Parents of the HS Class of 2022

It’s a typical go to phrase “I did not get in because of _____” It is easy to say that than to realize that universities select based on their priorities!


Wow that’s an awesome cake, too!!! :chocolate_bar: Enjoy!


Williams is 3/18Friday evening


Seemingly big merit for my daughter there too, but the costs were so high that it made Muhlenberg one of the more expensive schools!

I would not say it’s absolutely final here, but definitely getting there. Daughter has been talking to potential roommates for a bit now.

Fantastic!!! That’s a big one! :slight_smile:

Making appointments by phone is a big one too, haha. And seriously, two different places asked me to fax something this week. My daughter will definitely panic if faced with that task. :slight_smile:

We have talked about my UW daughter, but here’s another similarity…her final two were UW and Bryn Mawr, very different schools! And the distant third school was Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, which is another completely different option. For her, it came down to opportunities for her major in the end. There were some other advantages to UW, ease of travel to it being one.

That’s just not an issue in our area at all, for better or for worse. Kids aren’t focused on competitive admissions for the most part.



@s318830 Thanks for being totally aware of the admissions process and also being an ally to minorities in the event you have to deal with her!


@GoodGrief16 I hear you on Muhlenburg. We’re full pay and balked at the $72K/year letter we received today. If we’re going to pay that much per year, he’d rather go to Rollins College in sunny Florida than Allentown, PA.


Yikes 72K! I grew up in Doylestown and knew kids that went there 30 years ago for nothing… no way for Allentown!

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It seems like the kids are usually just repeating what they hear from their parents who struggle to admit their kid was not as qualified as other kids who applied and grasp at one off and anecdotal stats or situations….same folks who call coaches about a kids playing time or teachers about a grade instead of being honest with their kid that they we were not as good or qualified as others. Not succeeding is a great experience for them


Actually I think this attitude is why so many people get upset because they know that other people will judge and think their kid didn’t measure up. Truth is it is not always that another applicant was more qualified but a case of two many qualified applicants for the number of seats. There is a lot more that goes into a holistic review that just stats and frankly it’s pretty subjective. Money plays a huge role and full pay is a hook almost everywhere. I think people get upset because they assume if their kid has the stats they should be accepted but in reality many many kids have the stats, ECs etc Perception, status, bragging rights as well as wanting their kid to get the best start all add to the stress.


Ours got down to about $37k with scholarships, so a definite possibility. But, yes, 72K would be out of the question for us too!

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I brought this same point up on another thread and was just lambasted for it, so much so that I started to doubt myself and the research put into the college search/admissions process, so glad to see others with a similar point of view.

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I’ve started posting my son’s rejection and waitlist results to the various college threads. I think that’s just as important as the acceptances, but most people only post the acceptances. without the rejection information, people can get the wrong idea that because they saw someone with their kid’s stats get in that their child will be accepted too. And as we know… that’s often not the case.



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I could not help but admire the picture of your dog. Looks like mine when he was a baby

You needed to post that acceptance as its own comment! Updating your original post buries the lead!

Congratulations on your son’s acceptance to MIT!!!


She was one of two Goldens I had when I first got married. I have had many Golden’s since and just love the breed. Now back to the Class of 2022.


Here’s a pic of mine. Sorry to derail the thread, I am a sucker for Goldens.



Love it! Great stress reliever. A great break from college admissions.