Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Added 4 more to the S22 waiting list on ivy day :smiley:-

Waitlisted: Duke, Columbia, Penn, Princeton
Rejected: Yale, Dartmouth, Harvard, Cornell (Rejected in ED)

He applied all with CS major in engineering school.
S22 got disappointed last night, he should be good today. Anyway he has great options already.


Transferring into an ivy can happen but itā€™s usually through special programs such as the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship program and from community colleges. Where I work, we send a student to Brown about every other year through this program.


Yesā€¦@gotham_mom. Communicated directly in front of me during a visit for a tournament there and meeting with AO. So, kiddo decided not to apply. But thatā€™s okā€¦accepted to 5 within the top 20 USNWR.


Congratulations on your sonā€™s acceptance and incredible achievements!!! He will be huge success! What is the school heā€™s going to?

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A place where the community embraces freedom of speech and emphasizes being employable after 4 years (and I donā€™t mean by Uber or Starbucks).


You can DM me for info

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Williams AO was trying to give helpful advice. Itā€™s very common for wealthy, boarding school students to have apps that read entitled and AOs not looking for that on campus. Iā€™m sure many of those kids are grounded, wonderful people and the AO was trying to say that this needs to come across in an app, especially one full of expensive ECs and experiences.

Essays and recs in this kind of case are important.


Yes - @homerdog. We were very grateful to the AO to tell us how it will go down and avoided wasting time. BTWā€¦Tons of recā€™s, ECā€™s and essays that garnered merit aid at universities. We believe the boarding school issue and certain sports would have worked against kiddo. It was also something else that was saidā€¦.akin to ā€œ your accomplishments are because of privilegeā€¦.itā€™s because you had many resourcesā€. :+1: Trueā€¦we were first gen (kids of immigrants) who went to college on scholarships, worked hard, etcā€¦but Kiddā€™s research and work experience was gained because of the strong education, as well as accessibility to higher level courses at a private school that were key in securing that. BTW - no expensive ā€œpay forā€ ECā€™sā€¦.actually has a paid job working with hands.


Letā€™s be real. Golf is expensive. Kids donā€™t get good at golf without a club membership and lots of private lessons. And traveling nationally to tournaments also not paid for by your sonā€™s job. That being said, I know a handful of golfers at NESCACs and they are not entitled at all. Maybe your sonā€™s essays or recs were an issue.

Youā€™re first gen?


Where is he leaning?

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I hope that everyone can get the point financially where they can send their kids to whatever type of school they want, play any sport they want, travel, and engage in whatever ECs they value. And when they do, Iā€™m not going to call them ā€œentitledā€ or hold their success against them.

Most people agree that people should not be judged - until it comes to successful people it seemsā€¦ā€¦


It may be more about kindness than success, perhaps? The term ā€œwokeā€ being used in a derogatory way and implying that a white male privileged voice might be ā€œduct tapedā€ when people of color have literally been bound and gagged in this country is all quite unkind, according to my ā€œwokeā€ heart.


I think he is leaning towards Georgia Tech CS considering the location/weather.
He was ready to tolerate the ā€œweatherā€ for ivy school. :smiley:


Do you have an incoming blue jay?!?! If so, well done as JHU seems to be almost solo in holding on the last vestiges of meritocracy! :trophy:


Wishing him all the best and he can buy a getaway home one day in ā€œivyā€ weather! :blue_heart:


I do, and weā€™re very proud of her. D22 canā€™t wait to start. She just left on a 4 day trip to Mexico hosted by her HS Spanish teacher. They are helping at a small church school.


What a privilege and I mean the good type!!:grinning:


We will be there next month for graduation! Hoping for a bright sunshiny day!:blush:

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Personally I think the words ā€œwokeā€ and ā€œentitledā€ should both be retired. Evaluate people on their character. You can come from a wealthy background with all kinds of access and be well anchored.

I might have had the same reaction to what the AO said.


Thats nice, good luck to the Grad!! :mortar_board:

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