Parents of the HS Class of 2022

So my child wasn’t the only procrastinator…


I always picture an actual cat whipping around!

For the most part, yes. But they say interviews occur during Novmerber, so if you haven’t heard by ~the 15th, I’d contact them.

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Transferring into Engineering or CS is difficult. I don’t think others are. Engineering major isn’t selected until the end of Freshman year, so there’s no need to “transfer” from what is indicated on an application.

Transferring into Engineering or CS is similarly difficult at many schools.


I’d be interested in the Common App application receipt rates from 12:00-12:05am


…and was it 11:58 p.m. EST?

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My son was one of the 1,513 that helped to break the record! :joy:


So you know it is a nautical term that refers to a whip, not a feline

So S22 submitted his EA application to UMass today - 2 days early (to my shock & surprise). Now to round out his list and get going on the rest - I’m hoping I can get him to finish before Xmas - otherwise “break” is going to be miserable.


So my son applied - with great, and I mean great, prodding - ED1 to a lovely LAC. Hurray! My quandary: do I let him stop all applications until he hears from the college on Dec. 15?

On the plus side, this approach ends the constant nudging and creates a peaceful no-application zone for November and early December. However, if he doesn’t get in to his ED school, winter break could be the. worst. two. weeks. ever.

Sigh. I didn’t anticipate that this part of parenting would be so hard.


My D22 is also taking a break from US college applications after submitting her REA to attend to other pressing matters (including keeping up with school work and preparing for a UK admissions test that’s happening today). We agreed that she would take a look at the supplementary essay questions for the other schools she’s interested in and jot some notes in the interim, which hopefully will make the December stretch less arduous.


How selective was the LAC? If it is very selective, and he is not a recruited athlete with near certainty of admission, I’d continue with a few apps so that if things don’t work out on December 15 you aren’t scrambling.


Did your son apply EA anywhere as well? My son stuck in 9 EA apps in addition to his ED app. Several of them had no supplemental essays, so not as bad as it sounds. And yes, I’m referred to as " the Nagger in Chief" in our household. I feel your pain. :joy: I’m giving mine a break until December and then will decide if he wants to throw in applications to a couple more.


Same, 9 EA/ED apps here. He’s taking a break for a while and has earned it! Mental health is a priority for sure. In a few weeks, I’ll start nagging again. The good-great-news is that many essays can be adapted. There are only a few RD ones that are completely unique! Congrats to all the kiddos (and parents) who are working hard!


Any chance he has some easy EA or RD options? My D22 applied to one of her safeties that doesn’t even require the Common App essay, so it was super easy. It’s not her first pick, but she could see herself there if she doesn’t get into her first pick (which she still hasn’t applied to!)


I think as a general rule, students can switch to less selective majors, but not to more selective majors. As an undergrad I saw people switch from EE to CivE to Econ, but never the other direction.

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Are all these EAs public schools? I think we only did 3 or so.

No. It was about evenly split between public and private.

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After EAs, finding it challenging to get back on track for UC essays/process and the whole works. Best thing is that 4 essays can be used for all UC colleges. still, I am wondering how we will be approaching RDs at this rate. Hope the decisions are out ( for EDs/EAs) before throwing hat in the ring for RDs. If UCs continue to be unpredictable, that means , we may have to prep for couple of RDs so we can get them out after Dec 15. I am looking for best practices to optimize any additional work we need to do at this point college apps wise.


Agree. The UCs require a different approach and it’s been hard for D22 to recalibrate. She’ll hit those hard in a week or so, after the SAT this weekend and submitting a scholarship app.

The good news for us is that because she knows what she wants to pursue in college and beyond she is getting more and more excited about the programs and other opportunities offered, reading me class descriptions, etc. She is now very engaged. She still procrastinates but it is no longer like pulling teeth.