Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Thanks @phlped, I pulled the trigger! Here’s hoping @inthegarden, @123Mom123 that all our kiddos sleep well


Yes. She withdrew all apps/waitlist spots when she committed in April. And emailed the AOs she’d had personal interactions with, including the Furman AO. She’d already received $35k merit with her initial acceptance to Furman so this additional $10k would have made COA reasonably close to instate costs. If my D had not been as successful with schools higher on her list, I’m sure we would have seriously considered the offer. But it is interesting that Furman is using this strategy to lure back kids who withdrew their apps.

ETA: Sorry to bring back a conversation from several days ago. Our last few days have been filled with senior honors night, baccalaureate, graduation and celebrations so I had a lot of catch up on CC.


Funny story… my D was on a FaceTime call with her potential college roomie the other night. I was in the same room so my D introduced us then the new roomie asked, “By any chance are you on CC? Are you DramaMama?” LOL So much for remaining confidential! Hahaha :laughing:


Oh gosh, my D is dreading leaving her beloved cat (he really is HER cat…sleeps on her pillow every night). Might have to get one…now, what to do for the poor cat :cat:?


FYI you literally cannot open the foam ones until you get to where you are going. They expand like crazy and are definitely impossible to put back in box. They also take up a ton of room in car when packing to drive.


For D19 we had a bunch of stuff on the dorm bed. Starting with the mattress and working out - bed bug protector that zips around the plastic mattress, foam mattress pad (had it shipped to the hotel, slightly opened it there and sort of stuffed it halfway back in the box to move it to the dorm), little cover that comes with the foam topper, thicker mattress pad then finally the sheets.

Next year she will have a queen bed in the house but it was too much of a hassle to bring the twin XL foam pad home then somehow get it to CO for D21 so I left it in storage and we will find a freshman who can use it.

A friend did use an IKEA blue bag to stuff her D’s foam pad in and checked it as luggage, it was heavy but it worked.

Also- we ordered and had shipped to store where our older boys went to school so it was one less
Box to carry with us. One went where there wasn’t one close so we had box shipped to hotel where we were staying for move in day.

D21 has been getting weepy about leaving her cat. I go back and forth about ordering a pillow with her cat’s picture. Will she love it, or will it make her sad?


I’m not sure what D19 has. I’ll ask her to check. I don’t think it’s the cooling kind, but she’s also had air-conditioning, so that’s lucky! I haven’t thought about the dorm room yet with D21. I’m in denial. I feel like D19 has barely been away—how could it be D21’s turn already?

Also, D21 is our most intense child, with a lot of ideas, friends coming over, etc. She’s a big presence. It’s going to be so quiet in our house!


My D19 and her cat are very close. I committed to sending a daily picture of the cat every evening for her first year away. I thought it might be a little over the top, but my D19 said she looked forward to getting the photo every night.

It’s a pain to remember, and the poor cat was confused by her sudden paparazzi, but it helped my daughter (and me to be honest) with the transition.


I hate to disagree but we have had no problem getting my son’s 4” thick mattress topper back in the box. He is finishing his second year and we have rolled it up numerous times and shoved it back in the original box it came in. In fact, we are on our way home from his campus right now (had to drop off car so he can move himself home after finals b/c we will be OOT). We brought the box as well so he can cram it back in when he moves out.


Gosh, not good news! We will manage somehow, as I really do want to air the topper out beforehand. Pretty sure my H and I will take separate cars… I plan to stay in the area afterward (and venture south to visit my sister in NC) whereas my H will have to make it a quick trip. He can bring any excess that won’t fit on my car (but I’m going to try to keep the volume down). Only one car can be at drop-off but we’re staying literally four blocks from campus and if I have to strap stuff on the roof for those four blocks so be it :grimacing:

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My D and I already exchange funny cat photos every day (our weird way of being close, I guess) so it’s a pretty sure thing she will get a chronicle of her feline every day too! The cats are used to feeling like celebrities!


I visited a historic farm in my area today that is part history museum/ part environmental education/arts center and I was practically begging them to sign me on as a volunteer next year as I will need something big to fill my life once my D has flown the nest! D stayed over at a friend’s house last night (everyone vaccinated) and our house felt so empty this morning.

I think I’m on a roll to buy all this dorm stuff and do other college-related tasks now to relax later and enjoy the rest of the time we have together without worrying about what needs to be done around the corner (or scrambling if things are out of stock). Its kind of fun, really. D’s bonding well with her future roommate…seems to be a genuine thing…and while they won’t be super-coordinated or have an exact color scheme they’ve agreed to a general look and range of colors they both like, which makes it easy and fun.


Ok. The topper. We took it out of the box but kept it in the shrink wrap and threw it in a Samsonite tote a ton along with other bedding. It was the first thing I took out when we got to S19’s room and then we started unpacking everything else. Made the bed last. That gave it a little time to poof up and air out.

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What major is your son going to be in? Interesting to have kids of CC friends going to the same school!

Congratulations on Vandy acceptance in any case!

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Congrats on Northwestern acceptance!


Check out Kohls for 3-4" foam mattress toppers. They have good sales.

Dorm mattresses are like vinyl slabs. Put the foam topper on the mattress, then put an elastic-edged mattress pad around it to hold the topper in place. Then the fitted sheet. Very comfy. If no A/C, get a couple of clip on fans for around the bed (and of course box fan in the window, oscillating floor fan, etc.)

Pro tip for move-in-- if the bed is lofted drag the mattress down onto the floor, assemble everything, then hoist it back up. Seriously, crawling around up there trying to make a bed is ridiculous :wink:


No you don’t usually wash the
Mattress topper and it usually just goes in the garbage when they’re done with it. We use linenspa that you can get pretty reasonably at Amazon. My kids were happy with 2” toppers. Some think you need 3” or more even.we also use a bug protector zip thing and a mattress pad. Our mattress toppers have always been memory foam and I agree that once you open it good luck trying to shrink it back down. I’ve seen a lot of people suggest trying to roll them up and squeeze them into a sleeping bag bag. My son will get a new one so that he’s not sleeping on memory foam that my girls slept on and they won’t need them next year as they’ll have normal beds.