Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Agree. Just like students, some teachers struggled to perform and manage things more than others. If you don’t have time to study independent resources, then you’re stuck with what gets delivered at school.

I hate to say it but I think this is going to be a somewhat normal year when it comes to waitlist movement and that once again college counselors were way off with their numbers. There are going to be a lot of disappointed seniors out there. From hopping around different threads, it sounds like too many kids are waiting on the waitlist and not willing to focus on the schools they committed to. There’s always hope but regardless they should try to excited about their committed schools.

Also, not in the parent groups that my daughters are in, but in the MIchigan parent group, a school I do suspect of over-enrollment, there are a ton of parents now mentioning that their kids took gap years and were originally class of 2024 and are now so happy that it worked out for them to be in class of 2025. With the crappy freshman year that many UM students had by being kicked out of the dorms in November, of course they’re thrilled it worked out for them, but depending on how many of those there are, that is no doubt affecting many students all over in hs class of 2021.


Yes, it’s so sad. My one coworker is hoping his son can get the visa or maybe start fall online.

I hope the schools are working with all their international students to make sure they can attend or maybe do a gap yr/semester.

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It really varies by region. In our region (Central America), while the US embassy has been largely closed, they have given priority to student visas. Last year was very tough and disorganized (almost by design) which forced some kids to start late or take a gap year, but early word is that this year they’re doing a better job on that front, at least in relation to student visas.

Other types of visas are still a mess and the backlog is huge…all sort of downstream ramifications for that.


I added this over in the waitlist thread, too.

When I checked a few weeks ago there were about 12 schools. More have reported.

I found a twin XL comforter and duvet cover from the Company Store.


I thought about doing a comforter w/a duvet cover because my kids refuse to use top sheets, so that is what they have at home. But I’m the one who washes them and wrestles with getting the comforter back inside the cover (and yes, I know the trick of laying them flat and rolling them up and turning right side out but it is still a PITA). There is no way my son is going to bother with the hassle of trying to take the cover on/off in order to wash it. Either way, there is no good solution unless he learns to use a top sheet as well as a comforter, but I don’t foresee that happening.

Am I the only one whose kids have never used top sheets? :flushed:


Same here. Recently the button area on a duvet cover ripped, so I trimmed the bottom a little and sewed in a zipper instead. I have no patience for the buttons. But, the inside out trick goes pretty quickly for me, I just put my hands inside the corners, grab the corners of the comforter, and flip it on.

I do not foresee the cover getting washed ever unless they spill something major on it. Looking for darker colors, maybe a plaid if they’ll allow it, something that will help hide the dirt.

Come to think of it, only one of them does his own laundry. The other one, let’s just add that to the list of things to teach over the summer. Or maybe when I get a text in September asking me “tell me again how to do laundry.” Maybe the dorm list should include like three packs of underwear.


Fantastic! Congrats to D18!

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I just received an email from one of the colleges my son turned down. They are offering him an additional $10,000 per year for four years. :flushed:


@Zinnia203 I had a hard time finding one, so I just compared the dimensions of the twin duvet cover w/ the standard Twin XL bed dimensions. The one we got is a twin but it would cover the Twin XL.

I’ve been buying grey/lighter colors so that colors don’t bleed (not that they would). His only item that is sensitive is a white Brown hoodie I got him, but that is going to be an item where he’s going to have to pause and learn lighter colors go together :). He’s been doing his laundry at home, so I think he’s kinda used to it. We just throw in the Tide pods mommy’s company makes, cold water, and good to go. I’m going to pack beads for him because he likes the good scent. But honestly, it may have with smell in general of the dorms. I’m going to make a Costco run when we land in the area.

@Aguadecoco It is also on the US side, too. One of my co-workers has to go back to India because she couldn’t get her paperwork on time. She’s had multiple attempts but there was nothing we could do to extend–US government based.

Reeks of desperation on May 13. Reminds me of asking someone on a date. They turn me down but two weeks later I say how about we go on a hot air balloon ride.

Flattering for sure, especially if said school was in your final consideration set.

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Hey it’s nice to be wanted :+1:t2:! And an extra $40k might be very enticing.


Curious is this one of the MN schools

Fortunately my kids have been doing their own laundry since they were about 14. Older son made the mistake of getting angry when something he wanted to wear was dirty and hadn’t been washed (because he left it on his bedroom floor instead of putting in our hamper)so he learned fairly quickly he was old enough to do his own! :joy: My other kids just kind of started doing their own laundry shortly thereafter and I didn’t argue!

Unfortunately that only covers clothing - none seem to care about clean sheets and towels so I still handle all that. Older son in college actually does wash his sheets once in a while but I think his comforter only gets washed when he’s home between semesters. I expect the same with my younger son. My oldest daughter had a duvet she was on a top bunk her freshman year which was a nightmare to change sheets (I know b/c I was the one who initially made the bed upon move-in). She told me it was usually too hot at night (San Diego w/full southern exposure that made her room an oven). She never even slept under her covers, she slept on top of the comforter/duvet with just a lightweight blanket. Much easier to just wash that and her pillowcases!

All this bedding discussion prompted me to order twin XL sheets today from SamsClub while they are still in stock. I noticed a nice striped comforter on their website that was 1/2 off so ordered that too. S19 is moving to a house next semester and needs his own furniture. He wants a full size bed so S21 will get his mattress topper and mattress protector. S19 said his sheets and comforter are not salvageable due to a skin medication he used to use that bleaches so they are all discolored. We should be all set for S21’s bedding now.

Seniors get a dozen donuts for free at Krispy Kreme today, FYI. We went during lunch and then went to get the meningitis B vaccine and confirm TB skin test. FYI, got to come back in 4 weeks to get the second meningitis B vax, so plan for that vs. when you have to submit your health documents. Our due date is 7/1.


S21, who finished classes almost two weeks ago, happily drove 20 minutes each way to Krispy Kreme this morning to get his donuts. I didn’t even realize we had a Krispy Kreme store in this area - I have never seen one here before! He found one pretty quickly when he heard about it!


No, it was Furman in South Carolina. Did not make it to final consideration. Lead with your best offer! Hope students that are unhappy with their choice receive similar offers.

S21 ate one ASAP.