Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

D21 is going random for her roommate. She won’t find out anything till July. She also doesn’t like social media. At least her school will match.

UCF not so much- it wasn’t like that a couple of years ago. No idea why they changed it.

Well…you weren’t supposed to pick the roses…but at 6 am, no one to see…

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@Picklenut6 I’m so sorry for your D21. I think the social media roommate matching sounds soul-crushing. Hopefully a nice person will come along and she can feel settled before the Fall. Im sure many kids are going through the same thing. My D21’s school does the choosing for the freshmen and I have to admit I’m relieved. Hang in there.


Argggh I feel for you @Picklenut6. Kids can be such idiots with social media. Do you know of any kids from your school/ neighboring towns who are going to the same school that she could connect with? Sometimes even a friend of a friend of a friend works out well. The class of '25 Instagram groups can sometimes give you that info. Yes, I’ve snooped around to see who my D21’s potential classmates are.

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That’s rough. I think having that as the only path to housing would’ve either put my kid off housing or off a school entirely. She absolutely doesn’t want the pressure of picking the right stranger off the internet. I hope it works out for your daughter!

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I hope this helps a little — my S felt a great sense of relief that choosing your freshman year roommate isn’t meant to be like choosing your lifetime BFF. He’s busy juggling a lot of stuff before senior year is over and I don’t think he’s even set up his college email. (Now, that last part is making me nervous so I’ll confirm this weekend!) But I assume there are a lot of busy kids not prioritizing sm right now as well that will be a good fit your daughter. Hang in there!


Thanks, I will have to check into these. He has a friend who has a parent optometrist that I can ask. I did have glasses from when I was 16 on but couldn’t wear contacts. Turns out I was allergic. In 2004, I had lasik which was fantastic (not sure why I waited so long). My son clearly takes after me with the eyes although he did get glasses also like you maybe in 4th grade or so. In 7th or 8th grade he got the contacts. I remember the Dr telling me that the dailies would probably be what I could wear now because of my issue and that my son probably has the same issue that I had as far as being allergic, so that’s the one thing I wonder about with the ones you use. Also, I think my son is too lazy to bother with cleaning them and likes to just take them out each day before bed (although he does fall asleep with them if he falls asleep later in the day before he then gets up and studies) and then just throw them out before bed for the day. That convenience is nice. I also could not for the life of me convince him to get a pair of glasses until finally this year. I told him he never knows when he might get an infection or just need to give his eyes a rest. He’s been really lucky until now. I also think at school he will like to just get up in the morning and put the glasses on since he will most likely have a communal bathroom and have to move his butt if he wants to see lol.

Thanks for that idea. Definitely doesn’t hurt to check. His eyes keep getting worse as I think he’s -5.5 in one eye and a little better in the other so it would be great if he didn’t have to take them out at all for 2 weeks then only soak them. Plus we eye insurance that covers a certain amount towards contacts each year so at least they wouldn’t cost that much even the dailies don’t. It is amazing how far contacts have come. :slight_smile:

@MommaLue Sounds like he can’t try the ones you suggested since he’s at -5.5 in one eye and the other I think he is -4.75. When he finally got the glasses just to have a pair I couldn’t believe how thick the lenses were. Yikes! Poor kid.

My younger daughter has -6.75 and -7.25 and I her lenses are not thick at all.

Oh I’ve snooped too. Curiosity got the best of me. Unfortunately she doesn’t know anyone from her school going there. The college will match you if you don’t find someone on social or from their internal portal. I have a feeling she will be randomly matched and it will all work out ok. She just doesn’t do well when she builds an idea in her head and then things don’t happen that way. She’s not a big social media person, never has been and it’s hard for her to put herself out there in display.


Yes…I secretly hope my daughter will just let her school find her roommate for her snd take all this stress and drama out of the experience!


Her school does have a matching program but she was hoping to meet someone in advance and get to know them. If it’s random you find out right before move in…she’s also excited about decorating the room and was hoping to coordinate some of that too. It will all work out, just maybe not how she originally expected it to.

Roommate matching is so stressful. I wonder if it’s more stressful for girls? My first instinct as a control freak would’ve been to look at the Class of 2025 gram page and find someone with similar interests as me and ask them but then people aren’t always real on IG and the whole trauma of being ghosted is real. I’m glad that some of the universities do questionnaire and then assign. I think it takes away the stress since everyone is in the same boat. It’s like how I wished our public school had uniform. My family was poor growing up and I hated that I never had any trendy clothes or new clothes each year when other classmates got new clothes.

S21 said that Brown randomly assigns. Today he said his only wish is that his roommate likes to work out because he needs someone to hold him accountable. He’s been working out at my next door neighbor’s house since they have weights in their backyard. He and a couple other senior besties go over to work out. Ironically, my neighbor’s son (their friend who initiated this) doesn’t join them and he’s usually inside gaming. :joy:


Could be based on the frames she has that you haven’t noticed. I wouldn’t have either, but when he picked frames they told him he had to pick different ones because the frames couldn’t support the lenses because the frame which was a wire type frame the lens wasn’t flush with the frame

Without going on groups like FB and instagram, many kids find roommates on discord or patio. I’ve seen a lot of parents in the parent groups also trying to see if anyone else’s kids are still looking.

Too bad that I’m too old. I’d hold him accountable with absolute certainty. :slightly_smiling_face:

But the amount of college-aged students that could hold him accountable at college is probably nearly zero. But that would be awesome!

D21 is going random for a roommate. No luck finding anyone and not really that much interest in finding someone.


Sounds like our sons have similar eyes. My son started wearing glasses in K for astigmatism, his one eye is worse than the other and he is limited to certain lenses. He only wears contacts for sports (they last 30 days, but he can’t sleep in them), he prefers glasses. He was really sad because he broke his favorite glasses putting on his new college sweatshirt and now has to wear his backups for prom and graduation.

Mine has the dailies and really likes them. I couldn’t wear contacts at all. My eyes itched and burned and that’s when I found out I was allergic. My eyes also weren’t as bad. Now I am still 20/20 17 years after Lasik but need readers in a big way!

Funny about the broken glasses but good thing he has a spare! My son forgot to tell me he was almost out of his contacts so he had to wear some of his old ones for a few days and since he plays tennis he had to wear them for that too since he can’t play in the glasses. I am sure the Dr would’ve given us some samples but since I don’t buy them there (they’re way more expensive than just going to walgreens or costco) I hate to bug them for the samples. I am still waiting for my son’s script to stabilize, but every year it’s .5 change per eye!

My son’s have gotten so bad they say he’s not eligible for lasik, so good thing he likes his glasses!

Exactly same here! She tells me that everyone else has a roomie and no one else replies to her. I feel sad to hear.

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That is so much extra stress for these kids! I am glad S21s school does random with a questionnaire. I told him to be honest about how messy he is. He would drive a Felix Unger type crazy.

S18 was random too and it worked out fine. He and his roommates got along, although they all made different friends and ended up in different rooming groups the next year.