Parents of the HS Class of 2022

We had fee waivers at all the private schools where D demonstrated interest (signing up for on line info sessions, visited in person, attended session at her school…). Only ones we paid for were two state schools (in different states). She also had that mailing from Dartmouth and almost would have applied as a reach just for kicks, but they required a peer recommendation letter. Seems like a lot to ask of another senior, so she passed.


I got the same email this morning from Fordham :slight_smile: Fordham and WashU keep emailing me about how they are awaiting my D’s app. Fordham was on her list early on but fell off. I doubt she would get into WashU, she won’t apply.

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My son is also applying for Computer Science. Submitted UT Dallas (rolling, Texas resident) and Stanford (REA), almost done with U of Maryland (EA). UC’s are next. Wondering if USoCal scholarship deadline of December 1st is worth pursuing; Stanford supplemental essays really knocked him out… Looking at North Carolina State, University of North Carolina for RD.


Woo hoo! Kid got one submitted!


@Ally86 Willamette is very generous with merit! Visited with D19 and I thought it was a really special place. One of D19’s best friends (STEM major) goes there and loves it.


Can I ask when/how her Case Western waiver arrived? My D22 has attended virtual sessions, signed up for mailing list, etc but hasn’t seen a waiver. She was getting sometimes 2-3 postcards a day from them, but never saw a waiver. She swears she’s searched her emails and none there either. Not saying I don’t believe my own daughter but . . .

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No progress here. There was almost progress, but then alas, no. She told me Thurs or Fri that she and her friend had looked over each other’s essays at school and she thought she was ready to submit to her in-state safety publics. I asked her if she wanted me to look over it too before she submitted and she said yes, but then never gave me her computer to look at it. Now she’s off with friends to hang out for Halloween weekend and I won’t see her until Sunday night. Probably not going to happen then either. I just want it done!!


Isn’t Tulane’s app always free? I thought that was how they juiced their numbers? (no shade please, I am a fan of the school, where my S20 attends).


It arrived a few weeks ago by email. My daughter has never expressed any interest so it was a bit of a surprise.

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No waiver for my kid either, even with similar attendance at virtual sessions with Case.

That’s a merit scholarship deadline. If you are at all interested in USC, I strongly suggest you get the application in before Dec 1.

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You’re right. Apparently no app fee at Tulane.

" At Tulane, admissions director Faye Tydlaska says her school dropped its $45 fee in 2008 because it was already granting so many admissions waivers, including to all Louisiana applicants, and to anyone who asked. It realized only about half of applicants were paying and the money raised from the fees was negligible."

Wellesley, Carleton, Colby, Kenyon, WPI, Trinity U and Reed are some others that don’t charge fees to apply.


Uploaded an incomplete artifact for UMichRoss. I am not sure if Admissions entertain us sending the correct doc on Monday ( still within deadline) . Has anyone come across a situation like this? Thanks for any pointers.

Let me join, it has caused too much stress around here. What if the teacher never write the letter? What is the next step? Too many questions. I will wait for Monday.

If you send in a complete application by the deadline, you should be fine.

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Hmm, maybe our kids showed too much interest?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thank you so much, that really helps. Since the app has been submitted, the slideroom through which my D22 uploaded the Ross artifact is not taking in the complete doc. There is a RossUMich email mentioned there. Do you think it would be OK if D22 sends the doc to the email address instead? Thanks

Yes–maybe Case suspected that they were getting the application without offering a fee waiver.

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Pfshew! The last of D’s applications were submitted today, one ED and 7 EA. Good luck everyone!


If you send in a complete appliction by the deadline, you should be fine.

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