Parents of the HS Class of 2022

So much getting done lately! Way to go everyone!

My kid just had one honors college essay to wrap up. He got it in today, but it was a struggle. Local tragedy has taken its toll and it’s been a tough couple of days here. I’m thankful he didn’t have much left to do at this point.


Sorry to hear there is sadness in your area, Luanne


Thank you.

@sfSTEM - I laughed at your comment on the ability to check lots of schools but then the $$ reality set in. Originally we had a somewhat short list of schools for S22 to apply to. His #1 is a bit of a reach since it’s so competitive, but he should get into his #2. We were going to do maybe 2 more CSUs and 2 UCs max. But then I started thinking about what we’d do if S22 somehow DIDN’T get into his #2 or the other schools either and he was left with just his safety school (our local CSU, but he doesn’t want to go there). And I started looking into more schools like a mad woman just to make sure he had options. So I wound up applying him to 7 CSUs and 6 UCs!!! And I’m still certain he’s going to get into his #2, totally wasting all those extra schools I added. And it’s not like he’s going to change his mind and suddenly want to go to the other ones. Sigh. I think I allowed paranoia to take hold.

I really hope the CSUs do away with the SATs/ACTs. My daughter (D24) gets very anxious about tests like that and doesn’t do as well. I am prepared to have her do Khan Academy test prep if necessary, but with all the homework and activities she does, I’d really like to take that off her plate. I was surprised when the CSUs didn’t follow the UCs immediately. Hopefully they will now.


CSUs have also suspended use of the SAT/ACT for admissions. I know UC has permanently stopped using them for admissions. But at least for our kids’ admission cycle, they’re not using them.

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So you’re doing the applications for him?

I think @s318830 was referring to paying for applications to be sent to extra schools.

The UCs and CSUs are easy to add more schools because it is the same application. For my oldest, I did the same thing and started worrying after the initial application was submitted. He felt comfortable with the schools that he chose but ultimately gave me permission to log on and pay to send his application to one more safety UC and one more safety CSU. In the end, he was right and he got into the schools that he expected but it eased my mind when I kept reading about unpredictable UC/CSU acceptances. Final count: 6 UCs, 3 CSUs, 3 private/OOS.

In my second child’s case, she ended up at a school she said she would never go to. It was her “practice application.” When acceptances came around, they offered her an amazing package - both in opportunity and financial. Between November and May, she also changed her mind about what she wanted to study. At her #1 school, she applied to the college of L&S and at the school she attended, she was in the college of engineering. When it came down to really analyzing what she would learn in the two different programs, she decided that the school she was never going to go to was the best choice for her. Final count: 5 UCs, 1 CSU, 5 privates/OOS.

My niece just applied to the UCs as a transfer. She felt comfortable that she would get into the TAG school, but her mom urged her to apply to three other UCs just in case something went wrong with TAG or she changed her mind in the next 6 mos. I think it is normal to want to hedge your bets.


@lkg4answers is correct. He did the applications. But after he submitted the CSU one I went back and added two more schools. Then with the UC app, he had done half of it and was working on his essays and I went in and checked the boxes to add 4 more schools to what he’d eventually submit.


I’m really attuned to (or perhaps provoked by) parents using “we/I” statements in the college process, since it takes away agency, accountability and ownership from the student, which is where it belongs. Appreciate the clarification.

I figured that was the case.

While my use of “I” above was just indicating that I checked the boxes for more schools than planned, I’ve decided to explain why a lot of my posts tend to include the word “we”.

My son is autistic and while he definitely did the applications himself (and wanted to), a lot of in-depth discussions have gone into which colleges he’d apply to and why. I had to guide his path for a long time and it has only been in the last year that he’s finally been ready to discuss colleges and take ownership of the process without being overwhelmed. For a long time we thought he wouldn’t be able to go to a 4-year college immediately and we’d have to send him to a CC initially in order to teach him independent living skills. But he’s thrived to an unexpected level and totally shown he’s ready for the independence of a 4-year and will do fine.

While initially I’m the one who picked the colleges he’s applying to and made sure his academic classes in HS met its minimum requirements, I did so with an in-depth knowledge of his desires and needs. He’s the one who chose his math and science classes, I was just aware of their impact within the application process.

At the beginning of the year, I was thrilled when he shifted from refusing to talk about college (emotionally not ready) to bringing up different schools he’d heard were good for Comp Sci. He finally asked me why I’d picked the Cal Polys for him. When I asked him what his priorities were for a school, I was pleased that I’d been right. He wants smaller classes and the ability to get to know his professors. He wants hands-on projects. His engineering and Comp Sci teachers also talked to him about schools that would be good for him. In the end, he chose his #1 & #2 schools. They just happened to be the same two I’d identified for him 3 years earlier.

Just telling you all of this because sometimes special needs aren’t visible on a bulletin board. Sometimes I do let the word “we” slip into my posts because I had to do a lot behind the scenes for him until recently. I really should remove the “we” at this point because regardless of how the planning went in the beginning, he has stepped up, involved himself, and made his decisions independently.


Hi parents! My D22 has applied to ten schools (9 early action, 1 rolling). Schools visited were Virginia Tech and JMU. Both great campuses! All other schools were visited virtually. He plans to major in biochemistry or biology (pre-med track). He was able to take advantage of application fee waivers for several schools in Virginia a few weeks ago. He submitted 3 out of state applications yesterday. His excitement and anxiousness is palpable. I’m excited as well! My wife and I will be empty nesters when he leaves so definitely enjoying this last year with him as much as we can.


Love hearing how excited he is! May all the colleges give results quickly!


Totally meant S22. I’m getting the hang of this.

I didn’t mean to put you in a spot where you felt you needed to defend or explain any special circumstances. I see a lot of examples of the first person being used on these boards and I have to think some parents really are overstepping. But I appreciate that there can be exigencies, which you seem to be navigating very well, btw! All the best to your son for good news in the coming weeks and months.

Yes! Most say Feb. and his birthday is mid February so hopefully he gets some great news for his birthday.


I know. And I agree with you. I see it too. I’m aware of it as I post and I try to remove “we”s as I see them because I didn’t want to give the wrong impression. I decided to lay all that out there because this is a board I’ll be hanging out on for a while and I know I’ll still slip and “we” some stuff. Or I’ll reference something from the past with an “I”. Just wanted to explain why that will happen and what it does and doesn’t mean when it does.


@cleoarc that would be a great birthday present! I hope he gets lots of acceptances and loves his chosen school. And no worries on the D22/S22 thing. I had a hard time with it at first too because I kept thinking of the number as the current age instead of graduation year. Is he done with all of his applications at this point?

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You shouldn’t feel a need to explain. There is absolutely nothing wrong with guiding your child in this process.


“We” all worked together with S16 as he applied to his colleges and “we” are all all working with D22 as she applies to her colleges. “We” talked about trade offs of urban and suburban schools, “we” talked about majors, brainstormed essay topics, reviewed essays, and walked on campus tours.

D22 (and before her S26) made her final college list, chose major, and wrote her essays to her satisfaction.

“We”, meaning my W and I, will pay the tuition :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi - On another thread, I came across “likely” letters that ae sent to applicants. Does anyone know in general if likely letters are sent for regular decisions or early action/ early decision?