far (Imperial, UCL, Kingā€™s and Durham). She is over the moon about UCL and Imperial. Iā€™m curious if anybody has first hand knowledge of US studentā€™s experiences at any of these schools for a full undergraduate degree. Weā€™ve spoken to lots of people with semesters/years abroad but donā€™t know anybody who went for their full degree.

What a roller coaster this process can be :slight_smile:


For CA folks, some news coming in about app numbers at UCs and CSUs

UCs up 15% overall, no individual campus data yet. The three least competitive campuses extended deadlines so Iā€™m guessing the upper UCs had much higher than 15% gains.

CSUs down 5% overall with some extending deadlines again
CPP up 9%
SLO up 4%
CSULA down 10%
CSUN down 15%
Sonoma down 26%
San Diego, Long Beach, Fullerton no number but flat or up slightly.
No number for Stanislaus but I saw on the 14th they were down 31%


Congratulations on all the acceptances to these great Universities!

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Yes, It makes me feel like honest and hard working students get cheated routinely by those kids who game the system. And we the parents should do something about it.

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UC apps upā€¦Sounds like the story of my life. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So basically the same top colleges continue to get increased number of apps. :joy: This was not the year for reach college chances :slight_smile:


I wonder if the CSU kids are opting for CC. My girl friendā€™s son left Cal Poly Pomona for community college to save money since itā€™s virtual.

Yes, I know I read something to that effect somewhere here or elsewhere.

I would think so, especially the commuter colleges where kids still live at home are opting to just start at a CC.

It seems odd that CPP is up more than SLO, but SLO has the least diverse campus and minority applications are down more so than others.

Scott Gallowayā€™s thesis was the top schools would be fine (Ivies, Duke, Chicago, Etc). The middle would suffer because of the experience vs the value of $ spent. Then the CSUs of the world would skyrocket due to better value. So far, Iā€™m not seeing any of this play out :slight_smile:


Totally agree with how nice it is to hear of acceptances and big awards to posters and postersā€™ kids. We all need good news these days and it is meaningful to hear that sparks of joy are abounding somewhere!!!

Ironically, on our end, I think I was SO ready for ED decision day to arrive that now, the day after, my brain totally shut off the part that is focused on college. For example, while walking our dogs today, S said that he thinks heā€™s going to ā€œlook a bit more at Dukeā€™s tonightā€.

I honestly thought he was talking about a new clothing site, or shoe brand or style, or a restaurant, or a friend who Iā€™ve not heard of before (which would be odd). He looked at me and said, ā€œIā€™m talking about Duke Universityā€. And, I was taken aback as it THEN dawned on me that I was completely off track b/c colleges were SO far from my mind at that moment!!!

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been that far removed from thinking about colleges in months! It made me LOL.

B/c to be honest, Iā€™m now like, whatever happens, happens. Wherever he wants to apply to still, fine. But Iā€™m no longer as invested in the process and have clearly removed myself greatly from the emotional part of it after the disappointment of him being deferred (Brown) yesterday.

Itā€™s actually a pretty refreshing, beautiful feeling!!!


Iā€™m with you! But come Ivy Day, I think I will get excited for the boys.

I have the UPenn essay I promised to review and my heart just isnā€™t in it. :joy:

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I saw this and itā€™s not great news for S, especially since they went test blind. It is consistent with what Iā€™ve been hearing about the big, public flagship apps being up this year. I also have been hearing the despite all of the turmoil last year, the international applicants are showing up in good numbers after all. I really consider the UCs a total crap shoot.

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That is true. I will be excited that day! (I added it to the calendar last night. But that was the only one I added. I think I may just see how things unfold before I add any other possible dates?)

And, Iā€™ve got a date to finish up some ā€œHomelandā€ binge watching on HBO Demand. :slight_smile:


I would think the ratios if OOS and international will remain the same at the UCs since they rely on those students to be full pay.