Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Is anyone else’s kid totally unimpressed with the college admission process? Thing #1, has been accepted to three schools so far. For the first two, MSU and Pitt, he read the notice, shrugged, made a sandwich, pet the dog, then sat down to crank out his homework. For the last one, RHIT (which early in the process was his top pick), we waited for a couple hours after he arrived home from school, and when he hadn’t checked the portal, my wife reminded him to let us know before dinner.


My kid has been the same. Whenever i prompt him to check the portals based on posts on CC, he does not seem too keen. He makes the point that this whole thing ends in late march with the UCs and there is no hurry to check these portals!.


Depends on the school. D22 received a mail packet from Ohio State with the admissions material Thursday. She opened it and announced that she had been accepted. It had been posted on her portal 6 days earlier. Penn State was the same - she found out when I finally printed the acceptance letter and left it on her desk.

But you can be sure she was logged into MIT’s portal at 3:14 yesterday (deferred, as expected).

I’m curious what her level of interest will be for the schools closer to a match.


Their release time was 3:14. :pie: Figures! :joy:


He is keen on CWRU, so maybe he will be more interested in their notification this coming Tuesday.


I think it’s based on schools on their mental priority list. My son had no interest in a few of the UCs but was refreshing the portals on Ivy Day and Berkeley/UCLA release day last year.


D22 is very excited about her “safety” schools. She spent much more time determining them than she has on her reaches. We determined ways she could make those experiences challenging through honors colleges, etc and she is taking every extra step in scholarships offered.

She will be plenty interested when the decisions from more selective schools roll in, but we try to emphasize fit most of all. @mammalu understands this - as I recall her son said no to UCB and yes to UC Irvine because of fit.


I’m a HUGE believer in this. Set your kid up for success, which can happen at so many different schools. I do get the attraction of the T20 type of schools. And some of those T20 may be great fits! However, there are so many great places where our kids can thrive, with the right environment for them.


100%. S21 had his list but when it came down to it and the actual acceptances came in, the soul searching, culture, location, and even dorms became factors that they never thought of prior to applying—this was why campus visits after acceptances became so important. All that said, when the number one dream school acceptance came, everything else was forgotten :slight_smile:


I discovered today that I accidentally posted DS22’s accept to the Class of 2024 board (DD is class of 2024.)

DS22 was accepted for Computer Science at SDSU.

As for excitement, there was none when he was accepted to his lowest safety in November. I’m sure there will be relief when an acceptance for CPP comes in (CPP is his #2). And I’m sure there will be a lot of emotion if an acceptance to SLO comes in. Other than that, I don’t think he cares.

[edited to remove a mistaken comment about DS getting an acceptance to SJSU.]


Congratulations. Nice to know SJSU sends acceptances this early as well. Please post in the SJSU thread as well, so other people interested can check their portals.

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Congratulations on SDSU and SJSU! I just checked SJSU for D22 it is still in progress.

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Congratulations! No acceptance for SDSU yet, nor Cal Poly SLO for my D22. She also applied to Chico (accepted already) and Sonoma, kinesiology major for all of them. I don’t think she’s too excited about any of them because she wants to go OOS, but if Cal Poly came through, we would very strongly encourage her to attend!


SDSU does a small minority of Early admissions in December and most decisions will be posted in March. Cal Poly SLO decisions start posting in Mid-late February and will continue through March. Very surprised about SJSU since historically they always post decisions in February at the earliest.


Congratulations on your D22’s admission to SJSU and SDSU.

There isn’t a results thread in SJSU yet (at least not one I saw.) I didn’t want to start one. I did post to SDSU already.

@Ally86 - yeah… love SLO. Fingers crossed!

@Gumbymom - has no one else said anything about SJSU yet?

I have not seen any decisions posted for SJSU other than your post. I have been on CC for many years and the earliest I have seen SJSU post decisions has been February. Maybe they are doing something new this year. I can start a decision thread for SJSU.


D21 just finished her 1st Quarter at SLO. We couldn’t be happier with the choice, academically, socially and financially. :grimacing:


[removed this portion of the comment because I incorrectly thought DS had gotten an acceptance at SJSU]

@sushiritto - awesome to hear! I’m glad she’s loving it. Hopefully DS will get the same chance.

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Not doubting you, but its definitely strange. Primarily because SJSU allows major changes on the application until 12/31. So, it would be weird to send out acceptances, especially for the toughest major on the books.