Parents of the HS Class of 2022

12 schools in 7 states. They are all reaches. This has been a massive amount of research and has taken much time and energy (and money :smirk: ) And if nothing works out We have to go through a completely different system in the Spring in our home country.


I guess we are the outlier here. 4 schools, 4 states. 2 acceptances so far. To me that seemed like a lot, but on here it seems like a little!


The national average is 3 to give you some perspective.


11 apps, 9 states.

2 apps were UC (a lot of work) and CalState (easy) which allowed many check the box campus selections.


Three applications or three states?

How are you planning to handle any acceptances from US semester-based schools, given that many of them start fall semester before A level results even come out?

22 applications
15 states
1 country (Japan)



And the mode is one?

S19: 15 applications in 13 states (he had no idea what he wanted in a school)
S22: 6 applications in 5 states

Got offered lots of money at many schools, but S19 picked in state flagship that offered no scholarships and it’s the perfect fit for him.

S22 loved one school enough to ED, got in, and has rescinded all other applications/declined acceptances. Hard to pass up some of the scholarship money out there, but we agreed with all financials ahead of time.

Both school selections for our kids surprised my husband and I, but this HAD to be their choice. (We approved all schools ahead of time.)


We called CMU’s admissions dept to check whether they wanted senior fall grades since they don’t send notifications until April and they would have time to consider them. Yes they do, but they sent no prompt requesting them. (Since J is pulling all As, and is taking AP Bio, AP Chem and AP Stats this year, we want CMU to see his current grades anyway.)

We then checked with the HS GC and registrar about whether they planned to send them automatically, and no, they did not. We need to go onto Parchment and request that they be sent to schools via the common app.

Moral of the story: the student is responsible for the entire application process, and they should assume that nothing is happening unless they follow-up or confirm completion.


10 schools, 5 states here.

I’ve started looking at academic calendars for all 10 schools, and am surprised by how short Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks are at some of them. Like UCLA and UCSD only give a Monday & Tuesday off for spring break 2023. That seems a little harsh.


S22’s high school has a different approach on mid-year grades. It’s an opt-out policy:

Please email me by today if you do not want me to send your senior grades to colleges. Otherwise, I will begin sending your midyear transcripts to colleges you’ve applied to on SCOIR tomorrow.


I’ll have to have him check about mid year. We don’t have quarter grades at all and the semester won’t end until Jan 28. It’ll be mid Feb before anything is sent.


Not sure. The mean is 3 point something but I just rounded.

S22 applied to four universities in four states. He as admitted to all four. He received his first semester grades, 4 A’s and 2 B’s (in HL IB Physics and HL IB Mathematics A&A). We attended the Capstone Scholars event at the University of Alabama over the weekend. Afterwards, he withdrew his housing applications at Iowa State and Texas A&M. He never followed up on the Arizona State admission. He has decided to go to Alabama and has been admitted into the STEM path to MBA program and is waiting on Randall Research Scholars. As a likely NMF, he is quite happy with his decision. RTR.


Question for y’all — when do you decline admission and let schools know you will be going elsewhere? D22 has been accepted to 3 LACs and waiting on two in-state publics safeties. She has decided to go to one of the LACs. Should we immediately let all the other schools know, or do you hang on a bit just in case? Not ED.

If she isn’t going to compare the schools further (e.g. by attending the schools’ admitted student days/events), I’d let the other schools know her decision.


Lot of the advice on this forum was to hold on. Things can change between now and May.


We have already let other schools know. Who knows it may open up a slot for someone else?