Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

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This is the place to share our kids accomplishments as well as disappointments. Parents supporting parents.

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D just got an email from Miami Ohio saying they are still taking apps by June 1 and it’s free. Just thought I’d throw that out there in case anyone is interested!


It’s interesting that 165 miles away at Purdue they’re overloaded, and Miami is taking apps for free until June. Probably not much of an overlap in applications and Miami is a very good school. Just interesting how these classes are coming together.


Soooo regarding the waitlist situation, what the heck? I’ve been scouring the twitterverse, etc. and nobody is reporting. There was one article in the media encouraging communication and that’s it. Also following the Reddit megathread.

Consensus seems to be that almost no schools are communicating with the waitlist so far unless calls are made; that a very small number (if any) are dribbling in; many schools are full and a few overenrolled; but colleges are reluctant to release anyone from the waitlist (due to Covid uncertainties presumably) until late June or July. This poor class! I feel like the colleges should be giving some update based on May 1st results, even with the caveat that Covid variant problems could change the outlook. These poor kids are suffering as they don’t really know where they stand and it’s only natural to keep hoping.


In other news, I head back to the office today for the first time since Mid-March last year. Never thought I’d be so happy to go to the office and work.


With regard to colleges making no offers currently but holding on to the waitlist, I wonder when colleges might know whether their admitted internationals will get visas in time for fall.

When I see something about a college saying they’ll tell waitlisted students what’s going on in June, on the surface that sounds like their planned time to close the waitlist, and perhaps it is, though something about it feels off to me. (Maybe I’ve just never paid attention this closely before.)


Yes, the internationals are a piece of the puzzle. I think even with that it’s more the uncertainty that a vaccine-resistant variant might emerge that will have colleges hanging on to everyone. It’s still kind of astounding that everyone is so full. If true the experts were dead wrong about waitlist movement. What a crazy year.


D22 did a virtual program for Beloit yesterday and they said they’d still consider apps possibly for next fall and definitely for spring. Sounds like a great school.


Weren’t most SIRs early May? You’d think they would know the picture by now if they have a database, right?

It looks like Carnegie has been very upfront. One of my kiddos was on the engr priority waitlist. They got the “we’re full/we’re good” notification. They were up front.

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That’s great. More colleges should be doing that IMHO. Since many took extra on to the WL, you’d think they could at least release some or just let everyone know chances are slim. Most kids would stay on but get some relief.


I was on a counselor webinar yesterday with Tufts, BU, and NEU. All fully enrolled/somewhat over enrolled. No plans to go to waitlists yet, going to see how things shake out with internationals and their ability to secure visas/travel, other schools’ waitlists, summer melt, transfer action.


I was just going to post about how we are thirsty for shreds of info. Anyone know when the visa situation should become clearer?

In retrospect, I really do feel that some significant portion of the increase in apps at selective schools were from (newly-)qualified unique applicants and that selective colleges may have not anticipated the extent of this going into RD, and may have ended up more full than they thought.


CMU announced yesterday going to require students to be vaccinated.


I wonder that too
seems like we are getting close to that point with so many embassies still closed and there is (supposedly) a huge backlog of visa applications too. If we know it takes three months to get a student visa, and here we are in Mid May
well, the writing is on the wall that some students won’t be getting here by Aug/Sept, at least for some proportion of students who aren’t already in the US, or those in covid hotbeds.


I know a college with ~50% acceptance rate that’s over-deposited but waiting on what summer melt looks like. In this crazy year, T50 schools may be waiting to see what those above them do in terms of WL before closing the door on their own WLs.

I work with a lot of people in India and the situation there is not good and there is currently a travel ban to the US. I wonder if Indian students will be able to come to school for fall?


I don’t see how they could even get visas in time, even if covid were gone in the next month!


Of topic brag on D18. We attended a socially distanced graduation at Clemson last weekend.

She has decided to attend University of Florida Levin College of Law on a full scholarship. Wait listed at some top school like Umich, Vandy, and UT Austin but decided debt free was better than spending time at the WL bar for the privilege (if accepted) to incur anywhere from $200,000 to $275,00 in debt.


She made the right choice! Congratulations!

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Amazing news! Congrats to her!

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