Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Wooohoooo @songbirdmama !! And the search ends early for you!!

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ED1 didn’t work out for my S22. Waiting to hear from his EA now. He loved this school almost as much as his ED school but I swear the waiting is so stressful. He has one other app out, that’s it. Has little/no interest in any other schools, but now I need to force the issue.

His EA school doesn’t have a set release date, just releases in waves (every 2 weeks? They are unclear) thru the end of January. He wasn’t part of the first wave this week. It’s been a tough week.


I’m sorry to hear this, mtemmd. It’s tough to regroup in December after disappointment.



@mtemmd Sorry to hear. Disappointing but I am sure he will end up somewhere that is a great fit for him. There are still many great options that will be available to him.


So sorry for his disappointment. He will find his place! Fingers crossed that he hears good news from his EA soon!


Technically, it ends early, but it seem that we have been living this college search for YEARS! Not true, but it was all that filled D22s mind since at least February-March!


Sorry about the disappointment. I hope his EA school works out for him.


@songbirdmama Congratulations! Whew, it’s exciting to hear about “one of our own” making it to the finish line. Fingers crossed for the rest of us!


@mtemmd Oh shoot, that is such a bummer. I’m sorry. I think we’re all going to be in for some disappointments in the coming months. Hopefully though your S22 will hear positive news soon from his EA school to ease this current disappointment.


Thank you!

The waiting is so hard. Really puzzled how DW can remain so calm.

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In prior years, Rose-Hulman has been early on sending decisions. While the stated date for decisions Dec 15, a check of prior years’ EA threads shows Dec 10 as typical timing. Which is this Friday!

Alas, it may take a bit longer. On reddit, a kid asked about timing for EA decisions. Got this response:

Admissions got many more applications than previous years so I would expect closer to their announced date (usually the 12th-15th). Source: work in admissions myself.

May be a bit longer to find out. Wonder what effect the increased EA apps will have on the acceptance rate? Such an adventure!


It’s just so interesting that colleges/universities have postponed the decisions because of record number of applications. Is the population of kids born so much more for this year? Or maybe seeing that last year colleges picked many kids in EA/ED, many applying early. Even the state universities which are not test optional are receiving record number of applications. Any thoughts?

It does seem a logical outcome with (i) acceptances seeming to be tougher for so many schools; and (ii) higher acceptance rates with early admissions. Kids (and their families) adjusting accordingly.


Here’s my take:

Test optional has led to a record rise in applications and an artificial drop in acceptance rates. I say “artificial” because I don’t believe these colleges suddenly became more selective - it’s just that the denominator (# of total applications) increased.
Scared by the drop in acceptance rates, kids are “shotgunning” - applying to a larger number of colleges hoping to increase their admission chance (this is a fallacy in my opinion). This is why applications have increased at non-TO colleges as well.
Seeing that EA/ED admissions rates are typically higher than RD rates and could make up a substantial portion of the admitted class, a larger number of applicants are applying early compared to prior years.


A number of colleges have overenrollment this year because yield was hard to predict during the pandemic, which I think will lead to fewer acceptances and more waitlisting this admissions cycle so I think ED is a smart move if you are interested in these schools.


Definitely heard about over enrollment last year and I’m sure more international kids are applying . The colleges which we were considering safety/target last year are for sure high targets this year. Also many kids were able to attempt the SATs and ACTs.It was interesting that the GC told students that the colleges know which schools were open since fall last year. Not sure if that is a factor in consideration.

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Ugh, @mtemmd , sorry to hear that. Are you feeling confident about the EA school?