Parents of the HS Class of 2022

@Villalona: Here is my current Golden/Husky Mix.



Beautiful dog!!!

Dogs? Now THIS is my kind of thread! Dogs are my favorite! :dog::two_hearts:


Dogs are the best!!

We need the stress relief around here. D22 was notified yesterday that she was accepted into the honors college at a school where she has not yet received her decision. They are mailing the decision, and mail does not reach southeast Alaska quickly. And yes, the honors college offer came via email.


No one works harder than @Gumbymom during admissions announcement timing :joy:


Iā€™ve done the same and agree itā€™s important info for the following yearsā€™ students (and parents!) too.


YES!! Even from my own DD- and I had tried to prepare her that these admissions are opaque and it doesnā€™t mean anything nefarious is going on --a lot of time kids who may seem ā€œstupidā€ in class are actually smart as they are letting the teacher know they donā€™t understand the concepts and get their questions answered and then improve their grades which they may not be sharing with her!


When my oldest attended college, a friend got into Berkeley and many classmates felt he didnā€™t deserve it (ex. gamed the system by taking easy classes for a higher GPA). While at Berkeley, he applied to and was admitted into a very competitive joint program at Haas. He thrived at Berkeley and graduated with honors. Obviously he belonged there.


Thatā€™s also so important.


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Oh my, things are getting so exciting! Iā€™ve been following all of S22ā€™s schools on CC and usually there isnā€™t anything going on or just a post or two all week but some of them are just blowing up! I have to log out now or I will just keep compulsively clicking from one page to another to see whatā€™s happening. There seem to be new posts every couple of minutes. And one school that I didnā€™t realize was releasing today is rolling out at this very moment !!
:smile: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sweat_smile: :grimacing: (Exactly all the emotions Iā€™m feeling right now. I love emojis!)


Muhlenberg was an interesting application process. We never did get to visit (there was one planned that got cancelled last minute due to illness), but my daughter was interested because of the size and location. The numbers we could find seemed to indicate that it was not very selective. We were surprised by the big push (indicated in multiple e mails) to go ED. Maybe there is more money available for the ED kids, otherwise it was tough to see an advantage in going that route at that school. They also asked for an interview, My daughter ended up accepted into what sounds like a somewhat selective honors program there, and Iā€™m not sure why. Her GPA is excellent, but test scores are just okay, and her geographic location is her only hook, really. I think if they had offered an earlier decision apart from ED, she would have been more interested. By the time the March decision rolled around, her heart was elsewhere.

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Your Golden looks just like our 4 month old Polish Tatra Sheepdog! I thought it was the same breed for a second. Now I understand why we are frequently asked if ours is an ā€œEnglish Creamā€


D just got her third waitlist of the week! UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, and Skidmore. Seems strange that she hasnā€™t received any rejections yet, but the waitlists are piling up!

Had to edit to add that she just got waitlisted at Northeastern too. What a week!


Daughter got in northeastern. Deanā€™s scholarship


Thatā€™s a crazy list of waitlisted school! I hope she isnā€™t too disappointed by it.

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It was the visit that drew my DD to Muhlenberg. The people, presentations and facilities were fantastic and the campus charming. Then, she met with music and theatre professors for scholarship apps, and they were very impressive.Iā€™m not sure that it would have stayed on her radar if she hadnā€™t made those connections. It wouldnā€™t be viable for us if she didnā€™t get the various scholarships either! Right now, they are in the wooing phase, inviting her to special dinners for honors and putting us up in a hotel. Weā€™ll see how the 2nd visit goes. In the meantime, UMD (our flagship) just added $6500 a year to her academic scholarship for music performance! Itā€™s nice to be wanted when the Fall looked so bleak. The ones weā€™re waiting on are the top choices, but I really hope they will be competitive financially.


Just a quick note that our son got into UMD honors program and was thrilled to attend - then spent 3 years trying to get into that music program and was denied every time. (He was all state in his instrument in high school.) If she really wants to do music and isnā€™t already in the program, keep that in mind! HTH - it was agonizing for him.


I canā€™t believe no one has asked this: what makes Kenyon the most haunted? LOL! I would love to see that spreadsheet!