Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Your question is in reference to ED? Or just a general question? If ED, the colleges expect you to enroll as long as the financial package is affordable. Other colleges do consider an applicants level of interest beyond the application so showing interest in these schools could give an indication that an applicant would enroll if accepted.

In General, if you are applying to any school, the expectation is that you will enroll if admitted but colleges know most students will apply to multiple schools.

Non ED. I was curious to those schools that release admissions in trickles despite having an application deadline.

She’ll just be fine. Good or bad I believe a lot in destiny. She’ll ace in whatever she gets into.

Sorry to hear that, @LostInTheShuffle . Stanford was my older daughter’s one rejection a few years ago. I do appreciate that they go straight to rejection for the most part, and don’t drag it out with waitlist/deferral. She will definitely be fine!

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D22 received three acceptances this week with about $350,000 in merit combined. Sounds good :wink: but still doesn’t make the schools affordable (yet), we should qualify for some FA though. One of them is somewhat selective, the other two are LACs that are not very selective. At one she was invited to compete for a full ride and at the other there is more scholarship potential as well. So let the essay writing commence again. She has not visited any of the three and they are all over the country, so spring might be a busy travel time.
I was very impressed by one of the LACs, the FA packet came with the acceptance letter and cleanly explained everything.
Now she waits for the almost inevitable letdown by Tulane on Monday.


The dreaded essay writing! Best of luck to her!!

Congrats on all that so far. Big money!!

Thanks for your support, @GoodGrief16 @advitha. My D22 was certainly disappointed last night but is bouncing back and now working on her remaining essays. We also have good options in the UK, so she’ll be okay if things don’t go her way at US schools.

Good Grief - nice to see the acceptances for your daughter. Hope she has fully recovered from jaw surgery.

Advitha - best of luck with your daughter this Saturday.


There’s no way to know for sure - applicants often don’t even know until Spring.

I’m certain they have statistical models, based on historic data, projecting aggregate enrollment numbers based on the facts about the accepted students. Much like “college admissions chance” calculators


That’s true but a number of school’s historical projections were off last year and the result was overenrollment at a number of schools. At Northeastern they said normally 1 in 4 students accept their offer of admission but last year it was 1 in 3. I know Purdue, U of Tampa, U of Vermont and some of the UC schools had overenrollment issues this year.

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Yes, last year was an anomaly, and I suspect this year will be to some extent. This may lower acceptance rates and increase wait list usage a bit.


Thanks so much. Hope kids get what they deserve

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Mom270, Congratulations on the Presidential Scholarship to Delaware! Even if that is not her ED/first choice, it is great news and helps with options.


And a number of schools never or only very lightly went to their waitlist, including UC Davis, Cal Poly SLO and Michigan IIRC from CC posts. The Class of 2024 and the Class of 2025 were both somewhat anomalies, but in different ways.

The pandemic has really thrown off yield projections at a lot of colleges.


Thanks Jack. Lots of tears today as a boy from D’s school was admitted to her dream school with a lower GPA. It could have been due to choice of major or anything else but it’s hard for a kid. Waiting for another school’s decision any minute now. What a roller coaster of emotions in my house.

My son, J, is batting 3/3 with acceptances for MechE from MSU (safety), Pitt (safety) and RHIT (target), which takes the pressure off. It is good to have options.

He should hear from CWRU (target) next week, and that appears to be his top choice right now. Purdue (target) and UofM (slight reach, in-state) send notifications out by the end of January. He won’t hear from his “smallball’s chance in hell
 requires divine intervention” super reach, CMU, until April 1.


Congrats on great choices. A bunch of kids from my town attend Pitt and U of M and are very happy.

Yes, that’s rough :pensive:

Best wishes for the other schools she’s waiting to hear from.

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Mom270, It is a crazy process, and often a crap shoot. As The Lovely and Talented (aka the wife) says, “The school may have had too many people from your state, or they needed a trumpet player for the marching band, or the admissions officer who read your application hates basketball players”. And, as is often the case, she is right.


Lots of good schools there. You’re in for a nice long journey, all the way through Apr 1.