Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Still waiting to submit here. Frustration all around. Or at least for me. The deadlines are Nov 15th for D22’s EA schools, though, so we have a little time if she doesn’t waste it.


Really had to hold back when I read D’s essays. Some were pretty strong, others meh but not bad. At least we won’t have the problem of their looking professionally done! :rofl:

She got 4 EA’s in yesterday and got to take her little sister trick-or-treating. Really needed the break so I’m glad she got to do that before I start nagging about her UC and CSU applications!

Good luck to all our kids! And us parents trying to keep it together. :slight_smile:


DD asked for a letter of recommendation from a sophomore teacher who knows her better than her junior teachers since her entire junior year was online. Teacher decided to write a different recommendation for each of her EA schools (only 2) to make it more personalized and a separate one for her RD schools. Our school counselor has never dealt with this before and trying to figure it out in Naviance. We are grateful that the teacher took the extra effort to do this, but we are also worry that her RD schools could get the personalized letter for her EA schools if not done correctly in the system. Does anyone has experience with this? Any suggestions or things to watch out for? Her other LOR is from a junior teacher and has already been submitted.

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Wow that’s great the teacher wants to do so much for your daughter but I can understand the concern with getting the LORs mixed up. I have no experience but suggest you ask on the main “College Admissions” page of this forum in addition to this Parents forum. Will hopefully get more help there. Good luck!

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S22 got his second EA app in last night. Do I love his “Why [college]?” essay? It’s adequate, nothing great. But at least it’s his own effort.

Now attention turns to UC and Cal State apps. Plus maybe one more EA app with a Nov 15 deadline.


My D’s counselor hasn’t submitted ED Agreement from CommonApp. Should she be worried? Do colleges give a grace period?

Finally got 2 apps submitted! Whoo-hoo! Neither is her top school, but I think one is her #2 school and the other is probably #4 or #5 out of 5. She’s still working on the “why this college” essay for her #1.


We’re applying exclusively to CSUs and UCs. Which is your daughter applying to?

We are:


Not sure (other than paranoia) why I have him applying to so many.


The school counselor said Naviance would not allow different LORs for different schools from the same teacher. He has asked the teacher to take out the school name and to submit a more generalized LOR. Everything is submitted now. We still appreciate the teacher’s effort tremendously and will be giving him Mrs. Fields’ cookie dough from D’s dancing program fundraising as a thank you.


We are officially done with applications. All EA, no RD. MIT was finally submitted on Friday (took me a few days recover from this one, so did not post anything)… So now we wait. Decisions will come in pairs, looks like (not counting MIT, since this was mostly for my benefit and not a real possibility). January 15th and February 1st: Georgia Tech, Purdue (her first choice for now), UMD and Northeastern. Now I wish i can hit “forget” button, until it is time for decisions release… I am so excited no more nagging and crying (for both sides!!!)

Well, we have NMF decision too, I guess, January-February, but this is fun stuff :slight_smile:


Nothing yet for my '22, but for my olders we do a card and small token at the end of the season, after all possibly need for recs is past. Not too much, because we don’t want to give any hint of impropriety.

I am enjoying reading all the app deadline excitement posts, and the college lists for those who are choosing to share! It is amazing how quickly the fall has passed.

I have a feeling that D22 has as many apps in as are going to be submitted. It sounds like she is losing steam as far as completing reach apps, which is fine. I had hoped she might submit for Duke, where her sister is in grad school, but, oh well.

D22 had abdominal surgery a few weeks ago, and now they have moved up a scheduled jaw surgery from winter break to late next week. Eek! The good news is that the reason for the move is that a specialist from out of state is suddenly coming here, so feeling confident in the quality of care (which is not always the case at the public facility where we get much of our care.) The bad news is that the timing definitely interferes with an early Dec scholarship weekend and a Zoom interview for an early assurance PT program.


Great to hear! By the way, is your daughter applying to UK universities as well or has she changed her mind?

That’s our concern as well.

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She did change her mind. She was all in on the UK 6 months ago and we got her passport renewed and were looking at doing a scouting trip over there. Even the first week back at high school she was still very interested in the UK and momentarily enrolled in a 3rd AP class online because she was not happy with her APUSH score, but then I think she had a realization about what all would be involved in it and a switch flipped. She said she’ll be happy with study abroad now.


Fair enough. If she likes the UK during study abroad, she can always return for graduate school (which was how I first got here).


Given the number of surprising UC decisions last year it was probably a smart move.


Great to read about all the productivity! My S22 finished the last two with deadlines of Nov. 1 yesterday, one whole day early:) He has one more to go with a Dec. 1 deadline, so not done yet, and the last one has four 250-word essays, 2 reg. essays + 2 for engineering. It’s USC which is a reach, but not too crazy. I hope he has a bit left in the tank since I think it would be a great fit for him in many ways. His short list of five is sort of an odd mix: Accepted at U. Pitt and ASU, waiting on Honors for both. Applied to Mich. State and U. Michigan, in-state for us. And then USC, bigger reach than U. Mich.

I am fairly comfortable with his list (based on finances and academics), but in the past few days have started second-guessing and wondering if we have overlooked something…


Well its not 11:45 and two EA applications are submitted. The third one never was submitted, but am Ok with that as he submitted his big reach and his safety. So at least he will be at 50% He is definitely going to college!


Those USC essays were a bear for my son. He’s applying to Viterbi as well. When my daughter applied to Dornsife at USC- it was much more straightforward !


S22 finally submitted 3 EA applications today. His ED isn’t due until 11/15 though.