Parents of the HS Class of 2022

No, College Board discontinued the SAT Math Subject Test before he had a chance to take it.

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Congrats on the great score!

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My oldest attended UW and younger applied there too. I will confirm that it was March, though if I recall correctly the decisions were released over a period of time. I believe you could see the decision on the portal before there was an actual announcement. We did the frantic spring trip with our older too as well. Itā€™s fun to visit after acceptances are in, but the timing is certainly not ideal with other senior activities.

We have had a stressful week! D22ā€™s planned winter break double jaw surgery was suddenly moved up to this past Friday (staffing issues at the hospital). This is her second major procedure in two months and obviously the timing is not perfect. Sheā€™s recovering but still quite swollen, poor articulation, liquid diet, as you would expect. Tomorrow was supposed to be an interview for an early assurance PT program. She was able to delay the interview part, but we will attend the rest of the program via Zoom. Hoping this all goes well, as this is one of her favorite options.


Sorry to hear that. Hope your D22 will feel 100% again soon.

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If only life lined up better with the college admissions cycle! Best wishes to your D22!

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So sorry to hear. Application season is stressful as is, even without lifeā€™s complications added on. Best wishes to your daughter for a speedy recovery, and for success with her college apps.

Iā€™m so sorry to hear this. Hope she has a quick recovery.

@GoodGrief16 Oh my, that surgery sounds incredibly stressful no matter what the timing. So sorry it had to happen mid-application season. Hopefully the university is super understanding about the postponed interview.

And thank you for the information on UW. Is your oldest enjoying their experience there?

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Oh that sounds hard with the surgery. I would think that a PT program would be understanding about having to delay the interview due to surgery. Hope she is feeling better each day.

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BTW, I did go ahead and order swag. Hopefully I havenā€™t jinxed anything, but I donā€™t think so.


Have your son send a note to the admissions office or the local regional admission officer whom he may have been engaged with and notify him/her of the new score and that heā€™s rushing the test scores to the school. If the school has a portal, also have that same text document or added to the portal.

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Thanks! S22 emailed Rose-Hulman last night, told them about his new math score. The Dean of Admissions got back to him this morning, asked him to provide the test date and EBRW score. Theyā€™ll update the self-reported scores section of the app while awaiting the official score sent from College Board.


My oldest graduated from UW in 2017, and did have a good experience. She was one that seemed destined for a small school, but UW ended up being the best option as far as her unusual major. I learned that it is definitely possible to find oneā€™s place at a big school.

And thanks everyone for the kind words for my daughter. She had the information session today and looked sort of pathetic, and probably a bit suspicious) on Zoom with the towel covering half her face.

@GoodGrief16 Your poor daughter! Hope sheā€™s at least feeling better.

Thatā€™s great to hear about UW. My D18 ended up at ASU. We were worried about her getting lost in such a huge university but she ended up finding her niche as well and having a great experience.

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RIT doesnā€™t adhere to a specific day for admission notices going out. They allow the different schools within the university to send out ED notices when they are ready. We are an RIT family. My daughter found out on 12/15/18 but many others applying for diff majors found out mid November 2018. I have another child awaiting RITs decision. Sheā€™s hoping that the school sheā€™s applying to sends out earlier than later. Good luck to everyone

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Hi - Question on Honor Roll ( for UC app Awards section) . If the UW GPA is say 3.9+, can we say the student is Honor Roll student or honor roll eligible ( GPA>3.5). school does not seem to have the Honor Roll program

Criteria for honor roll is variable between different schools. If your school doesnā€™t have an honor roll program, I would not include it on an application.


Yay, S22 just submitted his Univ of California apps! Iā€™m so incredibly relieved and happy! Iā€™ve been pacing and wringing my hands for weeks and then out of the blue, yesterday, he tells me heā€™s done with his essays. I didnā€™t even know he had started them (hence the pacing and hand wringing)! And just now, he said heā€™d submitted them. I think all of the UCs are reaches for him so weā€™ll just have to see, but at least heā€™s in their stack of applicants now!


Iā€™m with you. My calm of a month ago has evaporated and I am stressed out about D22ā€™s impending deadlines for UC and USC. Those apps include her two top schools and it all feels very high stakes. Iā€™ll be so happy when she is finished!