Parents of the HS Class of 2022

My mother reminded me that an old family friend of ours is a rather legendary retired dean at NYU, so I sent her a note — not asking for anything, just letting her know S22 had applied and filling her in on what our family has been up to the last few years. She wrote back warmly and said she would check on S22’s application with colleagues she’s still in touch with. Every little bit!


Anyone still waiting on LORs?

S22 has an extra/optional letter coming from a certain teacher. It’s letter #3 so if it doesn’t come in, it’s no big deal. He confirmed verbally with the teacher last week, but it hasn’t been submitted yet. His application is otherwise complete in the portal.

Do colleges have a grace period? Is there a drop dead deadline for a Nov1 ED/EA school?

Two EA’s submitted yesterday, more than 48 hours ahead of deadline. :tada: Only four regular decisions to go!


working on submitting CSS for a college. Lots of same info as in FAFSA - does not look like the two systems talk to each other, working on replicating all the submitted info again. I hear there is a $16 fee per college for CSS through college board aswell. Learning something new everyday!

Only for those making more than $100K per year. I know that’s a lot of the folks on here, but good news for those of us below that.


We are, from one teacher. I’m not stressed about it–I suspect he’ll get it done by tomorrow. And, yes, I think that all of the colleges where my kid is applying have a grace period.


Woo hoo! Kid has 6 EA apps in. Good luck to everyone!


My D and I are a little sad, as she was going to apply EA to her top school, but her essays need more polishing, and she is only finally (hopefully) able to take the SAT this coming Saturday. She has at least two of her LOR, but the school is foreign and it is a struggle to find someone who will fill in the questions about her current school. The person she was told to discuss the procedure with, said that she had done it twice before and wasn’t interested in doing it again because the form was like 27 pages?! She has last year’s head of year, who is willing to help now, but the school is on holiday for another week. In the end I just had to advise her that she should wait until it is all complete, as I didn’t think such a straggly application would look very good, even though the GC and SAT stuff has been beyond her control.

Two completely different organizations.

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Sorry to hear that your D isn’t able to apply EA. What is this 27-page questionnaire? We’re also abroad (UK) and I’ve not heard of this before. I know schools are expected to submit school profiles, which are usually a couple of pages long. If last year’s school profile is available, perhaps it can just be updated.

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D22 received her acceptance to University of Oregon today! About a week after applying. We haven’t heard yet from the Honors College or about merit, but D is thrilled and really likes Oregon. It is her safety, but wow, such a nice feeling to have a great choice she would be happy to attend. Yay for rolling admission!


Well, I wasn’t there, but I suspect it must have been a very long time ago, and probably the fact that it is in English, might have put the woman off. My D then asked last year’s head to do it, after she had spent an awful lot of time trying to track this one lady down. The school is very good, but it is not aimed at placing its students in US colleges. I did not think my D would be going that direction either, until 3 years ago, but she loves her school, so we kept her there.
The Holy Grail for her now, is an LAC education, so I hope the school profile does not turn out to be a large problem.

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We had an analogous situation and I, concerned that my daughter’s school might find the requested action too burdensome, devised what I felt was a suitable approach and sent it to her school for their consideration (they ultimately adopted it). In your case, I wonder if your daughter can track down the previous school profile and then updated it (as much as she is able to) for the school’s consideration/sign off, they might be more willing to cooperate.


Congrats! I have never been to Oregon but out of the approximately 2,000 college brochures my kids have received I thought theirs was the most beautiful. The cover shows some mountains that are near the campus.


Sorry the EA deadline didn’t work out.

Is she applying via the Common App? If the school used Common App in the past, then the school information is already stored there and most of the fields will be prefilled by previously submitted information. The GC may need to modify it a bit, but it’s much less work than starting from scratch. They would then need to add an info specific to your daughter, but most of the school information would be reusable.

In order to access the previous information, they may need to use the same account as in the past. And no, the Common App GC form is not 27 pages :slight_smile:, but I can see why one wouldn’t want to deal with it.


She is using the common app. I do not believe the school’s information shows up. When the vacation is over (and she is back, because I sent her to the states to take the SAT as I could not get one of the private schools here to accept her in October after her center cancelled the test, and then they have no November SAT in Europe), I will have her sit with last year’s head and figure out what to enter for information. The school does not have a GC like in an American school, but a sort of advisor for getting their dossiers together for French further education. This woman does not seem to believe that it is possible to go to school in the US….mainly because of price. Well, I am hoping we will prevail in the end. :wink:

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I’m sorry I wasn’t more clear. I was talking about the GC side of the application. Your daughter will not see any of that.

When the school person responsible for the application opens the school section of the common app, they will be able to access the school info that was submitted in the past years, including the school profile. Most of the school related fields will be prefilled, making the task much easier than starting from scratch.

I am a homeschooling parent and as such get to see and fill out the GC part of the common app. It isn’t an enjoyable task, and I can understand why people would avoid doing it if possible. S22 is my younger one, and I was pleasantly surprised when I logged into the common app and found out that all the school info I entered for S20 was there! I used the same GC account (email address) for both of them, and I am not sure how this would work in your daughter’s case if a different GC account was used.

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We used to live in France, so we feel your pain! Seriously, I hope things work out in the end (usually did for us with a lot of persistence).

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Got 4 EA apps in last night after a VERY stressful weekend. It was supposed to be 6 schools; we’ll see if he can get the last two in today. Lessons learned: we need to set deadlines at least a week ahead to proofread everything - supplemental essays, short answers, and the big essay as well as the 1 million fields in the Common App. A friend of the family who was a college advisor helped D19 and was invaluable! Sadly, she passed away, so we hired a guy for S22 who was USELESS! Worse than useless. S22 is a really good writer, but his essay felt like Frankenstein had taken it apart and put it together a hundred times. And worst of all it lost his voice. So he basically, opened a new doc and re-wrote it this weekend with a few edits from husband and me. A couple of EA schools left and a handful of RD schools. Should be able to go forward without a repeat of this weekend. :sweat_smile:


My son submitted his only EA application last night, and the only application he intends to submit.