Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Thank God there are some great football games today to take our minds off of admissions for a little while.


My D applied to CofC in late October, and heard she was accepted I think 12/14, but she did not apply to the honors collegeā€¦recā€™d $10K merit. She thought the turnaround was 6 - 8 week and thatā€™s what it was. The website says Early Action will be notified by February 1. Good luck!


So much to catch up - in this thread. Sending a BIG congrats and hang in there to everyone receiving decisions. There has been some happy and heartbreaking posts - hope you all feel the positive energy and support from this group.

With a Class of 2022 kiddo right behind my 2x2021, I have been spending more time over on that board. Hoping to keep checking back here and cheering everyone on!

It all feels very groundhog day with my D22, as back to trying to find testing dates/sites, no college visits (except the ones viewed with siblings and that feels like a long time ago) and just wondering what admissions will look like for the Class of 2022. Fun Times !

We feel very fortunate and happy that both our 2021 daughters were accepted to their ED schools. Their decisions were a few days apart - so glad to have two happy and relieved kids. Neither will be close to us or close to each other and trying to not take it personal ! Their schools do seem like a great fit from past visits - only time will tell.

Luckily I am busy with our junior, or I would be snooping on the Class Accepted Instagram pages that have now been made - okay - I peeked a couple times :slight_smile: I realize now I need to step back and let it be their college experience. It is hard with all the information out there to not look at all the kids accepted into their class and wonder where this journey will lead them and who will be their life long friend.

I have enjoyed being part of this community - Happy holiday and wishing everyone a NEW new year :wink:


One more thing, we just received our weekly college counselor email and they reminded kids that were accepted ED to please make sure to decline admissions from their EA schools.

They also said each student should write a quick email to the area rep letting them know you are declining (besides just updating the area on your portal) and thanking them for their support plus notifying them of the school that you are now attending.

Our school seems to have a good relationship with AOs and I am guessing having kids follow up helps continue to positive vibes for the school.

They mention that many parents (vs the kids) just want to see if their child gets into more schools and they highly advised against playing that game and celebrate your ED (or EA if you committed) and pull all the other apps to allow another deserving student consideration. Lots of stories of families not pulling apps and not nice !


Someone posted in the Williams Ed 2025 posted that the college kickstart blog has some early decision numbers with links to their source, including a few from straight from their what seems contacts in admissions. It wonā€™t allow me to link it, but google the blog and search for the early admissions post updated 12/19


I went to the links and grabbed these stats. I hate how formatting doesnā€™t work. Below is # accepted/# applied.

Brown 22% increase 885/5,540 16% acceptance rate
Dartmouth 29% increase 566/2,664 21% acceptance rate
Duke 16% increase 840/5,036 17% acceptance rate
Emory 08% increase 769/1,965 31% acceptance rate
Harvard 57% increase 747/10,086 07% acceptance rate
MIT 62% increase 719/15,036 05% acceptance rate
Penn 23% increase 1,194/7,962 15% acceptance rate
Yale 38% increase 837/7,939 10% acceptance rate

Iā€™m curious to hear about the LACs. When D21ā€™s GC talked to the rep at Middlebury, he was told they had a 17% increase in applications and 58% of students applied TO. Midd wanted to accept roughly the same percentage, meaning 58% of accepted students did not submit scores.


D21 deferred from Brown and S21 accepted to Duke. Hard having twins during this college process.


@havenoidea - Thatā€™s hard!!! Ugh!!! Congrats to your S on Duke and fingers crossed for your D in RD round.

(Ironically, my S was deferred from Brown in ED round and now adding Duke to his RD round.)


Twin mom here - so sorry. I think most people donā€™t understand this - but all us twin parents do. Thinking of you.


@havenoidea Oh that is hard! Congratulations to your son and sending good thoughts for your daughter!!

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@GoldPenn thanks for posting those stats. Some of those increases are staggering!
So Middlebury hopes to accept the same number of applicants who submit scores as those who donā€™t? I guess itā€™s good they are being transparent - it will be interesting to see how/whether TO percentages will be reported across the board.


DS21 got accepted to MIT. I am still stunned.


Hugs to you. I canā€™t imagine what both of your kids must be feeling. And then I realize you have double the tuition!


S21 applied to Brown ED and we didnā€™t ask for financial aid. I frankly wouldnā€™t have known about the CSS and missed the ED deadline. Now that heā€™s deferred, can I go in and submit the CSS profile as if heā€™s RD?

Thank you!

Thatā€™s what the AO said to D21ā€™s college counselor when they talked on the phone. It will be interesting to hear results when this is all over. I was hoping some of the articles in the links would say how many applied and were accepted TO. Hopefully we donā€™t have to wait until next yearā€™s common data set.

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@havenoidea Oh that must make it tough to celebrate! Congrats to your son and best of luck to your D in getting accepted RD.

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Congrats! Your son is the football player, isnā€™t he?

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@havenoidea That has to be so hard, wanting to celebrate your son but yet empathize with your daughter. Especially with ED, knowing those are their dream schools. Congrats to your son and hugs to your daughter. (And to you!)

@sherimba03 Congratulations to your son, such an accomplishment! Mine was deferred, but is still holding out a little sliver of hope for RD.


@sherimba03 Wow, congratulations!!

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Is it true that colleges will accept both if they decide to accept one and both are interested to attend the same place?