Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Wow. What is your son’s story? that’s a lot of top options!


D had an great run this admission year.

Awarded Richmond Scholars (full ride with stipend) to University of Richmond
Accepted at:
GW-full merit aid package, honors program
John’s Hopkins
UMD-Fire Program
American-Full merit aid package
Vermont-Honors College, Full merit aid package


Awarded a Stamps Scholarship (full ride with enrichment scholarship) to Northeastern

Waitlisted to Georgetown

May 1 is coming fast.


Superb results — congratulations!! Is there a front runner?

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Richmond and Northeastern. Hard to pass up a completely free full ride. Honored with the Ivy, but my gut is she’ll pursue that for a secondary degree.
Wants to study abroad, so how that plays into their packages could be the deciding factor.


Oh, I adore the cherry blossoms. For my oldest’s UW admit day, we flew red eye from Alaska, arrived at 7 AM, took the train in. Attended the event, and flew home that evening. I am sort of surprised she had a positive impression at all, lol. Good luck on the decision making! Your guy has great options.

That’s an interesting observation. My (definitely introverted) daughter graduated almost 5 years ago now, but there was definitely a significant mental health issue at UW. I can’t imagine that it is any better now post-pandemic. My daughter was one that struggled, and the right care was hard to come by on campus.

Woohoo, that is great news!! One of my olders came very close to going to Dartmouth and I love that campus!!

My D16 graduated from Princeton and it was one of her cheapest options too. Under $10K/year for us, and we typically don’t qualify for need-based aid past a loan anywhere. If your son is interested in another school though, show them the Princeton offer. Dartmouth was willing to match my daughter’s Princeton offer, and I suspect a few of the schools on his list would do so. Princeton is a fantastic place to go to school though :slight_smile:

Enjoying reading everyone’s rundown as we close out the season! I will post ours later, though it is perhaps less interesting than some here!


D was only accepted to her safety’s. Lots of disappointment and regret in how she approached this process and given what she knows now, would have done things differently. We and her counselor think she did a fantastic job. Counselor and teachers are all shocked at the results.
Anyway, she’s going to enroll in a state school but is already creating her pathway to transferring into a better option. Her dream was UPenn or Brown. I know she’s just trying to figure things out right now but anyone else have kids planning this pathway? Thoughts on transfer success to the ivy’s or t20 schools? It seems like it may not be any “easier” and not sure how realistic that will be. She “technically” met all the requirements on paper this year.


D did not get full ride with UO Stamps because she is OOS, but she too will have difficulty turning down that offer. Stamps scholars across the nation recently participated in a virtual chat and my daughter was so happy talking to those engaged kids! Very special, and UO has been absolutely remarkable. Very tough choices for her.


Generally there aren’t a lot of spots. I think she will have an easier path if she starts preparing for grad school at a top school.


Hugs, receiving results is so very hard, especially in the context of your child’s impeccable achievements, efforts, and personal growth. When you have a high achieving kid, it’s not easy to think about safeties.

Know that you are not alone in regrets. This happens to so many/most of us and it’s relative. Maybe the framing does help? I have a healthy dose of negativity bias but when I take a step back, even looking at what could have been, I am still really proud of my kid. I want him to feel that.

I’m sure transferring is a real option, and I know you’re looking for actual feedback on this. In the meantime, the admitted student days are great. AND- My son’s safety sent a lovely, personal email today, referencing his essay. It left me thinking, he needs to go there.


No woke schools want kiddo - fine with us!

36 ACT, 1580 SAT, 4.0, HADES, multiple EC’s, Junior USGA ranking, expert in Olympic Development Team, Recruited, multiple leadership positions at boarding school, medical research with major hospital, international volunteer for NGO, 4 languages, founder of non-profit, published author, not first-gen, White…. Told by Williams AO the following “Your application will reek of privilege”. Another school balked at being on OPD for a non-woke sport…Yep….bye…and thanks for letting us know how much you hate the school, also. BTW…honest….No Ivies but really happy with Dream School where kiddo will not have to duck-tape mouth shut in class or when playing golf.


