Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Now Cal State University system has similarly extended the application deadline to Dec. 1. Same story, due to server issues last night.

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Over here, D22 is waiting on pins and needles for ED1 results, which should be out before Dec 7! Send positive vibes our way!!!


@MAandMEmom Thanks for the suggestion but S22 for some reason took Northeastern off the list early on. He didn’t mind that BU was essentially one long street or had less of a campus feel. It was really that he wanted it to be sort of the center of city activity. Or in his mind, a place where he could walk off campus and be in “the city.” I just wish we’d had another day to explore Boston so that he could see if that was possible.


SDSU extended to December 15th


D22 applied Vandy on 28th, requires only 1 essay. Portal login came in today. The scholarship deadline is Dec1st

BU is about as much in the city as you can be in Boston. The campus (or collection of buildings) is large, but parts of it are essentially adjacent to Kenmore Square and Fenway Park. And Boston is a compact city where the rest of the attractions are easy to reach. There are neighborhoods that are a little bit of a trip to get to, but you’ll have that anywhere. NYU is integrated with New York, but only a part of it; you need to grab a subway, bus or taxi to get to Midtown, for example. Similar deal for BU.



Interesting. A different deadline from the rest of the CSUs?

Northeastern was spamming my son (daily emails). He blocked them and said, “they can’t be very good if they’re spamming me.”

But this is also the boy who came home in 9th grade and said, I need to go to MIT or Stanford. I said, “Ummmmm
 how about Berkeley?” And his reply was, “I’ve never heard of it, so it can’t be that good.” I laughed at him.

I thought he’d learned his lesson on snap judgements with colleges back then, but evidently not if he’s still saying similar things.


No. Several Cal State campuses already had an original deadline of December 15th, then Fresno, Los Angeles, Pomona, San Diego and San Jose extended theirs to that date as well. Fullerton, Long Beach and San Luis Obispo extended their deadline only until December 1st.


S22 finally submitted another app - to Pitt this time ,and is in process with the remainder. I am hoping he will finish up most/all before Xmas so we can enjoy the holiday. I don’t want to spend New Year’s Eve by the light of the computer screen waiting for him to push the button at 11:58.


S22 joins the ranks of UC and CSU applicants. Got 'em done yesterday. He was one of the students whose application got hung up a couple nights back due to server overload.

A couple thoughts. First, in the abstract, I used to wonder why California students didn’t check the box for nearly every campus of the UC’s and CSU’s. One app, multiple schools, right? Then the reality of $70/campus hit me. Yeah that takes a bite.

Other thing I saw was the UC app still had a section self-reporting SATs. From what I read, they may be used for course placement. It was surprising to find that section there.


Did you see that on the UC application or CSU application? I helped my niece with the UC application and didn’t see it. In the past, the CSU application has asked for the California standardized testing scores (CAASPP) for placement.

From what I have read, the CSU’s are leaning towards going back the using the SAT/ACT in their application review. Now that the UC’s are permanently test blind, that my change since the CSU’s seem to follow the UC’s lead.

UC application. Because I happened to catch S22 while on that part of the app. Don’t know if CSU had it as well.

Interesting. My niece is a transfer student so maybe that is why I didn’t see it.

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Yes, I saw it too on the UC application.

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We self-reported on the application. Do you recommend sending official scores to UC and CSUs?

You do not need to send scores SAT/ACT, AP etc
 to any of the UC’s and CSU’s until the student enrolls. Do not waste the money.


My d22 has submitted pretty much all of her apps. One rolling admissions, several early action, and then the California publics. If she is still interested, she may do one regular decision in January, an academic target but a financial reach, so she may decide it is not worth it. She got her first acceptance beginning of November, so that was a relief. She should get more decisions in December and then we will have to wait until March.