Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

right but not the UCs

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The University of Washington did not allow deferrals. Students must reapply.

Got it. Like I said some colleges allowed students to defer their acceptance for a year. I even heard of some schools who would allow students to take classes during the deferral year, which in normal years is not allowed. Of course these policies vary from university to university.

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Congratulations!! I toured U of Miami with our S18 (in the running for some full tuition scholarship at the time), and loved it! It was like being on the beach, without the beach (though close-by), as a band started playing on the shell. Our tour guide was off to Columbia for grad school, everyone was chill and nice, and, while I didn’t think he’d get the full-tuition merit, even the $ they’d offered was great. A friend of our S’s ended up there at the music school and loves it. An excellent option!!


I do not know how it could be done mistakenly, you would have to apply ED using different applications (common app, quest bridge etc.). It does stink, but I do not think it is that common. How many schools counselors would be willing to sign the ED forms more that once.

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@sherimba03 Congrats on Miami - that is a great honor!

Well, D21’s friend did not get in to her ED, Syracuse. It was a long shot for sure so I think she’s feeling ok. She came over here and met the whole friend group so they could look together. They are all SO supportive and kept telling her how proud they were that she even tried. Then they ate a ton of the ice cream I had bought for the occasion. Then they ordered sushi for dinner. :slight_smile: She still has three schools to choose from plus a bunch more she will hear from in the next few months.


D21 got 17k per year OOS merit money from University of Delaware this afternoon


@burghdad Yea! She’s going to have choices!!

Congrats!!! My nephew got into LMU today. His first choice!


Congratulations @burghdad!

Very nice! Congrats!


Just recently found the forums, wish I had known about them from the beginning they are so full of information! D21 has heard from and been accepted to all but three of her eleven schools she applied to.

She is chasing merit so waiting on aid packages from a few as well. Best packages so far from Eastern University and Ursinus, anxiously waiting on Etown. The one school she applied to that we haven’t heard from yet is West Chester, she applied there as a financial safety early Nov and still nothing.

Anyone have any input on Eastern vs. Ursinus? I didn’t even know Eastern existed until we started the college search and it’s less than 20 minutes away.


It indeed is an honor and sending positive vibes your way for MIT admission.


Good luck to the MIT kids! I helped a few with their essays so I’m hoping for good news for the kids tomorrow. Prime day and at Pi time EST is the MIT thing to do and they have a fun admission page to keep the kids busy like cartoons. :slight_smile:


Great! Congrats.

D had a good day with two more admits and is now 6 for 6. She added Wofford with a26K/yr scholarship and got the Townes Scholarship at Furman for 35k/yr. Wofford sent an email saying to look in the portal in 10 minutes. Furman we stumbled upon.


@vintagemomma Ursinus is in general a stronger school academically than Eastern, though Eastern offers some majors (e.g., nursing) that Ursinus doesn’t. As you know, the general atmosphere at small colleges varies greatly. The vibes at Eastern and Ursinus are a lot different. Eastern is a more conservative Christian school, Ursinus more liberal/secular. I’d say Elizabethtown is somewhere in the middle. Hopefully you and your daughter will have a chance to visit (or revisit) these schools in person prior to making a decision by May 1.


@kidzncatz what’s the reputation of E-town? It’s one of the few schools that has the major S is interested in. He already has an acceptance and nice package from Ursinus - which doesn’t have his major.

@eb23282 I live in southcentral Pennsylvania (Harrisburg suburbs). E-town has a very good reputation locally, though I don’t think it has as much national recognition. It has some interesting niche majors (such as music therapy and occupational therapy) in addition to the standard liberal arts majors. The kids I know who have gone there have been strong students but of a gentler, kinder, more service-oriented nature than those at some colleges. This is in keeping with the mission of the college, which was founded by anabaptists (though no longer religiously-affiliated).


I think AOs are going to have a hard time managing their yield this year if students applying to more schools leads to more acceptances per student from which they have to choose one. I predict lots of waitlist acceptances going into the summer just like last year.