Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

I’m planning on using Shutterfly

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I’ll see if I can find the order but it was two years ago! While I look, maybe just google pet photo pillows. It wasn’t too much - maybe $40 max.


They had a sale and then gave me 50% off the next 6- yes, I had to keep myself in check- but they are soooo nice. I used Shutterfly for D18 to make collage posters for her. They have held up through many moves, but now she is super jealous of the Mixtiles.

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I’ve been off CC a while so kind of catching up. The part about prewashing sheets made laugh. S19 lived in off campus housing the summer before frosh year that was lined up by his coach.

There were multiple bed size options. When I tried to get it nailed down what to get, the answer was “I haven’t figured out where we are putting him yet. Have him call when he’s an hour away (it’s a 20 hour drive) and I’ll tell him where to go. He can get whatever sheets he needs at Walmart.”

I’m reasonably sure that after being up 24+ hours he did not take time to wash the sheets before going to bed. I’m hoping they got washed at all that summer.


I’m not sure tbh, but I’m guessing since they do not guarantee housing for anyone, not even freshman, they have a built-in out. The celiac is something that’s important but even more important (and will be documented) is that she has a medical condition that makes it hard to fall asleep/stay asleep, and having a roommate would probably be bad for both of them. Honestly, after freshman year we will probably look into off campus if feasible.

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OK, the decision is to stick with College C, for CS engineering. His choice. Logical factors weighed heavily in the other direction, but on the bright side, I guess that saves us money. And now I can wash the t-shirts for college C. Big sigh.


Do the mixtiles do ok with the wall (no damage afterwards?). Do you know if they can be reused in subsequent years? Thanks!

This is the Parents of HS Class of 2021 content I am here for. Been thinking about this stranger-child and his College A vs College C choice. Hope there is a growing sense of peace and maybe even excitement, as you pull out that College C merch!


Flying can be more expensive (of course) but it’s really not hard to move someone in after flying to college. I bought nearly everything here (including everything needed for Bowdoin’s pre-orientation trip which included sleeping bag and pad, hiking boots, additional backpack, etc) in five Samsonite tote a tons. Done. About one and half were bedding. Everything else fit in the remaining space. I had two things sent to our hotel in Brunswick (this is a tip if you don’t want to send stuff to the college since you’ll have to wait in line with everyone else to pick up your stuff when you get there) - a desk lamp and a polar bear door stopper.

People say, oh he’s a boy. You won’t be able to do this with D21. I think we can. We looked at the list of what S19 brought and we don’t see anything additional that D21 needs. S19 has a LOT of shoes (because of running and boots for fall/winter). I actually think D has fewer. He had all of the bedding you could imagine -mattress pad, topper, three sets of sheets, comforter and weighted blanket, three pillows. He had art for his walls that were put in cylinders and placed in the middle of the bags to protect them. The only shopping we did in Brunswick was at Walgreens for toiletries and school supplies. It really was easy peasy!


You flew a weighted blanket? He has one but it’s usually pushed to the side, not sure he uses it.


It is a fascinating cycle. There was a lot of complaining across the board with all groups about the brutality of RD. So though a lot of kids like ours applied to a lot of schools there were also a ton of WL this year (more than before) and rejections from those extra apps in RD. The 30-60% rate schools like mine passed on supposedly made more offers this year to make sure they had enough students, so they might also not be taking more off the WL and be full or more than full.

So I think the question is will there be a top down bigger than expected wave of summer melt for some of those who deposited, or is everyone just really full? Probably more the latter but I think there is an argument that it’s reasonable for schools to take longer this year to get started with calling up the WL since (1) most selective schools haven’t started pulling yet; (2) they have big WL reserves; (3) they are burned out having had too many apps with generally the same staff RD and also might be taking a second, deeper look at WL apps; and (4) they are dealing with graduation.

Overall the general consensus is relatively grim for the waitlist bar. We shall raise our glasses in a toast by third week in May or so?


I think most top-50 are going to end up pretty full, with various exceptions depending on how they managed their RD acceptances and how generous they tend to be with aid. In the big picture, there were more viable apps at all these schools, an overall increase in unique qualified applicants.

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Yep. Just had to make sure each bag wasn’t over 50 pounds. All four of us took S19 to school so we got to check eight bags for free on SW!!


A really good college coach on Twitter said she had feast or famine results and not super generous aid but could have been a lot of appeals.


I was wondering about you checking all those bags. We don’t have Southwest.

I don’t think schools will wait to pull from WL just to wait. They already know who is coming now that we are past 5/1. No reason to wait. Seems like a few highly ranked schools each day are saying they are full. Of course there will be some WL movement here and there like usual. Seems like we can say by now that most top schools are not taking a ton of kids off of WL (except for Vanderbilt which always runs their business that way!)


PSA, by the way, I just booked a ticket for sibling to fly home this week on United with miles, and weirdly it says there are no bag fees. Like, the usual amount was crossed out, with a zero in its place. Maybe United is running some sort of special promotion? I have no idea.


They are supposed to be able to use on any wall and be able to remove and reuse. Haven’t put them up yet. They are very light. Could use a command strip or squares if all else fails.

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Yea to older siblings coming home soon!! S19 comes home in 16 days (yes, I’m counting) and will be home for three weeks before he heads back to Maine for the summer. Internship is remote but he’d rather do it from a house in Maine than here. Heck, I’d rather be in Maine for the summer too!


I got the Samsonite Tote-A-Tons for D19 and S19. They sure do hold a massive amount of stuff! We just found them really difficult to move through the airports and into the dorms because they don’t have wheels and you have to actually carry them. Not sure what we’ll do for D21. Maybe a folding luggage cart that we can pack inside one?