Parents of the HS Class of 2022

She doesn’t seem too upset–a waitlist feels nicer than a rejection and she has been accepted into several schools already.


Mine D22 was waitlisted at Skidmore today too. :pensive:

I wonder how many are on the waitlist, and how many are likely to be admitted…

Ooh, just found it on the CDS for 2021: 2,145 offered waitlist, 1,044 accepted spot on waitlist, and 52 of those were admitted.

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Does anyone else’s kid have their first “big day” for results on Friday? Until now it’s been one school at a time for kid.


S22 has Williams and UVA decisions on Friday.


Oh, wow. I’m sorry about that. She is already in the program. She thought to go for the hardest admit up front, so she wouldn’t be in that position down the road. I will pass this on for sure. So glad your son enjoyed the honors program! Thanks for sharing your insight. Appreciate it.

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None of kid’s remaining schools gave a release date. One said by mid-March, which I thought meant March 15 but didn’t. A very long wait…I really appreciate the few schools that gave clear advance notice.


We got two UC acceptances -Riverside and Davis, and one waitlist -Santa Cruz, the one and only that she really cared about. A bit of a shock because she should have been a slam dunk there. Very sad, although I still have hopes she will come off the waitlist.

Cal Poly SLO is most likely a waitlist because we have not heard yet but she does not care.

All the remaining UCs are target or reaches, so we are bracing ourselves for a bumpy ride!

And she is getting cold feet about Oregon. We are still visiting, but it is looking less likely she will attend unless they knock her socks off.


Yes! It is looking like she will get 5 decisions late Friday afternoon!


Wow! My D is almost exactly the same, except she didn’t apply to UCSC. Davis has moved up to the top her list.


It was an interesting week here too. After getting accepted to all her EA schools, the tide finally turned this week, D22 waitlisted at Denison and American. We didn’t see American coming as her stats are high for the school and she demonstrated a lot of interest. It’s fine with me as we most likely couldn’t have afforded it anyway, but it definitely bothered her.

She was accepted to Fordham but with such little FA relative to our income that she immediately declined. COA at Fordham would have been more than double that of her other schools.


Wow, that’s a big day!

My D was waitlisted at UCSC also–I’m shocked. Luckily, it wasn’t a top choice for her. Also waiting to hear from SLO.


Sorry about the waitlisting for UCSC. It sounds like the UC is even more crazy this year!

No decisions here on Friday. He should hear by Monday for the Noblitt Scholars at Rose-Hulman. He said they told them there’s a chance the results would come Friday, but most likely Monday. It would make it affordable, so our fingers are crossed. I think he’d be ready to commit if he gets this!


And just when I thought my D22 was set on her EA first choice school that we just visited, she told me last night that she is considering our state flagship now, and is also waiting for the one reach school – and that decision doesn’t come out until maybe April 1 … AHHHHHHH, now I have to think about scheduling flights for the reach school she hasn’t seen (if she gets in), and to our state school, which she also hasn’t seen. Last minute hotels, flights … :comet: :fire:


Hopefully if she falls in love with your state flagship that sweet in state tuition should more than cover the cost of last minute flights and hotels :slight_smile:


You are NOT wrong!!! lol!!!

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Just an off-beat idea about American. It participates in NSE (National Student Exchange) which is a group of 200+ schools in N. America, mostly in the U.S. but a few in Canada and the Caribbean. Anyway, the program allows you to attend for up to a year at any of the other participating schools. The best things are 1) the credits from the other school are automatically accepted and 2) you usually pay only in-state tuition, and scholarships etc usually transfer too. So it is a great program for kids who have to stay in their home states due to cost etc. This is something that my own kids are considering because one wants to go to school in the Pacific Northwest, and the other in NYC, but logistically their best bets may be our in-state schools. Most of the schools are smaller public schools, but there are a couple dozen privates, and some flagships too.


Sending big positive vibes your way.

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