Parents of the HS Class of 2022

You have posted that she really likes USC. Which UC has her eye?

Any update on the Cameron Impact Scholarship?

UCLA - Luskin School for public policy. Interview for the Cameron Impact scholarship was last week and went very well, but obviously competition will be fierce.

She loves USC and honestly it seems to be such a great fit. She has a draft of her Why USC and I’ve read it - it seems good, but who knows? She has done a ton of research so there is some good detail.


The details are important. I spoke to one USC AO after my child was admitted and she commented that my daughter had obviously made an effort to learn about the school and the programs that were offered. So they do notice. :blush: Good luck to your daughter!


We are doing it tomorrow. Though essays were done sometime in July, it’s still a deal to fill out the portal, which took sometime.

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Thanks @coffee2022

The OOS cost, travel cost and cost of living is making it harder to justify application to UCs. Last year they accepted very high stats full pay students. Additionally concerned about campus safety . Any thoughts?

California UC’s are excellent options if they are affordable. I personally think that no Undergrad school is worth approximately $270K+ as a Full pay unless you have an unlimited budget but that is entirely a personal consideration.

Campus safety really has never been my concern for the UC’s as long as you use common sense. The closer a campus is located to a large city, the higher chance there will be some amount of crime and safety issues. Many safety issues happen near but off campus where students live and play (so to speak).

All colleges (including the UCs) are required to compile crime stats each year and make them available to the public under the “Clery Act” (short for Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act).

The advice I give applicants/students is that where you go for Undergrad will not define you, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful. There are so many wonderful Colleges in the US and the UC’s are only a very small portion of these schools where a student can succeed.


Thank you so much for your prompt and detailed response. Cost is major concern and we definitely cannot afford full cost and the stats are not high for merit.
Definitely where you go does not define you. Older sibling was ED reject and went to an affordable public university and ended up achieving more than expected. Thank you again. It’s just a lot for undergraduate degree and specially if you want to go for graduate degree too. Good luck to all.


Ahead of the Thanksgiving weekend, just wanted to say Thank You! to this community, forum and the moderators !! The information, discussion, debates, the generous way people share their thoughts is deeply appreciated. THANK YOU!!! Wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!


Swag for S22’s top target (RHIT) arrived today. Hiding that deep in the bedroom closet. Only sees the light of day if the Dec. 15 EA decision is accepted.


Congrats. My son still has two more UC essays to do. He had done an essay assignment in English earlier in the year where he was answering questions just like the UC app. So he thought he was further along and could just use that. But when he finally really sat down to do it, he discovered he needed to totally redo them.
At least I’ve read his first two efforts and only have a couple corrections/redirects for him. So that’s a good sign.

He insisted on being responsible for submitting his applications, which I support. But the result is that his UC app is coming in at the end of the cycle. Luckily I don’t care a ton. His #1 and #2 choices are both CSUs and his #2 choice should be easier for him to get into than the UCs he’s aiming for. So I don’t really see a scenario in which he goes to a UC. But I’m still pushing him right now to finish those essays. I want him to have choices if my assessments don’t pan out.


Hallelujah, UC application is done. After what seemed like 100,000 versions it is submitted. Truly, truly thankful.



not sure if this is a “sign” or something, RHIT is also on my son’s list. I don’t remember we got RHIT swag.

best wishes

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We seem to be very heavy in Californians in here right now. Must have something to do with the UC app deadline.


This was me buying the swag, as a celebratory gift IF he is accepted. Nothing RHIT themselves sent us. Fingers crossed for our boys.

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Hi - UC Berkeley question. Are business programs offered only by Haas school of business? if student opts for subjects/majors in college of letters and science, will they be able to explore options to do business programs in the 4 years ( at Haas or outside Haas within UC Berkeley) . Thanks

The Business programs in Haas are Business Admin, Global Management (GMP), Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MET) and the Robinson Life Sciences, Business, and Entrepreneurship Program.

So the Business type majors/programs outside of Haas would be Economics. You can take some Business classes in Haas however Haas students get priority with no guarantees the Non-Haas student can get into these classes.


S22 submitted his UC app last night! He thought his final edits were done the previous night. Not really, for he decided to change the introduction to one of the PIQ’s in the afternoon and inserted himself back into the never ending essay editing loop :joy: . I literally put my online shopping on hold, and chained him to his seat, till he finished his edits and submitted the app! Good luck to the other kids and parents!


I can also now join the “Finished UC Application Finally!” club! Woo hoo!! I was supposed to be working on a paper of my own today but I had to help my daughter study for her DMV written test tomorrow and pester my son to finish his last essay. He can sometimes respond to stress by procrastinating even though he’s learned that lesson in the past and generally does a much better job of either starting early or budgeting his time. But when the stress level is strong I guess he can still slide back into the bad habit. But he finally got it done and we finished his activities portion (more annoying than the essays in my opinion.)

So I guess I can get my paper done when the kids go to school tomorrow. But with the submission of the UC app, all my son’s applications are in and done (only applying to CSUs and UCs.) PARTY!!!


Chaining your son to his seat sounds a bit like what I was doing to my son today too.