Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Glad my son isn’t the only one. I’ve asked him where his best friends got accepted, and he has no idea. They never talk about it. I’ve learned all my info on their parents facebook pages, but none from him.


My son and his friends don’t spend much time talking about college acceptances - and they didn’t really talk much about where they were applying either. S22 was definitely turned off the topic by a few kids in his AP classes who spent a lot of time talking about college/their gpa/SAT scores etc in ways he didn’t like (a lot of bragging and putting down other students).


@Scrapgirl3 this is so so true for us as well!


In D22’s class, no one would discuss where they were applying at all (considered invasive and rude to ask, even among closest friends), but about half the class of 60 girls applied ED and all those acceptances were immediately posted on Snapchat as a story, so we know where they are going. That list, though, is T50 heavy for sure, so there is an element of bragging rights (Off the top of my head, Brown, Harvard, MIT, Penn (3), Swarthmore, Berkley, UVa, Williams, Cornell, Middlebury, Colgate, NYU, Emory,…) Several of these were athletic recruits, and there was some grousing that they would not have been accepted on academic merits alone, which is probably true, but that is they way the game is played…

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So …what schools are coming out this week? Wish they all would, lol!

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What amazing EA/ED results—3 to Penn alone in a class of 60? Amazing. Much congratulations to all!


Pi Day = MIT today

I usually LOVE “pie” day and normally make a pie, but I’m too anxious, so I purchased son’s favorite chocolate cake, and wrote

on it.

I flip between:

  • calmness, because I’m pretty sure it’s a rejection (I’m a math major, and know that 1.9% acceptance rate is beyond low, so do not expect anything but a rejection), to
  • a little hope (since it’s his #1 choice: checks off a lot of boxes along with financial aid)
  • and back to: hey, wake up to reality, and just eat some good chocolate cake

S22 was accepted to MIT.


It’s such a roller coaster! I wish you the BEST of luck!!! :pie: At least you get to eat cake :cake:


Hoping UCLA comes out this week…but they have a lot on their plate with high app numbers, the Berkeley fiasco that’ll affect their yield, and changing targets for IS/OOS. Still…maybe March 18? What do others think?


UCLA has been consistent with the 3d Friday of March in their decisions even if they have not officially confirmed the date.


Nice discussions.
YES, its very normal to witness jealous behavior from other students & parents over admissions. Doesn’t matter if the kid is higher achieving or not.

But end of the this month, everyone will have their own list of colleges to choose from.


Case Western is Saturday. My son was deferred back in December, so waiting on that one.

I still don’t think he has a great idea of where he wants to be in the fall.


Harvey Mudd on this Thursday at 6pm. I can’t wait, just to know one way or the other. All the other RDs for D won’t be until end of the month, but they’re such reaches for anyone that it’s hard to get too mentally invested in them. Not that Harvey Mudd isn’t a reach, it definitely is, but the decision is coming out this week so one way or another, another college acceptance/rejection will be known, and there’s a certain relief associated with that. Gotta say, I’m glad we’re only going through this once.


Wait…was there an announcement? I thought they had previously just stated by Apr 1st.

Yes, it was announced on their blog on March 11, so it’s a very recent change.

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I almost forgot S22 applied there. He very strongly considered ED but after a candid conversation on finances, he switched to RD and hasn’t spoken about the school since.


Definitely normal and definitely nothing new, right? When I was that age I found myself on both sides — terribly jealous and upset that a friend got in to UW while I was rejected, even though we had the exact same scores, GPA, classes and ECs and were the only 2 kids from our large HS who applied OOS. But she was a 3rd generation legacy of wealthy donors and I was sure that was what made the difference. It was my dream school and wasn’t hers, but she did attend. I was sad about it for quite a while but ended up loving where I landed. On the other side, when I was a senior in college, after struggling in my graphic design program for 2 years, I won student portfolio of the year at Seattle’s AIGA competition. My hot-shot classmates were very clear they didn’t think I deserved it. It’s human nature to envy, but hopefully most of us can swallow it and show grace!


On the topic of jealousy and unreasonable expectations, my step sister’s son is applying to a bunch of the same schools as my son. She hasn’t done any research on exactly what different schools are looking for. She pushed both of her kids into as many AP classes as possible and both kids did well. But she thinks that’s all it takes and any school that doesn’t accept her kids is accepting more minorities with lower scores (trust me, I do NOT agree with that sentiment). I like the kid, so I hope he gets the school he wants, but I’m glad I don’t spend time with my SS because I would argue that one pretty vehemently.


It does not surprise me. If she only knew that those minorities kids have outstanding stats as well. The competition is rough.


Yes. That’s part of what pisses me off. Don’t get me started on the topic of “affirmative action” when it has been proven (in documents Harvard was required to submit to the court in a lawsuit) that 43% of white students admitted to Harvard are in the ALDC category (athletes, legacy, typically donors’ kids, or related to staff) and 75% of that category wouldn’t have made it on merit. So more spots are being taken from high-stat minority students than the other way around. Frustrating to hear my SS spewing crap she knows nothing about. Besides, the UC and CSU schools don’t do admissions on race. They do add points in different ways to increase the odds for some demonstrably disadvantaged students, but it’s not like “her son’s spot” went to someone undeserving. It’s a frustrating conversation to have with her. Luckily I haven’t seen her in a while. I just hear snippets from my dad about her conversations with her mother. When her son couldn’t check any of the boxes for the special programs/parents with no more than a high school diploma/etc., she started moaning that her son was being disadvantaged.