Parents of the HS Class of 2022

D22 has her first alumni interview next week (Occidental). It’s in person. Should she take or send a copy of her resume? I’m not sure if they are provided with any background on the applicants.


It seems there’s no harm in bringing a resume along. It may go unseen, but is there to provide context if needed and could serve as a safety blanket in case she blanks.

Could she send it to her interviewer in advance? S22 did this, but the interviewer said he couldn’t use it.

Also- wow, in person interview??


S22 had a good report card, with A’s in honors lit and AP Human Geo, A-minuses in AP Stats and AP Physics. A 3.85, so improving his overall 3.58.

On the preordering of swag, I canceled the order with the vendor whose delivery service failed to show up, and doubled down with another vendor: another NYU hoodie for S22, plus an NYU Mom sweatshirt for DW and an NYU Dad cap for me. Will make for a nice family photo if all goes well!


Thanks for that info! I didn’t realize some accept early. Pomona is on his list (#2) so that would be great to hear early.

Last year due to Covid, most decisions were delayed. Hopefully this year, decisions will be back to a normal time line.


@Evie800 Keeping fingers crossed for your family! If your kiddo doesn’t mind the constant drizzle and sometimes heavy rain from end of Sept to end of May, the UW campus is beautiful. Best deal at the UW is the bus pass/public transit that allows students to explore the amazing downtown. Nearby campus, there’s tons of things for students to do and tons of eateries! That’s also not to mention all the major employers in several industries with key offices in the area.


@MommaLue Thank you so much! It sounds like exactly what S22 is looking for, minus the weather. Lol! We are from a small rural town, population 1400. He’s really excited about being in a city where there is a lot more to do than watch cattle graze and a lot more places to eat than fast food and mom’s cooking. Although I bet you he eventually misses mom’s cooking! :grin:


Now that we’re so close to actual acceptances and rejections, I realized I don’t want to buy any school logo gear the way I did a few years ago. I’ll buy a ton of it once we know where S22 is going, but for right now, it’s on hold. I don’t want to buy a Cal Poly SLO shirt if he’s not going to wind up there.


I watched a Facebook live talk by Jeff Selingo, the author of “Who Gets In and Why” about the college admissions process. He said colleges spend about 8 to 10 minutes reviewing each application. Wow!


Yes, I read the book and found it had a lot of great info and was really helpful in managing my expectations and also helping me not sweat the details too much.

I realize many schools’ decisions will be made on the basis of my kid’s school record alone. To the extent extracurriculars and essays, etc., matter, it might come down to which reader picks up her file that day and/or how tired they are. Or how many kids from our state were already accepted ED or something.

So much comes down to factors beyond the student’s control. In some ways, that eased the pressure. Maybe my kid’s application won’t get the careful review it “deserves,” but likewise the difference is not likely to come down to how the extracurricular list is ordered or something. Whether a school accepts my student or not, it won’t be a matter of figuring out the one special secret to crafting the perfect application.


I think so much depends on the school, though. My D22 has already had multiple contacts with the admissions person for her #1 school, which is a small LAC. She has spoken to her in person twice and has emailed with her also. But even at one of the larger public universities D22 had in person contact with the admissions officer for our area who met with her and spoke to her for 15-20 minutes and gave her her card. She’s also done an in person interview with another school and had multiple contacts with them and has already been accepted there.


That’s true. He did talk about the distinction between colleges that are “buyers” and “sellers,” i.e. very selective and not. My D applied to both types.


I just learned of student who learned yesterday he was accepted ED to Rochester Institute of Technology. Their ED decisions weren’t supposed to come out until mid-December.

Wouldn’t it be nice if this were a trend?


Definitely not buying swag until decisions are made. Hoping will be able to get my son some for Christmas, but my daughter will likely have to wait for Easter like their older brother did.

Will be fun getting all the gear when the time comes!


OK, a question that unfortunately involves a brag (try to avoid those). S22 got the results of the second SAT he took this morning. The big outcome is that he got a perfect 800 score on his math. That compares to his previous math score of 750.

He’s targeting Rose-Hulman, and has his EA app in to them. If his math score had gone to 770 or something, I wouldn’t sweat it. But for an engineering school, an 800 math score probably is a meaningful update.

I’ve paid for rush delivery of the new scores from the College Board (2-4 business days). Is there anything more S22 should do? Should he email them the update ASAP? Not sure if further action is needed, maybe some parents have ‘been there, done that’ with previous kids.

Thank you!


Yay! That’s outstanding! I don’t have the exact answer (haven’t BTDT) but S22 recently emailed admissions at RHIT with an update and received a quick, nice response. I would think it’s completely fine to self report scores, either through a file upload on the portal or an email to AO saying the official report is on the way!


Congratulations to your son! I agree, he should drop the AO a brief email saying the official report has been sent.


Congrats! Have him contact the AO, as this is an important update. In the worst case scenario, they will simply ignore his email, but otherwise there is nothing to lose.


Great points here, thank you everybody. He’s in school now, I’ll talk to him about emailing Rose this afternoon.

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Did he do the SAT II math subject test?