Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Want to echo the caution on availability due to supply chain impacts of COVID. We’ve been doing quite a bit of shopping lately and many things are unavailable or have very long lead-times (months).


I like the way your mind works @JennaMA.

We might get some fabric stuff here and prewash since my S has to use special soap and he won’t have to deal w washing. I hope we are allowed to help unpack this year! :crossed_fingers:. Omg I hope he steps up and does laundry before things get gross.


I’m all about washing new sheets and towels. It can take multiple washes to get the chemical smell out. When we moved older sibling across the country, there were a couple of things I washed in the hotel guest washing machine - mattress cover thing and maybe the comforter itself. The washer was not in the best shape, but it got done without exploding. I washed the towels, sheets, and comforter cover at home and brought in the luggage.

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Oh yeah, we could look for a hotel w laundry but since it won’t be cold yet I can get some stuff into our suitcases. Will use a duvet so won’t have to wash a comforter right away. Sorry if this is boring anyone. :upside_down_face:. There’s probably a thread on this somewhere.

My son only applied to public schools and several top ones announced dramatic increases in diversity with test optional.

That’s fantastic! I hope the numbers stay up everywhere.

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We started buying dorm stuff the day she paid her deposit. There is just a lot of stuff she needs or (reasonably) wants, and I need to spread it out as much as possible. I got her a mattress topper first because it was on sale for almost half off. If we had it that way, I would definitely just go buy it all on arrival though. That seems massively simpler!


D21’s college allows students to ship belongings to the campus mail center during the summer and will hold things until the student arrives. We plan to have bulkier items sent from Amazon with our Prime free shipping. IIRC, you’re driving, so that might not be an issue as much as it is with us flying across the country. Perhaps it’s worth checking into.


Her school says absolutely no mail can be received on campus until after students move in. This is definitely different than my D19s school, which also allowed shipments pre-arrival.

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We’ve bought bedding (comforter, sheets, mattress pad/topper and mattress cover). Next on the list is a fan and single cup coffee maker. I’ll do towels and shower caddy/shoes later after we do an inventory of his clothes/closet situation. He’s still saying no to any “decor” lol but I’ll probably sneak in an area rug at least.

We’re renting the MicroFridge from Collegiate Concepts


They kinda have us on the hook for a rental- renting a microfridge from them is the only way to have a microwave on campus. My daughter has celiac and it’s important she always have the ability to feed herself safely, so a microwave and a fridge are the bare minimum. They’re so much more than just buying a microwave and a mini fridge, but I guess it’s one of those it is what it is situations.

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I think his roommate is going to split the cost of the rental with us. I don’t want to buy them because of the thought of moving a mini fridge back and forth from Dallas to Lubbock is giving me anxiety lol.

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Makes sense. We bought one for my d19 last year and it disappeared (amongst other things) when the school packed her room last year during Covid. If my daughter ends up with a roommate it might be awkward. They’re only allowed one per room, but my daughter would need it to be gluten free. We are in the process of requesting a medical single. Not sure how likely that is though.

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Thank you - I just ordered my son’s twin XL bedding set!

I agree with the deals now! S21 refuses to wear a jacket so I’ve given up that campaign. He did accept a Columbia rain jacket shell. I’ll sneak in a uniqlo jacket I got him that D24 wears. I did get a pair of Northface waterproof boots that are good for rain, slush, snowy walk from dorm to class for a great deal and he said he’d wear them, as well as Rockport waterproof shoes because this kid has never lived in rain and thinks tennis shoes are sufficient in the rain. All great deals and warranties, so that makes me happy!

I got Twin XL sheets, comforter, shower shoes, laundry bag, shower caddie, can opener. Im packing him 1 Corelle plate, ramen bowl, chopsticks, silverware, and a mug from my cabinets. All things I can pack and check in. I created a list on Amazon and check to see when the prices drop and buy. I’ll buy some things at Costco when I get there like sundries and personal care. Sending mattress pad, Brita pitcher, fan, toolkit, and safe to work fam/friends and will pick up from them when we arrive. I’m trying to pack everything in check in bags that can then be used to store things in the summer. Maybe buy one plastic storage container when we get there. Trying to minimizes what he needs to store over the summer because they charge by space or items


I think a lot of schools actually have over enrolled. Many kids who might have normally gotten into the Ivies this year, didn’t so they’re going to the next best. But those schools are benefiting from the unexpected Ivy rejects plus their normal batch of kids hence having an unexpectedly high enrollment. Even the schools that are taking kids from the waitlist don’t seem to be taking many. CMU has already closed it off, Cornell has only taken in certain colleges and not that many, GaTech took a bunch the other day but not many considering they havd 4900 on the WL and almost met their enrollment goal to begin with, Purdue overenrolled, I suspect Michigan may have over enrolled - they went from not allowing triples or quads for next year (have been saying this for ages even after their form vaccine mandate) to suddenly extending the housing deadline and allowing triples and quads so people could have more time to change roommates and room types. Their dorm restrictions for next year are otherwise the same as this year which are not great so it doesn’t seem to have to do with covid that they’re opening to trips and quads because the restrictions haven’t changed. Other schools also seem like enrollment is full. Clemson also I heard. Can’t remember where else offhand.


@srparent15 This seems like the exact opposite of last year where students took gap years, decided to stay close to home, resulting in the top schools pulling deep from the WL, shifting students from mid to lower tier one notch up.


Any happenings with Yale’s WL? Doesn’t seem like there is any announced WL activity.

I have read (I believe on Yale Daily News) that their housing is a concern, due to increased admission figures, plus gap year students.

I really hope they make it to the WL

That’s one I’ve heard not a single thing about.

Agree. GT took 80 off - of 4900 - for a class of 3450. After announcing they were evaluating class goals to see if they will turn to the waitlist. Looks like a mix of in and OOS kids, and not all will accept, so sounds basically like they hit their target.

I am sure there will be some summer melt but with waitlists at top tier schools not moving right now who knows how much. Last year GT took a ton of kids off the waitlist per admissions as spots opened up at top tier schools and people were moving (at least that was their speculation). For kids that want to be engineers and given that most waitlist spots don’t provide much FA, even GT full freight OOS is cheaper than almost any other top tier engineering option. I don’t think much movement there going forward!