D22 waitlisted at Cornell today. Final decision for her. She will accept her spot on the waitlist but will be happy to choose from the acceptances she has already! Crazy year of admissions that’s for sure! My daughter ended with 9 acceptances, 7 waitlists and 4 rejections. She applied to so many knowing it would be a crapshoot this year and that’s exactly what it was!


Congratulations to your son on his admission to his dream school. I’m sorry to hear about the message from the Williams AO. Was this communicated directly to your son by the AO?


Thank you for calling this wave out for exactly what it is. The once great schools are doomed now that they’ve decided to crucify meritocracy. So be it. Best of luck to your son! :trophy:


Congratulations to everyone on your children’s acceptances! It’s been exciting to read about where they’re headed this fall. (Sorry to hear about students who had disappointing results.)

Unfortunately, my D did not get into any of her super reach US colleges. She understood that the odds of admission were very low and steeled herself for bad news – nonetheless, she’s disappointed at her outcomes (but she’ll bounce back). So, she’s staying in the UK, where she has several good options.

I am relieved that it’s over and we can now make plans. It’s been an interesting journey – filled with highs and lows – but a good experience overall.

Best wishes to you and your children!


I’m sorry for her disappointment. It can be a heartbreaking process. Unfortunately, transferring to an Ivy is really, really tough and I believe it is similar with other top schools.


Accepted: UConn, UMass Amherst, Syracuse, American
WL: Pitt, Fordham
Rejected: Wm & Mary, UMD

Son is satisfied with 4 good choices. Lesson learned - apply early action (or early to rolling admissions) when possible (looking at you Pitt and MD). Son has signed up for accepted students events at all of his potential schools - no clear favorite as of now. Glad to be nearing the end of the process.

Congratulations for surviving to all parents and their hard working kiddos. And, remember, where you go is not who you’ll be - success comes from all corners!


All of S22’s decisions are in. He applied for Industrial Engineering, except where noted.

Accepted with merit aid and Honors: Iowa State, Ohio State, Colorado School of Mines (Data Science), Iowa, UMass Lowell

Accepted with merit aid (but no Honors): Temple (Statistical Science), UConn (Management & Engineering for Manufacturing), WPI (Data Science)

Accepted with no merit aid and no Honors: UIUC, UMass Amherst, Pitt, Minnesota (Twin Cities), Penn State

Waitlisted: Purdue, Case Western

Denied: UW Madison

Choosing between Iowa State (4-year COA $45K), Ohio State ($150k), and UIUC ($240k).


I’ve really enjoyed following your daughters journey through the US college application process. She was a brave one to look afar. I’m sorry she won’t get a chance to come. But it sounds like her options in the UK are awesome.

Wishing you and her all the best! :hugs:


I have heard that it’s difficult to transfer into Ivy’s. But in the past 5 years or so, I had friends kids transfer from Bates to Vanderbilt, Dartmouth to UW-Seattle, Colgate to Tufts, and Dartmouth to Colorado College. And one friend whose unhappy with his outcomes and took a gap year then reapplied and got into Bowdoin.

None of these were on S22’s list so I don’t know enough about whether they were moves “up” or moves to a different type of settings. But transferring does work in certain situations so I wouldn’t give up hope.

With your daughter’s talents and abilities I am sure she will shine wherever she ends up. And if she does t end up loving it, if she applies to transfer, hopefully they will recognize her for the star she is! :hugs:

I am so sorry. We encountered this in the early rounds, and I went through D22’s app after the rejections with some feedback that is hard for a teen to hear (“you sound like an old lady with all these cliches!”) She worked and worked and was able to yield better results in RD.

But, I think she would have been happy at our flagship. It was a while before any top choices were a Yes. For a long time, it was just the state school and a mid tier LAC. She found things to really love about both institutions and hasn’t completely ruled them out yet. Perhaps there are merits of the state school? I am so sorry for your child’s disappointment. This was an obscenely difficult admissions cycle. Hugs to her.