Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Congrats to all the students who got in their UC apps! And I hope all had a nice holiday weekend. I suppose many have decisions right around the corner!


Hi guys. Iā€™ve been watching and reading yā€™all on CC while D22 worked through her decisions and essays. Hello to many of the ā€˜19 parents that I recognize, with whom we shared suffering a few years ago, and to those who can share our pain this year.

D has submitted ED1 to her dream lottery school, hoping than S19ā€™s current attendance there might constitute a legacy(??). She has also applied to her second choice as RD, waiting to switch it to ED2 if necessary. She has so far submitted to ED1, 2 EAā€™s, and 4 RDā€™s, comprised of 3 reaches, 3 fits, 1 safety. She is preparing to submit to 2 more fits and 1 more safety. None of her applications are to schools that she was offered as a recruited athlete. :neutral_face:

We revisited her ED1 and ED2 schools, along with a few more when we dropped off her brother in the northeast, which puts the total number of school visits at 26. After March, I guess weā€™ll have to find a new excuse to travel around. :slightly_smiling_face:

Best of luck to all, S93.


Hello! That would be so nice if she could be at school with her brother. Fingers crossed!

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Kid submitted the UC application today. That was loooong!


Agreed. We did the classes and grades and stuff a few weeks ago, but I was disappointed there was no option to import from like there is with the CSU app.

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Single-digit acceptance rate makes it unlikely, and weā€™ve prepared for the letdownā€¦ but it would be so nice!


I really want to buy some swag for my daughter for Christmas but she isnā€™t going to decide which school she is going to enroll at until spring once all financial packages are received. She says she can see herself at any of them. So Iā€™m going to have to wait till decision day! She has been accepted to all four schools that she applied to. :tada: They were all target schools and two of them were auto admit. She did not apply to any safety or reach schools.


We are OOS, and there was so much on the application that we didnā€™t understand! We kept having to Google things/use CC to figure out how to fill things out correctly.

Good luck to your kid!


@professionaldad Nice that your D22 has most of her applications in now. My S22 is also down to the last three. Whew!

Sounds like youā€™ve done quite a few road trips with your kids to be able to tour 26 schools. Any surprising/unexpected stand outs?


We are farmers, so our heavier work has some seasonality and allows for road-trips during slower times. Over 4 years, the final visit list was: Tulane x2, William and Mary, Vanderbilt x2, Ole Miss, Emory, Wake Forest, Duke, UNC, UVA, Northwestern, Georgetown, Haverford, Brown, Tufts, UPenn, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Brandeis x2, Boston College, Cornell, Columbia, Northeastern, Wesleyan, Vassar.

Iā€™d say it totally depends on what you are looking for, which is what took so long for each kid to figure out. For me, the most memorable were probably William and Mary, Vassar, and Cornell, but I am more outdoorsy. Vassar in particular is gorgeous - basically the whole campus is an arboretum/botanical garden - and of course Ithaca is ā€œgorgesā€, while Colonial Williamsburg right outside your front door is a draw thatā€™s hard to describe. In the end, D22 preferred urban/sub-urban, mid-sized schools, and is not applying to any of these.

Did you get a chance to visit some, and did any schools stand out for you?


Oh, of course! Were the A-G requirements one of those things? I did have to Google the EOP program. The app description didnā€™t say whether it was needs based, but I thought I remembered it was.

Yes, both of those were confusing!

Also, ranking all 7 UCSD colleges was a lot of work. My kid had the top 2 choices (similar to choosing a major and an alternate) but didnā€™t realize that all 7 colleges had to appear on the list.

Glad itā€™s done, especially hearing that some kids were having trouble with the portal last night.


Finally submitted apps for Cal Poly and SDSU! Total relief as Cal State Apply pretty much came to a crashing halt last night and couldnā€™t even load the full app. Submitting it at 4 am was the answer! If you are reading this and have yet to apply, donā€™t leave it until this evening as the app system doesnā€™t seem to be able to handle peak loads. Anyways, relieved . . .


I think that catches many students (both in and out of state) off guard. There are so many factors to consider - GE requirements, AP credits, housing - that it is a research project in and of itself.


S22 also struggled with the choices following his two 2 picks for the UCSD colleges. But I think I heard that typically kids who are accepted, get into one of their top 2 so hopefully thatā€™s the case this year! Fingers crossed for us all!


S22 about to submit USCal app and scholarship applications for UVA and Vandy.


@professionaldad Besides the goal of choosing colleges, the amount of time traveling together and exploring, must have been a wonderful bonding time for you and the kids before they leave home! Wonderful that you were able to do that together.
We only toured two colleges, BU and NYU. S22 didnā€™t like BU as much as heā€™d expected because he didnā€™t feel like the area around it was lively enough (but we were there on a rainy day and never really left the campus area) but he did like NYU and how busy and urban it felt. Heā€™s looking for a big city feel or at least a college with easy access to city life. Iā€™ve heard thatā€™s true of BU, but we just didnā€™t get a chance to explore in our too brief visit.
I know we should have had a finalized list by now, but S22 is wanting to throw in Vanderbilt at the last minute. Your thoughts on your visit there?


@lll1 - Oh yeah! I was caught off guard by the UCSD college ranking thing too. I read the descriptions first and we decided on an order. Then I googled the choices from a specifically Comp Sci perspective and discovered that a few of our orders were not the best afterall, so we talked about it and re-ordered them. That definitely wasnā€™t easy! And yeah! I tried to log onto the portal last night just to see something and couldnā€™t get it. I went and told my son it was a good thing weā€™d finished the night before! I was able to get in just now, but itā€™s probably going to be an issue again tonight!

@my2caligirls - Oh, so the CSU app crashed last night too? Not surprised since the UC app did. Tonightā€™s going to be ugly!

So I came in today to say that S22 got his first acceptance already (only applied to UCs and CSUs.) It was from CSUSM. I was surprised it came in before the applications closed, but there are possibly/probably a couple of factors going into that:

  1. CSUSM is my sonā€™s local school He had guaranteed acceptance as long as he met the minimum guaranteed-acceptance requirements. So that may be why he got such an early acceptance from them.
  2. I donā€™t think CSUSM is going to be one of the fought-over schools, so theyā€™re possibly getting some of their acceptances out early. But I still think factor #1 is the biggest reason for such an early notification.

I just hope we hear from some of the others quickly too. But Iā€™m not holding my breath.

Is there a 2022 results thread yet that covers multiple colleges?


How long after submitting the Vandy app did your S have access to the scholarship apps/essays? Good luck to him!

There is no CSU result threads started yet. Some of the CSUā€™s are listed under the College A-Z but many are not so you are welcome to start one for CSUSM.

There is no forum champion for the CSUā€™s so all CC posters are welcome to start pertinent discussions.