Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Yes. There are various reasons I could see each needing that (business guy because activities can sometimes require it, and CS cough I mean CE guy I can envision the possibility. But they have a suit and ties now, so the answer to this question is straightforward.

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A friend of mine has twins sons at Texas Tech, wrapping up freshman yearā€¦he drove up to Lubbock this morning to move them out and posted a pic earlier today with the caption ā€œwhen having minimalist sons comes in handy: this is what two dorm rooms look like packed into one mini vanā€.

This man is my idol lolā€¦and our Cityā€™s Mayor-Elect :laughing:

S21 is very minimal also. His list is so basic itā€™s scary. I told him last night I donā€™t want his room to feel institutionalā€¦he assures me it will be fine.

The only shopping we were thinking about doing in Lubbock was maybe a run for a few general grocery items like water bottles/KCups/Snacks etc.

@MommaLue the Shutterfly version of mix tiles is great! I just saw them at a friendā€™s beach house and they are very lightweight - perfect for a
dorm room!


S19 doesnā€™t have a suit, but he did take one pair of dress pants, two dress shirts and two ties. He actually did have a couple of occasions to get a bit dressed up.


That is so key that you got to check all of S19ā€™s belongings on your flight east. The prices of mailing packages right now is exorbitant! I am guessing that even if an airline charges for checking bags, it is going to be much less expensive than mailing.


Yes! S21 is a business major and they have said for freshman to bring a suit for events.

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Same and a blazer which he had to wear to football games and for pledge meetings. Suggest goodwill for that! He also needed the blazer for the occasional function. No suit required although we bought one for interviews. Good idea to have at school or be ready to mail if necessary.

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Sons decor so far consists of a TX flag, he doesnā€™t want anything else for the walls.

A suit and tie? Wow, thatā€™s retro.:grinning:

I havenā€™t seen one of them in a long while. I canā€™t remember anyone needing a suit and tie, since, I donā€™t know, a wedding or night time Bat Mitzvah event or something like that years ago.

Must be a Texas thing? :joy:


S19 has a school pennant and a whiteboard calendar for decor. Thatā€™s it.

For decor my D wants me to take pics and make prints of all of her sisterā€™s/my artwork that is hanging around our house. Sheā€™s thinking smaller ones in uniform sizes. Iā€™ll handle those toward the time when we are going- it wonā€™t take up very much room though. Older D has some very large canvases in her dorm that have to get stored every year, so Iā€™m glad this will be much simpler. No lights, no makeup, no extra decor. Nice and straightforward.

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I canā€™t imagine a situation where my boys would need one here in California.

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Definitely needed at southern schools. My son had to wear them to football games as a fraternity pledge at Ga Tech. Very common there and not comfortable in the Ga heat at all!

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Thatā€™s what I got!

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The thing to do is shop at home beforehand at target or something but preorder for pickup at a target at the location where the school is. After shopping in target for twin 1 in Austin and the craziness of it all we went online to buy everything for twin 2 a week later and then it was ready for us in Ithaca. That was fantastic. Almost everything BBB has you can get at Target and itā€™s always cheaper even with the BBB 20% off coupons.

I think the only things we wound up buying at BBB were bathroom trash can and accessories and the little step stool. Oh and hangers. When we realized we didnā€™t have enough though we bought more at target way cheaper.

Best trick for moving clothes in for girl is to leave them on hangers then pull up a garbage bag around them, tied it at the top sort of like a garment bag then when you unpack for the new closet bam you just take off the garbage bag and hang right up. Saves a ton of time.


Yes mine will definitely be taking his suit, dress shirts and some ties. He was in Deca and needed to wear them and you just never know. He has some khaki and dress shirts he can wear if needed but Iā€™ve seen enough on the parent pages where people have freaked when their son have no dress clothes.

As for what you said about Texas boys, the poor pledges have to wear long sleeve shirts to the football games and we went pregaming on parent weekend to one frat and they all had on long sleeves. I was dying in my tank and shorts. It was 100 degrees. Nuts

Another thing about shopping when you get there,though, is that you then have to take everything out of packaging etc. That takes way more time than if you buy things beforehand, get them out of packaging and wash them if needed. Makes for no garbage when setting up the room too. You just whip everything out of your bags and put them in the room. Bedding is washed and ready to make the bed too. We seriously set up S19ā€™s room in an hour and that included hanging flags and artwork. We left him to organize his desk but that was it!


S19 just uses a plastic toiletry caddy that has holes in the bottom so water can leak out. I think he just throws everything in there.

This isnā€™t the exact one but something like this. D21 will get one too.


(oops, didnā€™t mean this as a specific reply, more general uncaffeinated musings)

I feel better now that I understand the choice. College A made more sense for CS, but apparently now he wants to study Computer Engineering, and was not admitted to the engineering school at College A. He may not have even realized which major he really wanted a week ago, aside from a vague notion, but I was printing out schedules from both schools for various CS-related majors and perhaps that jogged something.

What is really confusing is that both schools have majors called ā€œComputer Scienceā€ and ā€œComputer Science and Engineering,ā€ neither of which is ā€œComputer Engineeringā€ (which seems to be called ā€œCpEā€ in the ECE dept at College C and Electrical and Computer Engineering ā€œECEā€ at College A). Funny enough, I didnā€™t even see the Computer Engineering option, because itā€™s in the ECE dept. I was surprised to learn that it has massive overlap with EE and is so different from CS, although some CS basics are included. CpE looks mostly EE but with a few courses switched out with CS ones.

College C has small classes, attentive profs, etc, so it seems to be a relatively nurturing choice for such a challenging major, probably a good idea in his case. He was also admitted to Mines, but it does not seem nurturing in this way, among other things. (However, he didnā€™t apply to ECE at College A, which might have led to a different result as it is less popular than CSE. hmmā€¦)


It sounds like re-visiting the decision was a good idea even though it was stressful - gave your S more time to dig in and be sure of his choice. So youā€™re DONE!!! :smiley:

Woo hoo!!!