Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I thought he was talking about Duke’s mayonnaise!

And then there are the students who took 2020 gap years potentially coming back into the UC/CSU system(s). Should be very interesting.

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I wouldn’t count on those ratios remaining the same. California (and its school systems) has a lot of financial pain and extra expense coming most likely. Also, if they admit more full pay OOS, they can offer more assistance to more qualified California students with need. There isn’t any required ratio for a particular (desirable) campus, they each get to set their own ratios for OOS/In State keeping in mind that the state asked them to increase in-state enrollment (but that includes offering a spot at Merced).

I’m just grateful that we knew about it all before we made the list so we are covered.

From everything I’ve heard gap year students aren’t really an issue. If they went to community college, they’d be transfers not freshman. If they didn’t, what did they do in the year off? How would they be competitive being a year out of education?

Five UC campuses have limited OOS enrollment back in 2017:

UC Board of Regents approves policy on nonresident student enrollment | University of California.


I assume they got or would get jobs to pay for the tuition, etc. However, UC’s/CSU’s limit gap year applicants too. But I assume they granted some.

D21 is at Loyola Marymount! Merit comes in Feb…


Congratulations- she is on a great roll!!


Thanks @sushiritto! I was looking at another page of their website that does not reflect this. Apparently it was not updated. I wonder if it is part of the reason some campuses admitted more students last year?

Awesome !! Congrats to him (and you) :slight_smile:

DS21 was just notified that he is a Stamps Scholarship semi-finalist at the University of Miami! Woot woot! GO CANES!!!

If he doesn’t get accepted EA to MIT tomorrow at 12:15:14 Pacific, I’m going to push him to complete the essay/application. What an incredible honor! And what a hugely wonderful way to start off after college, with no debt and having potentially been paid a $12k/year stipend for four years. Oh I am just amazed at this opportunity - What. An Honor. :sunny::sunny:!


I’m sure that was the case with the UC’s. UMich admitted more students last year as well, since their OOS and International numbers were down.

Oh my… I thought UCs are our only hope :roll_eyes:

As far as know, UCs did not allow 2020s to take a gap year due to Covid. Pls correct me if I’m wrong. So, I don’t think 2020s will be an issue for us.


That is correct. Maybe kids took off a year and then applied this year but UCs do not allow deferrals.


Sorry, gap year in the sense that they didn’t apply and/or enroll and will be re-applying as freshman this year.


This is interesting. Someone apparently proposed getting it down to 10% at all campuses over time. Would be helpful for my daughter if implemented but unlikely.

@sherimba03 Wow! Fantastic! Fingers crossed for finalist

@homerdog Is this 3 for 3 or 4 for 4? She must be thrilled!

@dannyalex123 I love the approach you are taking. A year or two ago, I helped a relative who sounds similar to your son in terms of academics and income. It was a big shock to see how difficult it was to find sufficient need and merit-based aid for good but not tippy top students. You did the research, helped to set your son up for success, and he’s rocking the college application process! Congrats to you both!


@mamaedefamilia lol. 3/3!

She has one more “safer” school - Denison but that’s RD. Next up for decision is Richmond in Jan. Fingers crossed.


Some colleges let admitted students from this past spring defer their admission for a year. They do not have to reapply.