Parents of the HS Class of 2022

My S19 is a junior ME at Rose. It is a tough but excellent school. Good luck!


A couple of more decisions have rolled in: Accepted to American and waitlisted at Fordham. So weā€™re are at 3 acceptances and 2 waitlists overall.


The National Student Exchange program is probably another good option at institutions where there is a significantly higher cost to study abroad and the higher cost is serving as a deterrent. There are options like Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Quebec that would give an experience that likely is very different from a ā€œtypicalā€ American university, but the costs and financial aid remain the same as if you were on-campus.


There are enough ghost stories from Kenyon that it warrants a Ghost Tour that one can allegedly take! The most prevalent stories are based on tragic accidents where students have died (all long ago!) - a fire in Old K where 9 kids were killed in the 40ā€™s, a fraternity stunt gone awry in something like 1904, and a kid who drunkenly fell down an elevator shaft in the 70ā€™s. That said, my daughter has been at Kenyon for 3 years and has notice no paranormal activity.


Similar for S22 except he got his first rejection last night. Northeastern. It isnā€™t even near the top of his list and yet he seemed bummed after receiving acceptances to 4 so far, from schools he actually wants to attend. I guess itā€™s just hard to be jilted. I worry a little because all of the rest of his schools are reaches and I have a feeling they will all be rejections, which was expected, butā€¦I guess itā€™s like buying a lottery ticket. You can still hope and dream, even when you know the odds are totally against you, until they announce the numbers.


Exciting times! Best wishes to all ā€¦

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High tension tomorrow:
Decision Day for:

  • Amherst

  • Bowdoin

  • Carleton

  • Haverford

  • Pitzer

  • Pomona

  • Swarthmore

  • Williams

  • Johns Hopkins

  • Richmond

  • Stevens (added)

  • UCI

  • UCLA

  • UCSD

  • UGA (added)

  • UVA



Missing anyone?


Stevenā€™s :grinning:

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This year was especially tough as Northeastern needed to limit its freshmen class due to an overenrollment last year. I think there were over 90,000 applicants and a 6% RD acceptance rate so the great majority of applicants were not accepted. Sounds like he has other great options


Rejections hurt for a day and they settle down usually if the college is not something the kid cares for. We are now preparing to face UCLA (Iā€™m sure mine will be rejected, not a perfect 4.0) and other famous bayareaā€™s private school.


Parenting right now is incredibly stressful. Mine has only reaches leftā€”not including the one where she is into the honors college but still hasnā€™t heard on her programā€”and there have been two waitlists so far. Weā€™re anticipating two rejections and one utter wildcard from the rest of the month.


Also UGA

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Me too. I tried to get D22 to cut down her reach list but she wanted to just try. So grateful she has some good acceptances now, but it will still hurt when she gets one rejection after another in the comings weeks. Maybe we shouldā€™ve checked the schedule of decision days before she put in those apps! :flushed:


Well if that happens, UCLAā€™s loss will be MIT and Caltechā€™s gain! I know she has always dreamt of MIT but is she definitely going there over Caltech? It would be an incredible experience either way!


My S17 had a lot of good choices to select from when he was looking. So when we ranked each school, a lot ended up with similar scores when we just looked at rating each category 1 through 5. So, being a future physics major, he decided to set up a comparison chart on a supersized presentation 3M stickie and assigned each category a multiplier based on how important it was to him compared to the other ones. For example, Location got 2x , Scholarship/final costs got 3x in terms of importance to him, etcā€¦ down the line for all the categories. Then, doing this for all the schools, the obvious choice showed itself to be clear. (It was one that was not at the ā€œtopā€ of his list earlier in the college visits stage. So the quantifying each category really helped him make the decision and feel confident in it!) He graduated from Loyola Marymount University in 2021 :slight_smile: My D22 is waiting on her final schoolsā€™ decisions and we may end up using this strategy again if she is torn between choices!


Fortunately, we have not seen any of that. My son rolls with the Robotics Team crew, and the few seniors there are applying to the same schools (he ran into a teammate at the Purdue admitted student event). The high achievers at his high school all want to get into UofM, (we are in MI) and most of his friends are applying to strong programs in the Midwest like Purdue, UIUC, Notre Dame, etc. The kids he hangs with rib each other a lot about everything from grades to getting turned down for a date, but there is nothing genuinely petty or cruel. After hearing horror stories about some schools, we consider ourselves lucky.


Itā€™s a tough call. Iā€™ll let her decide based on how she feels after attending Disco Tech and CPW at both the campuses.


Thatā€™s brilliant! Strong abroad program - 4x; mascot - 2x; hauntedness - ?x


This was in response to your slideshow presentationā€¦I typed the reply days ago but forgot to post it ā€¦:confused:

OMG - Iā€™m envious!! You could seriously start a business doing that for other people. My mind is fried at this point; Iā€™d love someone to create that presentation for my family!!!

We toured a LOT of schools, I thought it would help narrow down the: big vs small, rural vs city, LAC vs state flagshipsā€¦nope nope nopeā€¦he liked them ALL!! Seems great in theory because he should be happy anywhere, BUT it is making the decision OVERWHELMING!!!
So far he has been admitted to 9/9, but we are waiting on the ā€œreachā€ schools at this point, I donā€™t expect too many more acceptances. Seems like the past several years have been harder & harder to get admittance to so many schools. I knew it was going to be a hard year, and I consider each acceptance a blessing. I feel bad though, because I think Iā€™ve tried so hard to set expectations a bit lower that I may have inadvertently discouraged my son a bit. It wasnā€™t that I didnt think he was a great candidate , or that he wasnā€™t valuable enough for a particular school ( his take on my warnings), I just know how competitive it is for ALL students at this point, and was hoping to buffer disappointment just a tadā€¦sigh.
Reality is - there are 4,000+ mostly great schools in the US, almost all have something great to offer any student that takes the time to make the most out of their opportunity. As long as you are happy, you can get a great education at the VAST majority of these schools. Names, rankings, and pretty campuses aside, it comes down to happiness (and affordability- so you can be happy later in life also :wink: ).

Now I am going to try to take everyoneā€™s great lists & ideas, and try to pare down this list a bit!!

Good Luck to all!


We are in the same boat. Next couple of weeks are going to be rough!