Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I’m glad things are getting submitted! I’m taking a break from nagging until this weekend. Lol. He has some honors/scholarship essays due 11/15 so a bit of time yet, but not tons. I’m happy all the 11/1 stuff is in. I can’t wait to just be done and waiting.


Finally, D22 submitted a total of 9 one ED and 7 EA 1 RD… now she has to work on Ucs and state.


d22 submitted MIT -EA yesterday and today got an email for Interview scheduling. That was fast. Any advice on interview?


My D is applying to all those UC/CSU’s plus UCLA, UCI, Sac State!

Last year was so unpredictable, and I imagine there may be more kids applying to more campuses again this year since SAT’s are out for good, which seems to make things more unpredctable. Which makes the rate of admissions lower, which freaks everyone out more, which makes everyone apply to more schools, which makes the rate of admissions lower . . . :crazy_face:


I remember seeing tips on the MIT website so she should check there. Also discussion on this thread: MIT EA Interview 2022. Good luck!

(My D submitted her MIT EA application on Saturday so I"m trying not to freak that she hasn’t gotten an interview email :slightly_frowning_face:)


Same here!

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That’s exactly how I feel. I know we have done extensive search and found quite a few colleges that will work great for S22, but it’s hard to close the doors. S22 already has an acceptance to a great university, including their honors college and substantial merit, and he would be happy to go there. Yet, the nagging feeling …

On a different note, S22 inbox started filling up with emails "We have extended the ED/EA deadline … " Really?


S22 got one of those ED deadline extension emails as well.


We encouraged my son to apply ED somewhere (and we were prepared to fly out and visit schools last month) but he just didn’t want to commit. He only saw USC and UCLA. Being in CA, he wanted to see if if could get into some of the UCs as well as other schools. Traveling so far during COVID for abbreviated tours just wasn’t in the cards for us. I sometimes wonder if the schools on the east coast will be getting more ED apps from east coast kids rather than from those in CA, for instance. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking :slight_smile:


Everyone I know in my dd’s Senior class is applying pretty extensively to the UCs after last year’s debacle.
My kid managed to submit several EA apps despite her grueling marching band and job schedule. A couple more due the 15th, then the UCs and Cal States. After that, there will be one regular decision left and that’s it!


It is about 5 weeks (or less) until D22 will hear from her ED1 school. I have decided the waiting is more stressful than writing the applications!


My S22 got one letter in the mail last week, I’m forgetting from which school, and it said the early deadline is Nov. 1 or one week from receipt of the letter, whichever is later. But he didn’t care about college mailers even early in the process, and now he’s set on his two already-submitted applications.


S22 has applied to and been accepted by four universities: Iowa State, Alabama, Texas A&M, and Arizona State. While S22 says he wants to apply to other schools, he applied to no others by the November 1st deadline. He thought about Maryland (and he would need scholarships to attend), but that ship has sailed. He is considering USC, but would need to apply by December 1st (and I have heard that those essays are a bear). The essays seem to be an issue. It is taking too long to finish them, and while commendable that he wants to keep his grades up, his senior year is proving difficult (full IB student). Finally, each of the above, while simple applications have had multiple (in some cases) follow on applications for scholarships, Honors Colleges, and special cohort programs. So…there’s that.

Luckily, as a NMSF (and likely NMF), he has amazing opportunities at Alabama and Texas A&M (Iowa State is comparable). Arizona State has chosen to cancel such scholarships and has fallen by the wayside. S22 may consider Washington State (he has kicked it around a bit, but Pullman).

Alabama has rolled the crimson carpet out (I mean, really). The opportunities for S22 there are amazing and the scholarship is real money (allowing the opportunities on his college savings to be real).


Can’t agree with you more on this. I keep checking portals everyday :grinning:


Don’t worry about it much. Mine had a discussion close to 2 hrs mostly about all her ECs and interests and how she’s planning to take the efforts that she’s into. My D22 just spoke to her friend who had her interview yesterday, hers was just 35 mins long. The EC had other conflicting interview scheduled. Just make sure she is herself that’s all is needed. Good luck to your daughter.


It’s fine, they seem to be tight on their schedules. Few of my daughter’s friends had theirs in a day or two notice. If they can’t offer a spot she’s going to be waived for interview. A senior from our HS who never had an interview got accepted in 2019. Tell her to hang in there. All the best!!!


See, I’m looking forward to the waiting! It’s out of my hands, can’t do anything about it, I can think about something else for a few weeks. Still have one more - D22’s ED school - to submit - then waiting. I’ve told her not to give me access to the portals, but elicited promises that she will check regularly to make sure nothing is missing. I still have access to the email she’s using for college - which she FINALLY started checking this past week (I’ve been checking it all along) - so nothing should get too lost. But I don’t want access to the portals.


Yes. I’m wondering if, in general, kids are going to college closer to home compared to the pre-Covid years.


I wonder that, too. My daughter is at USC and I am so glad that we’re close enough that she can come home and visit if just overnight. Easy peasy.


My whole immediate family will be in NYC by the middle of next year, if all goes according to plan. DW and I are moving there after S22 graduates from high school, and his two college choices are there; our D19 is already there, finishing up at Parsons and living in Brooklyn. She’ll graduate a semester early, in December 2022, but with her career goal being to work in the art world, NYC is a likely spot for her first job (she’d like to end up back in London eventually, where we were expats for a while). I expect we’ll turn our weekly FaceTime family catch-ups into at least weekly dinners, which will be nice.

@Juno16, I’ve confirmed that S22 has received his NYU and Fordham confirmations and portal access, but I also don’t plan to get access for myself. That can wait until it’s time to pay tuition, as with D19 at the New School.